Peep Stamps 30 Cents

Children Peeping

January 26, 2019

In this dream I am with someone and I invite him to have lunch with me at my old job.  As I approach the glass door to enter the building it occurs to me I no longer work here.  I wonder if the access code still works for the door and if they would know I entered the building.  I try the code and to my surprise the door opens.  I walk in but worry about inner access restrictions.  I decide to offer him an alternate place to eat across the street at International Square.

We sit down to eat and after we are done I escort him to the metro but he tells me he does not have a metro card.  I take him to a vending machine which sells postage stamps.  He places his money in the machine and pulls the lever for a stamp.  The stamp is returned by the vending machine.  It is reads 30 cents.  Unsure if this is sufficient to ride the metro, I suggest he try his luck with it.  He appears willing to do so.

The cat woke me up so I took advantage of the moment to take a pee break.  Upon returning I closed my eyes and immediately had a vision.  I am seeing 4 children around the age of 7.  All are lined up facing me stooping slightly as if to peer into my life.  My attention immediately awakens to the thought one of these young peeps might be OB and if one is OB then the others must be the MBs who are on ice.  The first child comes in for a closer look.  He has light straight light brown hair with his bangs touching his eye browse.  I can see him clear as day.  My heart warms with the thought of OB.

A Ticket to Ride: Interstellar

Scene from Interstellar.

January 14, 2019

Last night’s dream was very sexually charged as I felt an incredible amount of energy emanating from my root chakra.  In the dream someone offers me a credit card.  He says with this card I can charge $15 dollars a month for the rest of my life.  Many people around me take a card from him.  He suggests as our first purchase we use the card to buy a ticket for a seat on his airplane.  I proceed to buy a ticket but something doesn’t sit well with me.  My conscience doesn’t allow me to buy a ticket using this credit card that I have no idea where it came from or who is paying for it.  I decide instead to purchase the ticket with my own credit card. I am given a seat along with everyone else who bought tickets.  The authorities come to arrest those who used the fraudulent cards.  Since I purchased the ticket with my own credit card I am allowed to keep my seat.  The flight is incredible.  The seat feels like a bicycle seat that is tight in my groin area.  I can feel the energy of the ride.  It feels like pure passion.  I am sexually aroused by the vibration emanating from the seat.

The seat takes me flying to incredible heights.  It feels like an amusement park ride.  I can hear the gears and chains clanging as I move through the area.  After one ride I am allowed to decide my own course to plot.  Like a bird I spring from a seated position and take off charting my own course through and around the buildings.  The feeling is one of total elation.   I LOVE THIS!  Now fully lucid, I sit ready to ride again.  I want to examine my surroundings and determine how this experience works.  I see a stone on a wall which reminds me of scene from Indiana Jones.  Somehow I know this stone controls something.  I reach over and turn the stone.  Immediately the chains and pulleys in the matrix start moving  re-calibrating the dream.  It reminded me of the dream Interstellar when the guy is in the bookcase.  The experience is incredible.

I start to feel the need to pee but I don’t want to risk not being able to come back to this place.  Once again from my seated position I take off in flight through the matrix and around the buildings.  I move fearlessly through the many hairpin turns from incredible heights with amazing speed.  Simply incredible.

I can not hold my bladder any longer.  I look around thinking I will be right back.  I get up and run to the bathroom.  I made the mistake of turning on the lights and peeking out the window.  12 inches of snow fell last night.  I sat down to pee closing my eyes.  When done I raced out of the bathroom, turned off the lights and jumped back in bed.  10 minutes later my alarm rang.  Oh well … time to shovel snow.

He’Wanna Believe

January 8th, 2019

Last night’s was very much like the Baghdaddy dream I had the previous night in that it felt so real I was sure I was not dreaming.  Even though there are things happening that are not possible in the real world I somehow was so convinced it was in fact real.

