Addicted to Cold Cream

Cold CreamLast night I had a dream where I am living with my extended family in a big house.  I have a son in his late teens or early twenties who is mentally challenged.  There are some animosities among the family members because many have there own personal agendas they’d like to see materialize and some of those agendas conflict with one another.  Because of my son’s disability, we all share in the responsibility of his care. Of course being that he is my son, he is my primary responsibility.

On this day, I am away from the house for a short period of time.  While I am gone someone in the house purposely gave my son access to cold cream.  My son is addicted to cold cream.  When I arrive back at the house, I find him in the corner gorging himself with cold cream.  I am infuriated because I know this could have only happened on purpose.  I inform my mother who is unaware of the situation.  She has a look of surprise as her eyebrows go up and her eyes enlarge to the size of grapefruit in total disbelief.

As I go into action to bring justice to the situation, I experience a false awakening.  I am aware I am having a false awakening.  I am now standing in my bedroom and my roommate is standing beside me hunched over trying to hide from me.  I can see the dream I just left appear a like another dimension before me.  Everything is fuzzy.  It is as if life paused for a moment in a state of timelessness.  Knowing my roommate is responsible for the cold cream incident I place my arm around him and tell him that he must go back into the dream.  I know for justice to be served he can not remain in this in between state where he has too much influence over the events in my life. 

With the full pressure of my body and a forward thrust of my hips I push him forward returning him to the dimension of the dream from which we came.  Now that he is back in the dream I am confronted by the faces of others as they float one by one in front of me.  These faces are talking to me but I can’t hear what they are saying I can only see there lips move. 

A worm hole opens up and suddenly I’m in another dimension.  Before me I can see my reflection but it is more than just a reflection it is the other half of who I am.  Knowing this I struggle to get my attention.  I think if I can touch myself I can get my attention but in my present state I am an ethereal being unable to apply pressure to make my presence known. I finally figure out a way to touch myself such that I might question what is going on.  He (the other part of me) turns to look at me.  Things seem to be happening in slow motion.  As he turns to look at me a wave of energy goes forward from my being in his direction.  I can see the wave brush against his face.  He becomes aware of my presence.  

An 1814 poem credited to “Dr. Russell” gives the following account of the benefits attributed to cold cream in that day:
WHEN a pot of cold cream to Eliza you send,
You with words to this purpose your present commend;
Whoe’er with this cream shall her countenance smear,
All redness and roughness will strait disappear,
And the skin to a wonder be charmingly clear;
If pimples arise, this will take them away;
If the small-pox should mark you, those marks will decay;
If wrinkled through age, or dawbing the face is,
‘Twill be smooth in a trice, as the best Venice glass is;
All this and much more, could I spare time to write it,
Or my pen go as fast, as your lips would endite it)
You affirm of your cream: and I would not abuse it,
But pray tell me one thing–Do you yourself use it?