Apex U-Boat

July 2, 2018

I am in the military.  The military has adopted and modified my invention that allows for space travel and travel to other dimensions.  They have adopted it for large scale use.  It is able to do simple functions by accessing other dimensions.  I worry that they have not incorporated love and passion into their formulas believing instead that those qualities are innate to being human and not applicable to their interests.

We are stationed in a bay.  I can see the mountains in the distance.  I can see the hills are smoking and projectiles are being flung in our direction.  The only way to survive is to board a u-boat.  I don’t feel I’m quite ready to transform and go into battle.   I board the u-boat and as it begins to sink in the water my consciousness is released and remains above the surface of the water.  I am now flying above the bay.  They are aware of my presence.

I reunite with them and they show me how they push the smoke into the barrel of the gun.  I have seen this before.  It is the opposite direction of what you would expect. This process creates a wormhole.  In this moment I pause and a thought arises, “They have reached a point of inevitable success.”  I realize I didn’t look at gaining strength in my endeavors.  I consider what it would take to acquire strength.  I find a cool place to ponder my goals.  I believe I can mingle unnoticed among regular people in a nearby restaurant.  I find an area in the rear of the restaurant by the cooling coil.  It reminds me of the engineering room on the Star Ship Enterprise where you see the warp drive pulsating with light.  Once again they find me and am forced to engage.  We activate the cooling coils and move them to a new location.  I can see the apex of this room.  I understand how space travel is mastered.

New World Colonies

I had a dream where I was lucid.  A part of me knows this is not a dream but instead I am actually in an alternate reality.  I realize I am on a space ship that is about to land on its home planet.  Knowing I am experiencing something that I have always dreamed of experiencing I take advantage of my lucid state and closely examine, validate and test everything I see.  I look closely out the windows to the dry desert landscape below.  I closely examine the make up of the space ship.  It is not made of metal but instead of a very light cardboard type substance that is extremely durable.  The ship is a metallic green color.  The windows are very large such that observation is the purpose of the windows.  I can see that this planet has streets and fairways very similar to those you’d expect to find on earth.  In otherwords, people here have similar needs as those on earth.  This is a newly populated planet.  I can see clearly that the technology here far exceeds that of earth.  The cars are made to resist accidental damage.  I have been invited here to help establish the first colonies on this planet.  I ask someone, “What planet is this?”   To this question, I receive no verbal response, yet a part of me knows everything about this place in the universe.  It is completely and totally known to me.  We debark from the craft and enter a building complex adjacent to the landing pad.  Everything here is new.  I’m shown where I will live.  My family is with me.    

Secured at the Waters Edge

I am looking out my 2nd floor window at the playground below.  I can see lots of people gathered around the basketball courts.  I notice a man in black shorts coming in the building from the playground.   School is in session.  My teacher is getting ready to teach a class.  I can see him in the closet looking for his training materials.  He comes and sits beside and places his left arm around me.  Looking down at my feet I become aware that we are sitting at the edge of a well.  There are several rivers that feed the groundwater for the well.  The well is partially covered about 2/3 of the way and the remaining 1/3 has a chicken wire screen over it that prevents anyone from accidentally falling into the well.  I worry that my dog may someday fall into the well.

As the class begins we are taken on an adventure.  I lesson in survival.  We are placed in unknown territory and are tasked to find our way back.  The trick is you can’t come back alone.  You must return with your entire team.  We strategize.  I seem to be the main player holding the treasure.  The other players have to cover for me.  We have almost cleared every hurdle and are nearing our touch down return.

Jacobs Ladder

This is an old dream that i had maybe a year ago (2017).  It has been forever present with me.  It was more than just a dream or vision.  It felt very real that it has not moved from my consciousness.  I think about it all the time wanting to know more about it.  Since my recent dream where I discovered I can replay an old dream I thought I should write this one down.  A year ago I wasn’t journaling my dreams yet I still have them and the most powerful ones I do still remember.  This is one of them.

I wake up in the dream to find that I have been asleep for many many years. I have not aged but somehow it is now at least 25 years into the future.   I don’t know this until later in the dream.  I am witnessing the President of the United States who doesn’t say a whole lot throughout the dream but his presence is known.  It seems only some people are aware of me yet I am there among them.  The President has an entourage of people around him constantly.   I am observing all that is going on and I somehow I know the topics under discussion.  We are all sleeping in close quarters several assistants along with the Press Secretary are constantly attending to the Presidents needs.  The President is one of the one’s that is not aware of my presence or at least he has not acknowledged me directly.   In the future they’ve made drugs such that they are no longer harmful.  Even drugs that were once illegal now have versions that can be taken for pure pleasure with no harmful side affects.  They have eliminated the substance abuse problem.