In the dream,  I am with my MKP Brothers attending an event at a hotel.   The night is quite festive.  There is even a drag show where some guests are naked.  I want to join in the festivities because it looks like everyone is having a roaring great time.  I proceed to take off my clothes and drop them off on the bed.  The night proceeds where we are having such a good time.  I next find myself in a conga line to enter a dance hall where the drag performance is to take place.  A person is collecting tickets to enter.  I’m told since I don’t have a ticket simply pull one out of the box where she is collecting the tickets and put it back in.  I do exactly that.  The person collecting tickets waves me on into the event.

The drag show is sensational.  The colors and music and festivities are so captivating.  The energy here is simply intoxicating so much it causes me to loose track of time or whereabouts.  After a long night of party, I decide it is time to return to gather my cloths but I can’t remember where the room is or in whose name the room is registered.  My wallet, phone and identification are with my clothes.  My consciousness in a moment of full awareness floats over the city trying to pin down where the hotel room is located. My awareness returns to my body and I decide to leave the dance hall through the exit door.

The door places me in the lower level concourse of the building with no sense of direction I simply start walking toward whence I came.  I think to ask someone on the hotel staff to assist me but I don’t even know the name under which the reservation is held.  I simply walk and eventually my inner counsel guides me to the place where I laid my cloths but my cloths are no longer there.  I can see where they once laid an etheric impression of where my clothes lay.    I pick up the cell phone and notice it only has one bar and 10% power remaining.  I am going to have to find my way home on my own.

I now find myself on a street.  I decide to start walking,  any direction will do.  I come to a cull-de-sac and decide to cut through the houses assuming there is short cut between the houses.  I come to a short wall and look over the wall.  It is a manageable jump should I choose to take it.  The homes are closing in on me allowing me very little space to maneuver.  I peak over the wall once again and notice it is about 11 feet high now a much more deadly jump.  I pause and complain inwardly to the dream for changing things on me.  I am now in a tiny alleyway between the two houses pinned in with nowhere to go.  The windows and doors are now faux windows leading nowhere.  The doors don’t even open.  With no more options except to jump over the wall a door opens and in walks a young man.  He is one of the men from the drag show.  He is no longer in drag but I can still see some feminine qualities to him remaining.  I ask myself how is it that he was able to open a door.  While the door is open, I can see beyond the door at all the possibilities waiting just beyond the door.

The door closes with both of us now confined in this small space I decide we should look for things to do to make ourselves useful given we have no choice but to exist here.  The space begins expanding showing the makings of a swimming pool.  It needs cleaning and construction to bring it up to a point of swimming.  A courtyard proceeds to unfold.  There is a birdcage that now hangs from the eves of the house in which a small iguana and hamster live.  Both seem to be friendly with one another.  A small yellow finch flies into the cage.  The slats are wide enough to allow the finch to fly in and out with ease.  The bird doesn’t seem to be worried about the iguana.  They all seem to cohabitate harmoniously together.

I poke my finger in the cage to pet the yellow finch.  It allows me to pet it’s head then passes through the cage to perch on my finger.  I have completely forgotten that I am confined in this space when I hear a Godly voice say, “Only I open doors, believe in me.”   The iguana and the hamster are now personified as people living in the cage.  I tell them I believe because God has opened doors for me.  The iguana looks at me with one eye half closed.  I can read his mind.  I tell him not to worry, he need only open both eyes and believe.


It reminded me of the BaghDaddy dream because of how real it felt to be there and how long it was taking.  The dream seemed to not want to end when I was lost and trapped not knowing how to return home.  The dream would simply not end.  Confronted with the realization, This is my reality,  I looked for new possibilities.  I looked for things to do and create to make use of myself in this tiny space.  I loved loved loved loved the ending.  Out of nowhere comes the voice of God.  I just need humble myself and ask for help and believe he/she will open doors.  I also loved the play on words.  I guess all I have to do is trust in my inner voice.


Pink and Blue

January 4, 2019

In last night’s dream I find myself between two gates.   I know where I am trying to go but believe I can take a short cut through one of the gates.  I walk through and realize it’s the wrong gate.  This side is a prison where all the men where jeans shirts and pants with black trim.  I attempt to return through the gate but am denied access.  I am asked for identification.  I check my back pocket and don’t seem to have it with me.  The guard tells me I must be a prisoner and now have to prove myself.

