He’Wanna Believe

January 8th, 2019

Last night’s was very much like the Baghdaddy dream I had the previous night in that it felt so real I was sure I was not dreaming.  Even though there are things happening that are not possible in the real world I somehow was so convinced it was in fact real.

In the dream,  I am with my MKP Brothers attending an event at a hotel.   The night is quite festive.  There is even a drag show where some guests are naked.  I want to join in the festivities because it looks like everyone is having a roaring great time.  I proceed to take off my clothes and drop them off on the bed.  The night proceeds where we are having such a good time.  I next find myself in a conga line to enter a dance hall where the drag performance is to take place.  A person is collecting tickets to enter.  I’m told since I don’t have a ticket simply pull one out of the box where she is collecting the tickets and put it back in.  I do exactly that.  The person collecting tickets waves me on into the event.

The drag show is sensational.  The colors and music and festivities are so captivating.  The energy here is simply intoxicating so much it causes me to loose track of time or whereabouts.  After a long night of party, I decide it is time to return to gather my cloths but I can’t remember where the room is or in whose name the room is registered.  My wallet, phone and identification are with my clothes.  My consciousness in a moment of full awareness floats over the city trying to pin down where the hotel room is located. My awareness returns to my body and I decide to leave the dance hall through the exit door.

The door places me in the lower level concourse of the building with no sense of direction I simply start walking toward whence I came.  I think to ask someone on the hotel staff to assist me but I don’t even know the name under which the reservation is held.  I simply walk and eventually my inner counsel guides me to the place where I laid my cloths but my cloths are no longer there.  I can see where they once laid an etheric impression of where my clothes lay.    I pick up the cell phone and notice it only has one bar and 10% power remaining.  I am going to have to find my way home on my own.

I now find myself on a street.  I decide to start walking,  any direction will do.  I come to a cull-de-sac and decide to cut through the houses assuming there is short cut between the houses.  I come to a short wall and look over the wall.  It is a manageable jump should I choose to take it.  The homes are closing in on me allowing me very little space to maneuver.  I peak over the wall once again and notice it is about 11 feet high now a much more deadly jump.  I pause and complain inwardly to the dream for changing things on me.  I am now in a tiny alleyway between the two houses pinned in with nowhere to go.  The windows and doors are now faux windows leading nowhere.  The doors don’t even open.  With no more options except to jump over the wall a door opens and in walks a young man.  He is one of the men from the drag show.  He is no longer in drag but I can still see some feminine qualities to him remaining.  I ask myself how is it that he was able to open a door.  While the door is open, I can see beyond the door at all the possibilities waiting just beyond the door.

The door closes with both of us now confined in this small space I decide we should look for things to do to make ourselves useful given we have no choice but to exist here.  The space begins expanding showing the makings of a swimming pool.  It needs cleaning and construction to bring it up to a point of swimming.  A courtyard proceeds to unfold.  There is a birdcage that now hangs from the eves of the house in which a small iguana and hamster live.  Both seem to be friendly with one another.  A small yellow finch flies into the cage.  The slats are wide enough to allow the finch to fly in and out with ease.  The bird doesn’t seem to be worried about the iguana.  They all seem to cohabitate harmoniously together.

I poke my finger in the cage to pet the yellow finch.  It allows me to pet it’s head then passes through the cage to perch on my finger.  I have completely forgotten that I am confined in this space when I hear a Godly voice say, “Only I open doors, believe in me.”   The iguana and the hamster are now personified as people living in the cage.  I tell them I believe because God has opened doors for me.  The iguana looks at me with one eye half closed.  I can read his mind.  I tell him not to worry, he need only open both eyes and believe.


It reminded me of the BaghDaddy dream because of how real it felt to be there and how long it was taking.  The dream seemed to not want to end when I was lost and trapped not knowing how to return home.  The dream would simply not end.  Confronted with the realization, This is my reality,  I looked for new possibilities.  I looked for things to do and create to make use of myself in this tiny space.  I loved loved loved loved the ending.  Out of nowhere comes the voice of God.  I just need humble myself and ask for help and believe he/she will open doors.  I also loved the play on words.  I guess all I have to do is trust in my inner voice.