August 16, 2022
Last night I had a very interesting dream. Oddly enough before we went to bed Oliver and I took the dog out for a pee. We always enjoy looking up at the sky and naming any planets we can see. Tonight I noticed a new planet shining in the sky. For a moment I thought it might be the International Space Station because the shape looked like a top. Unlike any planet this object was moving slowly. Its movement seemed odd in that it was moving sideways as if being blown by wind instead of a straight line. It seems to change direction slightly. Its path was that of an L shape as if the wind suddenly stopped blowing. I stood there and told my son Oliver that it might be a space ship. Its position was directly overhead. I thought they must know we are tracking it. It soon drifted out of sight.
So in this night’s dream I am on vacation. I am staying in a room at a hotel. There is a great deal of activity at the hotel. Possibly a conference of sorts. My laptop has a CD in it that someone left behind for me. It contains personal pictures. Was it an accident they left this behind or did they intend for me to see their private pictures? I am captivated by the content of the images but I don’t have time to look at them all because I need to get ready to check out of the hotel. My room door is open and apparently people have wondered into my room. Looking at who is in my room I can see some are not human. These are aliens. I immediately become lucid and aware that I am dreaming. I try to determine if I am actually dreaming or if I have been transported onto some spaceship during my sleep. Is this my chance to actually come face to face with aliens?
Both the aliens and people seem all up in my business. I’m being pawed at from all sides by everyone. I want to collect my things so nothing of mine is lost or left behind. I also need to go to the bathroom to pee. I pass by my laptop on the way to the restroom and hear a voice say, “You are so cute.” The voice is coming from the cam on the laptop. Has someone hacked my laptop and are viewing me through my camera?
Needing to pee I wake up and head to the bathroom. Once done I lay back down and immediately reenter the dream. I am amazed at the clarity with which I can see everyone. Unlike normal dreams this one seemed to be extremely real and I am fully lucid because I just came from the bathroom. Those here continue pulling on me trying to get my attention I pull away trying to resist their advances. They will not leave me alone. I need time to study my surroundings. I then decide to make some unscripted changes to throw them off. I move in one direction and then move to another direction then back. The dream seems to not have expected my movements because now I am seeing double and triple of the same thing as if multiple dreams are now playing out at the same time.
My attention latches on to one of the persons present. To know this person is to know myself better. I want to know who he is and why they are so close to me invading my private space. I reach over to him and grab him. I am making considerable conscious effort to grab him that I begin to wake up. I decide to give it one last forceful effort to reach for him and pull him toward me. In that moment I woke up and my arms were holding my son Oliver in bed. It was Oliver I was reaching for.