Feeling frustrated in not being able to get where I’m going I decide to resort to my gift of flight.  I can fly but I can’t seem to fly high enough to overcome the height of the wall.  I decide to walk and find my way.  I come across a room that is hosting exhibits.  I pass by the first and second exhibit finding them extremely interesting.  I wish I had time to study them.  I march on coming up on the 3rd exhibit.  This one is one of numerology.   I pause a bit longer as this exhibit is quite interesting.  It foretells the future through numerology but who’s future?  It occurs to me that the previous exhibits were also an attempt to foretell the future.  I seem to have the images still in my mind.  I’m becoming ever more frustrated wanting to solve the puzzle of what is being foretold and trying hard to get to my desired destination.

I continue walking coming across yet another exhibit.  In this final exhibit I seem to be part of it much like a pawn.   I am so frustrated because now I want to return to the other exhibits to study them further.  Feeling I’ll never achieve my mission, I stop the dream and complain about the manner in which I must guess at what the dream is showing me.  I’m tired of guessing.  I refuse to do this any longer.  I’m done!

I am now standing in front of a brick wall.  On one side I see the words, I IN and on the other it says, I OUT.  Mustering all the energy I can, I turn inward wrestling to free myself, I summon all the power I can.  I suddenly see a bust of energy erupting in pink, blue and white confetti.  I am suddenly flying.

Party Coordinator’s Kaleidoscope

December 19, 2018

In this dream, I am at a party and I meet a guy who I believe on some level is Travis but in the dream I don’t know him to be Travis. I would say he feels like Travis.  After spending time with him, I feel he is someone I would want to date.  The Party Coordinator walks over to me to show me the Party Log of Events which has in it all possibilities.  The Log is a Wheel that looks like a Kaleidoscope made of many tiny crystals each reflecting a distinct possibility.  In it I see where the Party Coordinator also met this same guy Travis and also had feelings for him.  Knowing we both like him to the same degree, I tell him he can have him since I have a baby.  Wanting to see the baby but not recalling where the baby is in the dream, I take a moment to reflect where I might have left him.  The baby sleeps off to my left in a blue bassinet.  I stroke the baby’s face lightly so as to not startle it.  The baby opens one eye followed by the other.  Without words he communicates to me, “You forgot to change my diaper.”  I look down at his puffy blue diaper and stick my finger in it to check.  It is neither wet nor soiled.  The baby then chuckles.

With his chuckle, I sense this is a dream.

As I awoke from the dream, I still held in my minds eye the Kaleidoscope shining so brightly it looked at times like the sun.  It’s edges glowed a fiery of red.

Home Team

October 22, 2018

I don’t remember much of last night’s dream except when I woke up to snooze the alarm I laid my head back down and got comfortable then I immediately entered a dream state where I am looking at family photographs.  I see a few where the people in the photographs are playing sports.  There is one picture of two guys standing together for the photograph.  I try to make out the faces.  The man on the right is in his college years.  I can see his face clearly.  The one on the left his face is notably blurred.  I flip the page to look at another photograph.  It is the photograph of a young man around the age of 7.  The boy in the photograph begins talking to me.  I can see his lips move but I can’t hear anything audibly but on some level deep within me I seem to understand.

Sitting with his message inside me I pause to examine his appearance.  His face is shaped like my dad’s with sandy brown hair.  I take note of the items in the background.  The colors in the background are monochromatic.  I see a safari  jeep and zebra both having black and white colors.  His jersey is red and white.  My alarm rings a second time.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

October 3rd, 2018

In last night dream I remember receiving a package in the mail.  It’s a tiny little box with what and inside the box in a stamp and seal the kind a notary would use to certify documents.  My mind takes me to when I worked as a paralegal in Los Angeles when I was a notary.  I assume this package and it’s contents are to be used in my work.  As I prepare to certify documents I notice the package also contains powdered sugar or what appears to be powdered sugar.  Believing the package may be contaminated I contact the authorities who come to examine the package.  One of the authorities is an older man probably around my age.  He tells me he has found a child in the package.  This being so unusual to me I ask where did you come from?  He seems noticeably nervous trying to put the items back into the package.  I can now see the young child who sits beside him.  At this moment I feel something touch my side.  I look beside me and see the little boy is now under my arm.  I kiss his head and ask him, “Is that you?”  At this point I awaken enough to hear my own voice in real life say “Is that you?  Butters is under my arm sleeping.  I immediately fall asleep.

