Baskets Full of Wildflowers

June 26, 2019

In last night’s dream I find myself upstairs in my house cleaning and notice OB has returned some wicker baskets I had thrown out. I look over the stair railing the yell down to him to come get the trash. He in turn pokes his head out from under the banister and says those are his baskets implying they are his to decide on whether to keep or throw away. I toss them back down to him before comprehending what he is trying to communicate.

We are getting ready to leave the house on an adventure. Ivy is with us but before leaving the house I notice the ceiling is made of glass or a see through resin. Curious about this feature I examine how the ceiling attaches to the walls and notice the work is seamless. The glass is so thick it appears to have the illusion of water flowing though it as the resin has locked in air bubbles. How did they do that?

I proceed to walk out the front door with OB and Ivy close behind. As I step out onto my front steps the sun is shining bright in the sky. I turn to look to my left and see a field of wildflowers yellow and orange as far as the eyes can see. I remark about the beauty. I then turn to my right and notice the same on my right. Yellow and orange flowers as far as the eyes can see. I am again in awe of the grandeur and beauty of nature. When did I plant that many seeds?