Game of Hide and Seek

March 25, 2019

Last night’s dream was filled with very cool greater than life visuals. In the dream, I am on a spaceship although it is not until later in the dream where I discover the ship can fly and is actually a spaceship. At first, I am simply aware I am on a ship; a large vessel with many decks for various purposes. We are on a mission in a foreign world. The adversaries or targets of interest are not really adversaries simply a group of people from whom we would like to acquire more information. It feels like a practice game to prepare for survival among an enemy. I know this because both groups of people are on the same ship and the ship is mine. I appear to be intimately familiar with it except since I am in an altered state some of the memories need to be retrieved. At times, I simply have to go with my gut feeling.

We are working in teams. I’ve also played this Hide and Seek game before. There is a cloaking mechanism we use to hide from the adversary. It seems to be based on an inter-dimensional shift. I can tell because the ethers vibrate causing a kaleidoscope of color which makes the embers glow. It looks like smoke or fog with an opaque obscurity which helps conceal. There is something about my eyes where people can easily detect my presence. My eyes seem to be projecting images onto a movie screen. At this point, I open my eyes because I had to go to the bathroom. I open them slowly because I wasn’t quite sure which eyes would open, my waking eyes or my dream eyes. I didn’t want to give away my position in the hide and seek game. As I opened my eyes I peered out into my bedroom to try to determine where I am. My bedroom was glowing filled with etheric embers. Both worlds were super imposed on one another. I lift my comforter slightly to allow myself to slip out of bed unnoticed. The embers within the dream also glowed a golden color. One of my team members came over to remind me he could see my eyes. This was expected but yet not expected because after all I was awake and getting up out of bed and this person is not from my waking world.

I took it as a nod, I can take my pee break and return to bed. Upon returning to bed I immediately fell back into the dream. I can see the space ship has detached. The space ship has an upper deck and a lower deck and like the saucer on the enterprise it can detach from its’ base. The base is the part where most of the power is stored so to fly fast it needs to be returned to it’s base. I am worried it will not be reunited with it’s base. As the top zooms off in the distance, I see moments later the base zoom by at twice the speed to catch up to the top. As it readies to reunite with the top I am shown how the reunification process works. The top fits on the bottom like a lid fits on a saucepan. There are guard rails along the rim which guides the lid into place.

Once they reunite, I find myself on the ship once again. The training is over and now I am visiting with a little girl. She has found my mothers iPad which I still have after her passing away. The little girl seems to be intrigued by the iPad. Since I don’t have use for it anymore I offer it to the little girl. She swipes the screen and it illuminates revealing a picture background which reminds me I should wipe the data clean so she can put her own stuff on there.