Now back in the dream I see the toddler seated next to the man.  I walk over and ask.  “How old is the child?”  The man looks puzzled.  I continue saying,  “He has to have an age?”   I begin counting in an effort to awaken the man to my questioning.  Is he  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9?   Visibly nervous he responds he is non of those.  At this moment realize the dream has a different concept of time.

A Blade of Rainbow Families – The Day My Mother Died

September 21, 2018

In last night’s dream, I am with a group of people at possibly a book store or news stand type store where they sell magazines, periodicals and novelties.  I don’t believe I know the people in the store as it seems we are all just passing through and by circumstance we all happen to meet here.  There is a large box on the floor where they have placed all the out of date items.  I see several copies of the Washington Blade.  Believing these are probably throw-away items and therefore free I walk over to look for the most recent edition.  The first edition I pick up and open it to the cover page but it no longer has the first page.  A guy dressed in all yellow says to me as if he is aware of my thoughts, “That’s not the latest edition.”  So I put the copy down and reach for another one which I identify as having all it’s pages.

The second one is complete and is the latest edition of the throw-away items in the box.  I proceed to open the pages and notice all the pages are cut revealing an accordion of cut out characters emerging from the pages.  I close it quickly not knowing what is happening to it and try again to open it.  This time I open it slowly to see what the cut out are.  As the pages unfold the cut out characters become two dimensional animated cut out of people.  All the cut outs are white cream color with no writing or features merely cut outs.  The guy next to me who is all yellow reaches in and pulls out a spinet piano from the pages of the blade.  I am amazed because I recognize the piano as the one I had when I was a kid.  The yellow man begins playing testing the keys and notices a problem.  It is suspected there is a ball of poop in the pages so he is wanting to work around the poop to reconstruct his piano.

With the magazine in my hands I can feel a lump withing the pages still in my left hand.  I hold the “poop” tightly and walk over to examine the piano.  I lift the lid of the piano to reveal it’s keys and find one of the strings is broken.  I tell the yellow man that the piano is so old one would expect a string to be broken but it can be easily repaired.  While I’m talking to him still holding the “poop ball” within my hand it begins to squirm in my hand.  I let go releasing the tightly held pages and opening the remaining pages of the magazine open.  From within the ball emerge a bunch of tiny etheric people 10 times smaller than the cut outs previously.  Each one a different color of the rainbow.  There are blues, yellows, reds, purple, green.  They remind me of little pieces of Play Doh.  Now reconstituted they are jumping and playing with each other.  When groups of different colors come together they become white and grey and beige then separating again into their individual color.  Rainbow colors pulse through their tiny etheric bodies.

You’re Majesty; The Queen

September 15, 2018

In last nights dream, I am in a village in a distant place with my dog Butters.  The village is a place of twin cities which sit along a river.  One side is a population of indigenous Indians like Mayans.  I can see their elaborate and the earth tone colors they wear and beautiful head dresses.  On the northern side is the City of Royals.  They are the crystalline people.  They have outfits made of shimmering particles.

Two women sit on thrones.  One is a grandmother and the other is the great grandmother.   The great grandmother is the furthers away and she sits upon a mount which oversees the City of Royals.

On the other bank of the river there is yet a third area separate from the twin cities where a giant monolith stands.  He stand 100 times taller than any man in the village.  He wears all dark grey silver color.  He is a monolith of granite yet he is animated and alive.  Some time passes before I realize he is standing across the river.  I spend this time visiting with the villagers freely passing between the northern side where the Royals live and the southern side where the villagers live.   I’ve spent time on both sides with them the entire time unaware of a divide.

