The Day Time Stood Still

March 29, 2019

Last night’s dream was so power packed and full of excitement. In the dream I am making room in my house to accommodate two new roommates. Each roommate is expecting to get a room and a closet for storage. As I walk around the house, I assign the rooms and closets to each roommate. I wonder if I will have enough space for myself. In the process of walking through my house, I take in my inventory what I have available at my disposal to share with others and those things I can re-purpose for new uses. I also take in areas and functions of the house I had long forgotten about. One such area is the shed outside. It has four bowling lanes covered with AstroTurf. They appear to have a multipurpose use. Currently my trash is set out beside the shed. I can assign each roommate one of the bowling lanes which they can possibly use to store additional items like a bike or outdoor equipment. I am relieved to discover all the extra uses for the space.

In the area of the shed, I discover several discs possibly 2 or 3. They are metallic flat discs with a highly polished surface. When you look at them from a certain angle they become hyper-dimensional allowing me to see into them. There is a whirlpool vortex of water on the ocean within the disc. The cyclone becomes more forceful and more powerful the more I stare into it. I can feel the water start to splash off the disc and into my dream dimension. I suddenly realize the purpose of the disc. I raise my hand to the disc allowing my hand chakra to connect with the energy of the spin. As it connects with my chakra, I suddenly see rivers like veins of iridescent green liquid. Every so often a green ball travels down the river like an Easter Egg. I somehow know this is what gives superheroes their strength much like Kryptonite. It also has the power to keep you young.

Knowing I have to focus on my responsibilities toward my roommates, I continue my inventory. My two new roommates are with me. I explain where things are situated in the house and what they are allowed to have access to. One of my roommates becomes very intrigued by the disc which I’ve set back down. I suddenly remember I have a picture of the disc on my phone. I wonder if I am able to activate the disc from my phone which would eliminate the need to carry it around to access its power. I am also worried someone else might steal its power from me or have it fall into the wrong hands or simply misplace it.

I pull up the image on my phone and place my hand over it as I did earlier. Immediately the disc is activated. Time is at a stand still. People around me are stopped in their tracks as the green rivers advance locking everything in place. Things are renewed and rejuvenated. The rains start to pour down. I can see flooding along my front door. I return the phone to my pocket allowing the rain to stop and the green rivers to recede. Everything goes back to normal. No one is even aware time stood still.