Lucky Call Home

Rainbow Kite Train by Jack

March 5, 2019

In last night’s dream, I am traveling with a small group of people but specifically with one person a guy who I am interested in romantically. It is as if we had gone on this adventure together and accompanied by a small group of people but him and I are together as a unit. Once at our destination it is nearing the time for us to return home. It is as if everyone has an inner calling on when to return home. Once the call comes in it really doesn’t matter who you went with you have to answer the call yourself and find your way back home. Once the call comes in everyone in your group hears a small summary of how far you traveled in your journey. The information is of a personal nature yet everyone is allowed to hear it as a public announcement. When I hear my partners call I find out a little more about him. It turns out he has a very high clearance with the government and is some kind of Central Intelligence Chief. He has achieved the highest or among the highest standing possible. I ruminate over his success and imagine what it would be like to have that type of high paying job. I’m a bit envious but happy that I am with him since we would both benefit from his good fortune. I am also happy we both share the same interest and type of job experience within cyber security.

In the call also reveals the return path we’ve selected for ourselves. We are currently in Baltimore and needing to return to Washington, DC. I have chosen to ride the train back. He has also chosen to ride the train back but in a very unconventional way. For some reason, he has inside information about a delay on the track that will allow him to purchase a later train and arrive in D.C. at the same time I do. This allows him to enjoy Baltimore a bit longer before having to return. For me, the effect is I too am able to enjoy my time with friends a bit longer and since we are still on the same track we can still in essence be connected with each other.

I then see a fellow group member who flies by telling us how the delay is impacting him. He tells us how happy he is that he was able to meet someone earlier in the day and got “Lucky” and now with the delay is going to be able to prolong his happiness. He winks at us indicating he just might get “Lucky” a second time. Our distinct paths home now seem to create a triangle.

Now with some assurance I won’t be missing my return path I decide to try to fly. My body flies high like a kite in the wind flying flying flying but not changing position. The feeling is exhilarating.