Call of the Green Man

December 24, 2018

Last night’s dream was quite amazing.  As I was falling asleep for the night I had a vision where I am with a young man embarking on a journey.  A man calls out to us from a distance.  As if calling me into the dream.  I’m unaware I am dreaming because I’m still awake and was about to get up to turn off the lights but at that moment am completely pulled into the experience.  I gesture over to the young man standing beside me asking, “Who is this man who calls from a distance?”  His voice is very familiar to me.  I focus on his face and like a mirage it begins to fade in and out.  The first awareness comes to me, I am visioning.  I’m still curious who the man is who calls from a distance.  In this moment, I am unable to discern who is real and who is part of the vision.  The man next to me feels very real.  He is so much a part of me I don’t even question who he is.  When in reality both are dream figures but it just doesn’t occur to me to ask who is the man standing next to me.  I struggle to get a good look at the distant man’s face.

Cleo my cat jumps on the bed and awakens me.  I get up, pet her and turn off the lights.

I lay my head back down and immediately return to the dream this time I am sitting in a charcoal colored pickup truck on the passengers side.  The driver is the ferry man from earlier.  He reaches over and hands me a key ring with about 7 USB thumb drives.  I ask if he can identify the one we were watching earlier, the one he was just now showing me?  He is too busy to pay attention to me focusing instead on pulling strings to ferry us to the other side.  He dismisses me and say’s, “You’ll find it.”

I am now in a Colosseum where hundreds of people are gathered for an event.  With this many people it is hard to control who enters and is present.  I seem to be the head master or person at the top of the ticket but I don’t have full control on what happens at the periphery.  It reminds me of a scene from Harry Potter.  Magic is happening everywhere.  Everyone knows magic here.  Wanting to verify my audience and test whether my minions are in harmony with my ask, I send out a signal which in essence forces all those present to identify themselves.  The responses come back.  There are a few responses I am not happy with.  A second call goes out to try to harmonize correctly.  It is very much like tuning an orchestra.  They must be in tune with my vibration for us to proceed.  I am still not satisfied with the response.  I hear something in a side room the kitchen.  I walk over to the kitchen but don’t see anyone there yet I can here the clatter of dishes. It spooks me for a moment but I am determined to draw us in harmony.  I walk around the kitchen attempting to come closer and closer to where the sound originates.  I end up following the sound unto a brick oven with a chimney.  The brick all around is crimson red.  I wonder if I am going to get buried alive in here.  I try to fly from this position but am unable to reach any heights.   I sink deeper and deeper into the oven as the brick closes in on me.  I refuse to be overtaken.  I send out yet another signal which causes an etheric clearing to open in the walls of the oven.  A swarm of dragon flies enter.  They are of every color of the rainbow.  They dance as they fly creating beautiful shapes and images of all sizes.  The fluttering of their wings create a vibration. The vibration shakes loose the walls and all the surroundings.  It is our frequency which harmonizes dissonance.  I look up and float through an opening in the top of the oven.

I am now back in the Colosseum.  People gather here.  I see many wear green paint.  I assume the green man is among us.  There are many other nature spirits present.  There is one man with an incredibly full beard.  Someone is giving him a shower to hose off some of the green from his thick curly beard.


Thoughts in journaling:  At first, I didn’t know whether to record the visioning part of the dream which came early before I actually fell asleep.  I initially didn’t connect the Ferryman with the other part of the dream that followed until i heard the question I ask him regarding the USB drives.  I wanted to see the one he was showing me earlier.  It is at this point when he is busy pulling strings to “ferry” (Faerie) us over to the other side.  Interesting play on words here.  It wasn’t until the I thought the green man was present since everyone had green paint on that I understood the use of ferry.  A green man is a faerie.  So I think he was the green man.

The USB’s were also interesting.  I thought what could possibly be on them? It wasn’t until later that I recalled watching YouTube videos of 8 week sonograms of pregnant women and noticed the doctors often hand out USB thumb drives with the sonogram images for the parents to keep.  I think this equates places it in an OB  category.

Other observation was my time in the oven.  The oven bricks were red and the space felt closed in.  I wonder if is a reference to a uterus.  Could this be a reference to OB?  Are faeries responsible for delivering children?