The President needs a prescription and therefore his personal medic is called in to administer the drug.  A young man enters who is a member of the a naval academy.  He is studying to be a doctor and can already prescribe medicine.  He comes in and notices me but doesn’t say anything so I’m not sure he can actually see me or simply senses my presence.   As the conversation continues I get more and more signals that confirm he is aware of me.  It is as if I can hear his thoughts.  The sound of his voice is so beautiful to me.  His name is Jacob.  He is such a caring individual with a deep curiosity for life.  His desires are noble.  He tells me he wants to change the world from the inside out.  Although he is working for a Republican President he himself is not a Republican.  He has only claimed to be a Republican to effect change.  We seem to hit it off and begin playing on each other bantering back and forth.  The Press Secretary also is fully aware and loves the young man and respects his naivete.  His innocence is simply intoxicating.  He tells me he finds me very attractive.  Something else about life in this century is that sexual expression is more openly accepted as an exchange of energy.  It’s not uncommon for people to be intimate and rejoice in one another’s presense.  He again tells me he finds me very attractive.  I ask for clarification to which he tells me that I am exactly the type of person he has always dreamt about being with.  I ask him if he is gay to which he says that’s a thing of the past its more about being with the one you connect with and love.  Somehow he understands I’m not from this time period.  He then shows me how they are intimate with each other freely male and female without any hangups.  He then comes to me and begins to pleasure me.  The feeling of pleasure is overwhelming.  I tell him I don’t date guys in their 20’s.  He again emphasizes that he is in love with me as I AM EXACTLY what he has dreamt about.  With his touch I can feel exactly what he is referring to.  Knowing what he knows, I too now feel him and sense the connection.  I am falling in love with this young navy cadet.  He is paying me more attention than his responsibilities.  He tells me to wait for him.  While I wait he tells me to experience others as he has demonstrated.   The sense of pleasure is overwhelming.  I can hear a bit of scuttle between him and the President as he has neglected his duties in spending time with me.  He then assures me that he has everything under control.  I can still over hear the conversation but it sounds like he is loosing his patience with the President.  I tell him I don’t want him to risk his career.  He then asks me if I would love him regardless meaning if he didn’t have a career would I still love him to which I say of course. I now realize I’ve always wanted someone like him.  I tell him to fulfill his duties and come home to sleep with me and cuddle with me.  He is welcome to sleep with me anytime.  I’m starting to get tired as sleep falls upon me.  He is now in my bed cuddled with me late at night.  I can feel his body pressed against my body.  We dream of a time when we can be together forever.

When I woke up in the morning the presence of him was gone.  I felt like I had allowed myself to fall asleep and allowed him to slip away.  In my desire to recapture that moment I heard a voice say “You are him. You are the connection you seek.”

And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran. And he lighted upon the place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood beside him, and said: ‘I am the LORD, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac. The land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee whithersoever thou goest, and will bring thee back into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.’ And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said: ‘Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.’ And he was afraid, and said: ‘How full of awe is this place! this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.’

— Genesis 28:10-17 Jewish Publication Society (1917)

The Brick Wall

Last night as I as falling asleep I found myself standing in front of a brick wall.  I’m thinking how I can get beyond this point feeling I need an entirely new approach or course of action.  I look down and notice that both the wall and I are moving.  The moment I notice it the speed at which change occurs is phenomenal as if we had gone through a time warp to travel great distance.

When I woke up I couldn’t remember any of my dreams.  I then proceeded to get up and go about my day.  Later in the day I decided to do a bit of ritual and offer some sage, aroma and a candle.  As I walked around my bedroom with the sage I came to my brick wall beside my headboard when the memory of the dream came rushing back to me.

I also remember seeing babies in bassinets being rolled on their sides and back as if to clean them.  They were playing the tumbling game with the children.

Addicted to Cold Cream

Cold CreamLast night I had a dream where I am living with my extended family in a big house.  I have a son in his late teens or early twenties who is mentally challenged.  There are some animosities among the family members because many have there own personal agendas they’d like to see materialize and some of those agendas conflict with one another.  Because of my son’s disability, we all share in the responsibility of his care. Of course being that he is my son, he is my primary responsibility.

On this day, I am away from the house for a short period of time.  While I am gone someone in the house purposely gave my son access to cold cream.  My son is addicted to cold cream.  When I arrive back at the house, I find him in the corner gorging himself with cold cream.  I am infuriated because I know this could have only happened on purpose.  I inform my mother who is unaware of the situation.  She has a look of surprise as her eyebrows go up and her eyes enlarge to the size of grapefruit in total disbelief.