I hear a voice ask, “Did you pay your respects to You’re Majesty the Queen?” I look around and for the first time witness the Monolith Man.  HUH? Who and what is this?  Who is he referring to as the Queen?  I assume he is referring the the great grandmother who would in essence be the queen.  I am now for the first time aware of the divide between the cities.  I recognize the distinction between the two cities.  I realize the two mothers are queens and they sit on the Royals side of the divide.  The Monolith insists for a second time, “Did you pay your respects to You’re Majesty the Queen?”  If this monolith has been standing here all this time he would be well aware I have visited and played with them for this entire time.  They are family to me.

Overwhelmed by his sheer size I feel obligated to go back to the City of Royals and pretend to satisfy his request.  With deep reluctance I travel back to the northern side where the Great Grandmother Queen sits.  I approach kneel before her and ask in a whisper, “Great Grandmother what’s up with your son?  Is he not paying attention?” Knowing she is regarded as nobility I seek her protection given my size in comparison to the Monolith.  I ask her,  “What should I do?”  To which she answers in a loving tone placing her hand on my head and combing my hair with her fingers,  “Well call me, You’re Majesty and Just go along with it.”  This angers me because it seems unjust after all she is my great grandmother and who is this man who orders me around.  To please the situation I whisper “You’re Majesty is that enough?”  Now with an overwhelming sense of impending defeat beckoning every fiber in my body to respond. I turn inward for a moment to summon a response for the Monolith.  In this moment of deep inner contemplation a rush of energy floods my body.  From the my feet upward, my body fills with the energy and I immediately take flight.  The rush is so great I am forced to temper the energy so as to not fly too high above and out of their sights.  I realize this seems to be an adequate source for power to use in response to the Monolith.

While in flight I take the opportunity to learn how to control flight.  I try different maneuvers.  I suspect I am somewhat lucid here because this seems to be an automatic response to flight some earthly programming I have inserted into the dream to test things pertaining to flight.  I notice some of the makeovers don’t respond as well as others.  As time passes I seem to be losing the ability of flight.  I try navigating to different places in the dream some with success some requiring a great deal of mental effort.  I wonder if the way to more effectively control the dream is not my intent to move toward objects but instead my intent to have the scenery move toward me.  Maybe my power is conserved by having everything else move around me in response to my desire while I remain still.  I look down and behind me and notice I am now sitting on a chair while things are in motion around me.

With this new found awareness, I return to the villagers.  As I approach from the skies I can see the surprise in their eyes as they cheer my return.  I can see them going about their business in their homes.  I am somehow in the mind of everyone here.  I seem to know all that is happening.  There is a feast where we eat and celebrate.  It is now time for me to head back home.  They offer me food to take back with me.  The only place to carry the food is in my suitcase which is not the best place to store food but I do it anyway.

Upon returning home I have a false awakening.  Where I believe I’m back home.  Except the family I am now a part of are Indians from India.  I bring out the food I have packed to share with them.  Their customs are different from mine.  Everyone eats of the food.  I suddenly realize I have traveled back home and forgot to bring Butters with me.  I enter a state of extreme panic like that of  loosing a child.  The dream must have known it needed to intervene to calm me down.   I then felt my dog move who was nestled comfortably between my legs on the bed.  I reached over and patted his head with an overwhelming sense of relief I returned to the dream now fully lucid.

I take advantage of my lucid state an asked the question,  “What gives with the divide.  I wish to understand the separation between the twin cities.”  I instantly found myself on the banks of the river looking at two distinct time windows much like a portrait of each city.  One millennia past and one today.    The one today the river is very over grown with flowers and wild grasses along it’s banks.  The one from past is pristine tranquil in its beauty yet dark and still.

