Feed Yourself Before You Go

December 20, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I am hovering over a large body of water much like a like.  There are people swimming in the water splashing and having fun.  The waves created are very frothy.  The water is an iridescent aqua blue.  I don’t know how to swim in real life very well so I think to myself this is a great opportunity to learn in a safe place.  I jump in the water and start to float on my back.  I seem to be mentally connected to everyone in the pool much like one mind.   Some people have brought colorful rafts out on the water to lounge on.  I attempt to tread water but feel myself sinking.  Someone tells me to lay my head back and relax.  I am able to float.

I make my way to the other end of the lake where there is a restaurant.  I walk toward it as I walk closer my consciousness seems to be pulled as I am no longer walking but instead being drawn in to the establishment.  I am drawn all the way to the back table where two men sit at different tables back to back.  I recall thinking to myself, “Why am I being brought here?”  It seems highly out of place to be in this location.  I will myself closer to where the men sit.  The minute I draw closer the faces of the men blur as if the dream is imposing a veil of secrecy on it.

I am then drawn to a men room where there are showers available for the men to wash off after bathing in the lake.  I look for a shower but they all seem occupied.  One man very large hairy man is walking down the hall.  Another man behind him is giving him some kind of neck massage to stretch his back.  He asks if I would like to be stretched implying much like when I was trying to float in the water to lay my head back.  As if this recommendation will help me swim.

Not wanting the assistance, I walk away entering another room that looks like a dance floor with colored lights.  I reminds me of the Enterprise where the beam people to other places.  I wonder if I’m on a space ship.  Wanting to know who these people are and where in the universe they come from I enter the space and fly along the walls.  The dance floor holds shadows of people who have been teleported to distant places.  There is a bar where food and drinks are served while you wait to be teleported.  I approach the bar knowing I’m not from this place and they might recognize me as an outsider.  The bartender is very friendly and offers me something to eat.  At first I’m reluctant because I don’t know what they eat here.  Looking down at the plate it looks like egg, cheese and crackers.  Since it is something I recognize I eat a little bit.   He tells me I can save the rest for later.  This man is so nice and welcoming I take a good look at him.  He looks very human but yet someone translucent his body has density but not as much as we do in real life.  His hair is brown and cut very short.  We both pause and look at each other.  He says; “Feed yourself before you go.”