As I go into action to bring justice to the situation, I experience a false awakening.  I am aware I am having a false awakening.  I am now standing in my bedroom and my roommate is standing beside me hunched over trying to hide from me.  I can see the dream I just left appear a like another dimension before me.  Everything is fuzzy.  It is as if life paused for a moment in a state of timelessness.  Knowing my roommate is responsible for the cold cream incident I place my arm around him and tell him that he must go back into the dream.  I know for justice to be served he can not remain in this in between state where he has too much influence over the events in my life. 

With the full pressure of my body and a forward thrust of my hips I push him forward returning him to the dimension of the dream from which we came.  Now that he is back in the dream I am confronted by the faces of others as they float one by one in front of me.  These faces are talking to me but I can’t hear what they are saying I can only see there lips move. 

A worm hole opens up and suddenly I’m in another dimension.  Before me I can see my reflection but it is more than just a reflection it is the other half of who I am.  Knowing this I struggle to get my attention.  I think if I can touch myself I can get my attention but in my present state I am an ethereal being unable to apply pressure to make my presence known. I finally figure out a way to touch myself such that I might question what is going on.  He (the other part of me) turns to look at me.  Things seem to be happening in slow motion.  As he turns to look at me a wave of energy goes forward from my being in his direction.  I can see the wave brush against his face.  He becomes aware of my presence.  

An 1814 poem credited to “Dr. Russell” gives the following account of the benefits attributed to cold cream in that day:
WHEN a pot of cold cream to Eliza you send,
You with words to this purpose your present commend;
Whoe’er with this cream shall her countenance smear,
All redness and roughness will strait disappear,
And the skin to a wonder be charmingly clear;
If pimples arise, this will take them away;
If the small-pox should mark you, those marks will decay;
If wrinkled through age, or dawbing the face is,
‘Twill be smooth in a trice, as the best Venice glass is;
All this and much more, could I spare time to write it,
Or my pen go as fast, as your lips would endite it)
You affirm of your cream: and I would not abuse it,
But pray tell me one thing–Do you yourself use it?

Love is Perfect; The Bedouin Man

BedouinIn the middle of the night I woke up with the feeling that someone had taken my wallet from off my nightstand.  Before I could even open my eyes, I grabbed for my wallet which was now in the hands of a man who walked beside my bed.  To the man’s surprise, I was successful at reclaiming my wallet from him.  As I opened my eyes, there standing beside my bed was this man.  He was a Bedouin.  Although he stood in my bedroom he also stood simultaneously in his world upon a precipice in the high desert.  He was a beautiful luminescent blue angelic being whose face radiated pure unconditional love.  At times the wind being so strong blew his scarf in front of his face obscuring my view of him.  I raised my hand and arm in front of me to hail his presence.  


He then placed a vision in my mind; a dream where I am in a sexual embrace at the point of ecstasy with not a person but the entire universe.  The universe is inside my body.  The feeling was so overwhelming that I completely lost myself forgetting where I was. My being was totally and completely consumed by the experience.  For the first time I experienced real LOVE.  I understood that when we love our love is felt by everyone.  Love is perfect. 


As the dream continued and I regain awareness within the dream I realize I forgot to let the dog in from the cold.  I quickly run downstairs in the dream to let him back in.  My dog is so excited to see me.  I kneel upon the floor and my dog jumps into my arms to be cuddled by me.  We walk back upstairs and return to bed. 


The vision ends and my awareness is returned to the Bedouin man.  My arm is still outstretched.  My eyes rolled back in my head in utter amazement as my body fell back in bed.  After a few moments, I regained my composure and sat up again to look around the room.  The Bedouin man was nowhere to be found. 

My Name is Interpol

CigarsLast night, I was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from another dimension. Their lead identified himself as Interpol.  He said his name means “communication.”  At the time of their visit I was stricken with sleep paralysis and therefore stuck in limbo in between worlds.  I could clearly see them standing by my bed partially materialized. They then took me on a journey to their world.  There I met a friend whom I refer to as Ben. We walked along their streets and sat in a tiny cabaret.  I noticed how everything was so crisp and clean. It was dark out and a moon was hovering closely in the night sky. I felt a bit uncomfortable in their world.  We spoke at length about the things we like to do. We both mentioned how we both enjoy a good smoke. 


He noticed I was uncomfortable so he asked if there was something I needed.  I asked him if we could go outside; out in the open air to walk again. He agreed.  Before stepping out in the open there was a display window in the cabaret with various after dinner items.  One of the items was a box which had three cigars.  I instinctively reached for one of the three cigars.  He reached for the second one.  I then offered him mine as a gesture of my appreciation.  We both smoked off the same cigar. 


