Woodwind Lodge

June 5, 2019

In last night’s dream I am given a double cassette tape which contains cyber code someone wants me to evaluate. I am suspicious of the methods by which it was given to me. I’ve never seen code on a cassette tape. I open the jewel cassette case to reveal the two tapes inside. The cassettes illuminate a beautiful lime green color. I think they are too beautiful to be malicious but I am still not convinced. The packaging is extremely high tech. I take the tape and tell them I will get back to them with my response but in truth I just want to get away from them just in case they have a malicious motive. I see my old boss Juan come by and he tells me I can take an alternate route. It is a route I’ve never driven down before. He says while on the route, I can visit a lodge that sits along the road. He tells me they have many activities I can take part in. He smiles and remarks it is frequented by a group of red headed men. I am riding my motorcycle while he is walking. I tell him he is welcome to ride on the back of my cycle but I don’t have a helmet for him to wear. He says he is just going to enjoy a leisurely walk and will meet me there.

Evading my pursuers who had given me the tape I arrive at the lodge and walk in. Immediately I see a bunch of red headed men. They are beautiful Norwegian and Scandinavian men. I love red heads so I feel like I have died and gone to heaven. They are woodsmen with messy long vibrant red hair and beautiful flowing beards. They welcome me and invite me to look around.

I decide to explore the lodge and all the rooms including some of the dormitories for the residents. I enter one large room where a couple of black men are seated with their dogs. The dogs are chows. The chows are digging in sandboxes appearing to have a good time. The men are seated looking out 4 extremely large windows.

I continue on and run into Juan again. He tells me they teach music here and he encourages me to take a look at the music room. I walk around and come upon a room with many pianos some are smaller for kids to play and others are full sized. There is also a large bucket at the entrance with many woodwind instruments. All are welcome to enter and play a woodwind. The space is small but very welcoming. A Jamaican lady with a headdress is inside teaching a little boy to play the piano.

As I am readying to leave, I stop at the reception desk where two women are talking about their volunteer work. All the people here apparently volunteer their time for the benefit of the lodge. I think I too would like to be a part of this place.