A Yacht of a Job

March 14, 2019

Last night’s dream was a bit unusual in that I dreamt about my ex-partner Joe who I pretty much hate for the way he has treated me following our break up. What was unusual was that I still had feelings for him in the dream. The dream goes like this:

I am at a marina where many boats are docked. Each boat is a business. Joe works at Levitt & Quinn with offices on one of the yachts. When I see him I am very happy. He stirs fond memories from the time I worked at the law firm. It was my first job right out of high school. I worked as a typist preparing divorce papers for low income families. (Joe never worked there except in my dream.) The memory hits a sweet spot knowing he has managed to work there for most of his life and is the only job he has ever held.

A memory comes to me that Joe and I are no longer together yet I happen to be in his quarters. I look around to see how he has been living all this time. His furnishings are simple and very much like Joe. I can see he is doing some construction on his unit. The workers are building a cabinet. I decide to offer him a suggestion on how to make the best use out of it by changing the materials a bit. The cabinet is where they place things like the life vests.
Joe is already at work on a distinct ship. Needing to get a message to him with my recommendation I decide to use his iPad to communicate with him. I write on the iPad a note which he will be able to see where he is at telling him to use a higher grade of wood on the lid such that it will be better secured. Doing so will allow him to use the lid to set heavy objects on if necessary when entertaining guests. I am happy because he will know I am in his quarters and I am not angry at him. Its a feel good moment for me to be able to help without any resentment toward him. He thanks me for the suggestion and instructs his crew to follow my recommendation. They will need to purchase the additional materials needed.

I decide to leave but first I head toward the law office of Levitt & Quinn to say hello to everyone. Once on the ship I can feel the ship moving. It is leaving the dock to set sail. With quick action I know I cannot remain on this ship. I disembark by jumping across to another ship.