We then found ourselves in an open pasture that belonged to a nursery for plants. The caretaker gave me a box with a hundred dollar bill in it and a certificate of ownership and deed to the property.  He said it was for me.  This was my inheritance he said.  I was overwhelmed at the gestures.  I knew this was everything I ever wanted.  I knelt on the ground to see and smell how fertile the soil was. When I kelt I noticed there was a path, a road that lead from my new property to the moon.  It was an incredible sight.  In disbelief, I stood up and noticed in the sky a red light coming toward us.  I knew this was the beacon for the mother ship.  I looked squarely into the light waving my arms over my head to flag the ship down. 


The entire ship came in closer as it materialized fully in the night sky.  I assisted it in landing on my new property.  I could clearly see all the details of the ship.  I was asked if I could smell their ship as if it smelled bad but I could not smell anything unpleasant. They then came out of the craft to greet me standing beside my bed.


My awareness came full circle again back to the now.  My name is Interpol he said it means communication. He then took me on another journey to see the school where I had received my education.  There I ran into an old friend named Mary.  We reminisced about her wedding where we were in the presence of our mutual friends.  I was carrying a backpack at the time with school supplies.  I was responsible for assisting with registrations at the school.  


My awareness came full circle again back to the now.  My name is Interpol he said.  


The whole night I could not move.  I couldn’t even move to grab my voice recorder so what I did is I kept repeating the details of the dream in my mind so that I would not forget.  It also helped that I needed to pee but I couldn’t get up for that either.  


The first unusual thing that caught my attention was his name, Interpol.  I had never even heard of it until I looked it up in Wikipedia.


INTERPOLINTERPOL is the world’s largest police organization. INTERPOL’s mission is to assist law enforcement agencies in each of its 186 member countries to combat all forms of transnational crime.  Its six areas of priority are: drugs and criminal organizations, public safety and terrorism, financial and high tech crimes, trafficking of human beings, corruption, and fugitives.


The second thing was the cigars and the issue of smoking.  I don’t smoke cigars or cigarettes.  Somehow I equate the smoke with peace, harmony and tranquility.


Cigars are often smoked to celebrate special occasion: the birth of a child, a graduation, a big sale.

Smoky Truth

FireplaceLast night I had a dream where I am retelling my dream.  I am walking down my street that my house is on.  I stop to look at the beautiful landscape and the clear blue sky.  I notice the sky is too perfect and I become aware that I am dreaming.  Since I am retelling my dream I tell those with me that everything I see here even in it’s perfect appearance is an illusion. But then something catches my eye.  The neighbor’s house has changed.  It is bigger than before. My house does boarder their house.  I walk by the two houses twice to try to figure out how it could have changed.  Somehow I know this is not an illusion.  The homes are real.  


Now inside my house I pass by a tiled fireplace and something catches my eye in the reflection of the tile.  In the tiles reflection I can see the truth.   I can see who is actually in the room.  I can see both the physical and those invisible beings from other dimensions.  I am amazed.  I confront the other worldly beings those who are otherwise invisible except when reflected.  I show them that I am not afraid.  They are beautiful to look at.  I play and dance with them. 


My ex Michael comes over but he cannot see them. He is happy to see me, so happy that he has alas found me.  I too am happy to see him.  He stands out on the front porch to have a smoke.  While out there the other dimensional beings over hear him saying how much he still loves and wants to be with me.  They share this secret with me. 

The Logos of the Man

Space ShuttleLast night I had a dream where I am lonely living life without a partner.  I then look in my closet and I see stacks of T-shirts many with logos on them. Somehow I know each represents a potential mate.  I’m still skeptical.  How do you get from the T-Shirt to the Man? 


Still absent a partner, I continue with my hobby of building a shuttle craft.   It is my soul passion.  My craft is so good NASA is now considering my work.  One day, I get help from the aliens.  They deliver to me a secret for mind control and levitation.  While I sleep and when NASA is unsuspecting, (NASA erroneously believes all the work happens during the day) my shuttle craft takes lift using mind control instead of propulsion.  The fuselage is an empty canister of light which glows brightly like the belly of a firefly.  My craft is now perfected to the point that it is a living organism of light.


This LOGOS holds always but humans always prove unable to understand it, both before hearing it and when they have first heard it. For though all things come to be in accordance with this LOGOS, humans are like the inexperienced when they experience such words and deeds as I set out, distinguishing each in accordance with its nature and saying how it is. But other people fail to notice what they do when awake, just as they forget what they do while asleep. (Diels-Kranz 22B1)

For this reason it is necessary to follow what is common. But although the LOGOS is common, most people live as if they had their own private understanding. (Diels-Kranz 22B2)

Listening not to me but to the LOGOS it is wise to agree that all things are one. (Diels-Kranz 22B50)[7]