Peep Stamps 30 Cents

Children Peeping

January 26, 2019

In this dream I am with someone and I invite him to have lunch with me at my old job.  As I approach the glass door to enter the building it occurs to me I no longer work here.  I wonder if the access code still works for the door and if they would know I entered the building.  I try the code and to my surprise the door opens.  I walk in but worry about inner access restrictions.  I decide to offer him an alternate place to eat across the street at International Square.

We sit down to eat and after we are done I escort him to the metro but he tells me he does not have a metro card.  I take him to a vending machine which sells postage stamps.  He places his money in the machine and pulls the lever for a stamp.  The stamp is returned by the vending machine.  It is reads 30 cents.  Unsure if this is sufficient to ride the metro, I suggest he try his luck with it.  He appears willing to do so.

The cat woke me up so I took advantage of the moment to take a pee break.  Upon returning I closed my eyes and immediately had a vision.  I am seeing 4 children around the age of 7.  All are lined up facing me stooping slightly as if to peer into my life.  My attention immediately awakens to the thought one of these young peeps might be OB and if one is OB then the others must be the MBs who are on ice.  The first child comes in for a closer look.  He has light straight light brown hair with his bangs touching his eye browse.  I can see him clear as day.  My heart warms with the thought of OB.