Still wanting to understand more I find myself in the City of Royals.  This time the city is empty only I walk here among the ruins of this place.  I enter the school where I walk through it’s classrooms.  I hear the voices of children play yet no one is here with me.  I find an origami someone has left behind.  I begin to unfold it examining how it was constructed.  Fold by fold, I deconstruct the origami revealing an inner message.  It is a code of secrets.  In the lower right corner as I unfold the last piece of the paper I see a milky white head crowning through the crease in the page.  I pause knowing this is a reference to a baby.  I pause to look at the paper still not wanting to fully open it savoring the moment and trying to take in as much information as possible.  I look back at the writing.  It is not writing I consciously recognize yet I am intimately familiar with it’s message.  At some level I understand.  Deep within its creases I see the face of a woman.  She is talking to me yet I cannot hear her words but I can see her lips move.  I clearly understand the message.   “Its possible if you want it badly enough.”




I chose to take the alternate spelling of the word you’re instead of your given my knowledge of dreams and the wordplay that happens in dreams.  Also given that each character in the dream is a reflection of me.  I assume the dream is telling me I am majesty, I am hewn from stone.  The dream I think is also telling me that I am the queen and ruler of my life.  I have motherly instincts.  I need to pay my own regards to myself and recognize and honor this part of me.

This dream is deep with meaning.  I found it interesting that when I approached the queen I didn’t acknowledge her as queen I went back to refer to her as grandmother and asked what was up with her son?  What made me assume the Monolith was her son?  How and why did I equate the monolith as her son?  and am I the monolith?  Am I the son?  Do I need to bring my self down a level and pay for what I want badly enough.  Funny how in so doing I found my energy.

Welcome the Family

South Park: This file is copyrighted. It will be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

August 2, 2018

I don’t remember much from last night’s dream except that in the dream I just  had a baby.  One thing I remember is being very surprised at the  amount of support I am getting from friends and family to help me raise the baby.  Even people I don’t feel particularly close to offer to come and support me by helping me care for the child.  I sense their desire to support me as honest yet under normal circumstances an offer like this I would deem dubious and possibly with strings.  I welcome their support.

I then woke up as the alarm sounded.  I quickly snoozed it to try to go back to the dream.  Laying comfortably in my bed I see cartoon people gathered along the right side of my field of vision curving up at the farthest point.   All are short and stubby much like the families in South Park.  My attention is drawn to a blond haired little boy around the 2 o’clock position.  He reminds me of the Butters character in South Park and by the way is where I got the name for my dog Butters.   As my consciousness approaches as if time is passing by the family begins to mature and age.  They mature out of their cartoon characters into human forms.  There are more or less about 7 individuals present.  I know them to be family.   My awareness arrives at the boy who is now around the age of 14 or 15 years of age.  He is slender and blond haired.  I somehow know him to be my son.    As I look around I wonder why the family isn’t larger.  I’m curious to know why my dreaming mind stopped constructing people at a count of 7.  Knowing this moment will pass quickly, I turn to get a good look at my son.  He has slender features and his blond hair is now very long.  I think we should probably cut his hair and give him something to eat and welcome the family.


It is always fun to find a picture online that can graphically depict your dream and I’m always amazed at some of the finds that are so perfectly inline with my dream.  Today is a perfect example of that.  In the dream, the family of characters were mostly lined up on the right side curling back around at the furthest point so as to remain in my fields of vision.  I thought if I can find a picture with Butters out front in the 2 o’clock position and maybe the people along a road gathered on the right side that would be the image I would go with.  Voila I found the inverse of what I dreamt.  And to top it off, they have food being served in the background as an after thought just like in my dream.  And the bald man on the stage with a grey beard well who might that be I wonder?  Although I love South Park after all I named my dog after the character Butters, I’ve never seen this episode of South Park so I know my dreaming mind didn’t reconstruct something I’ve seen before.  Did my subconscious foretell I would find this image?  If time is an illusion, which I firmly believe it is, then what came first my dream or this episode of South Park?  In my dream the cartoon characters at the end morph into people. The work of spirit is fascinating to me.  Encountering coincidence like this makes me keep coming back for more.  I love being connected to the collective unconscious mind.

I normally try to find images for my dreams that are not subject to copyright.  But there is no real way of depicting South Park without an actual image of South Park.  One nice thing is where I found the image on FANDOM they had this Fair Use of Copyright disclaimer which I was unaware of.  I guess me having a dream comment on South Park falls under Fair Use in my opinion.