Thursday October 5, 2023
In last night’s dream, I am trying to flee someone who is pursuing me. It somehow feels like an exercise as if this is part of a training program. I am usually very good at moving with great speed in my dreams and have the ability to soar to great heights. However at times, I struggle to muster up these dream abilities. Tonight was one of them. I am fleeing from my pursuer. My power to flee comes in bursts of energy but each time, I am unable to fully evade my pursuer. I am tired and just want to sleep. I wish they would leave me alone. This goes on for what seems like an endless array of attempts. At one point, my mentor places the palm of his hand on my forehead and asks me to try again. The feeling of his palm on my forehead fills me with a great sense of love, hope and warmth. A part of me feels like giving up already and to simply confront whatever is pursuing me. I give it one more attempt and with great power and speed we are thrusted off as if I just pushed off the edge of a pool on my back with my legs pushing me away from my pursuer. I still am unable to get very far from my pursuer. When my body stops moving, I stand there resolved to figure this out. A light suddenly shines from within me bright red. I instantly recall, I have the ability to summon light from within me. I have a rainbow of colors to call forth. This is how I will respond.
~~ The dream ends there.
Something unbelievably strange happened to me this morning and I will share it along with this dream as I somehow feel they relate to each other. We have a block party on my street every year around the end of October or first week of November depending on the weather forecast. At night, the neighbors sit in the middle of the street around a several firepits listening to music and telling stories. It’s a great opportunity to connect with neighbors. Each year I burn sage in the firepits that I grow in my garden. I do it to protect the neighborhood. I offer up blessings as I sit there meditating on flames.

Yesterday was the day I made my sage clippings. To dry them, I roll them up in a magazine and leave them outside in the sun to dry. This year, I didn’t have a magazine, so I used some pink construction paper off a large roll I have. Its the type of roll you buy to protect your floors during painting projects. I cut two long 12 in strips and placed the sage clipping in them. I made two rolls and secured them together with a rubber band. I placed the two rolls rubber banded tightly together on the hood of my car in my backyard. I figured it could serve to bless and protect my car and the hood provided extra warmth for them to dry exposed to direct sunlight.

The next morning therefore this morning when I drove my son to school, I completely forgot to take the rolled-up sage off the hood of my car. We pulled out and drove off. Today is Thursday. Trash pickup is Wednesday. As I drove through the alley, I remarked on the sloppy job the trash collectors did. There was trash laying around on the ground in several places. I rounded the corner in the alley, and I could see 40 feet or so in front of me (near the 15 mile /hour speed marker) pink construction paper. I recognized it as being similar to my pink construction paper but why would my trash end up way over here. I assumed maybe someone just happened to have paper like mine.

I continued and drove Oliver to school to drop him off. Upon returning to my house as I pulled in the alley and got off my car to open my gate, I saw another piece of pink construction paper in the near distance before you round the corner and not quite as far as the original piece of paper I saw earlier. At that point, it was obvious to me what had happened. I forgot to remove the sage from the hood of my car. I parked my car and immediately walked the 40 or so feet up to retrieve my sage. One of the rolled sages was scattered on the ground along with the paper. Wanting to retrieve all my sage which I needed for the firepit, I continued walking to examine the other piece of pink construction paper I had seen. It was undeniably mine and in fact contained my sage. (This picture is from the point at which I noticed the pink construction paper in the distance near the speed limit sign.)
So, the mystery is how is it possible for me to see my sage on the ground no less than 40 feet in front of me if my car had not yet arrived at that position? Simply impossible. Someone would have had to have come into my yard picked up the rolled sage off the hood of my car and distributed in two places in the alley. This would be extremely unlikely a near impossibility. So, what came first, the sage or my car?
Has something like this ever happened to me before??? Well … you wouldn’t believe it but YES. I’ve told this story to family and friends before but have never written about it. It is one of those things I simply cannot explain how it happened. The event occurred in this same alley behind my house. It was the day after I had moved into my house. My old landlord had lent me his station wagon to move some final items from my old house to the new one. My mother was with me in the car. We pulled up in the alley and paused the car right in back of my house. I was just going to quickly drop off the items entering through the back door. For a moment, I sat there sitting in the car talking to my mother when all of the sudden a car came racing through the alley. It was being pursued by the police. The alley only has room for one car with a small amount of space on either side to barely open your car door. The speeding car came racing through the alley and turned and came barreling at us head on. Miraculously it went “around us” where there is physically no room to accommodate a second car. The car sped past us or possibly through us causing only damage to the cars side view mirror on the driver’s side. There was not even a scratch on the car. The police that came in pursuit of the speeding car saw us parked there and instead of coming at us turned and went in the other direction. They alley in back of my house has a Y configuration.

My yard is the one with the indented fence line. My car is stopped behind my neighbor’s yard. This is generally where I stop to make my turn into my yard. I also did not have a fence at the time of the incident however both my neighbors did and are the same one currently there. No damage was done to either of my neighbor’s fences. One of my neighbors also has a tree box that butts up against the alley. A car attempting to go around my car would have to have turned into and out of my yard within the 20 feet that is my property line and still manage to go past me.
Time seems to be out of order. What happened first? I cannot help but wonder, did the sage I dropped today protect me and my mom from a head on collision 25 years ago? If we had not paused to sit in the car for a minute to talk, would we have been run over? Did I die that day and am I living in an alternate reality? Is retro causality possible?