A Belief In A Donut Hole for OB

August 12, 2018

The previous night as I was about to fall asleep I had a vision,  In the vision I see a sea of grey blue cilia swaying to and fro.  Each cilia was dimly lit from within by an internal light source.  As my consciousness moved along this bed I came upon a man about the age of 26 among the cilia .  His portrait came in with perfectly and complete clarity.  He wore a blue and grey shirt who’s fibers were also illuminated from within.  His hair was an iridescent  blond.  His eyes a deep blue.    He wore glasses which made me think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a dream vision person wearing glasses.  The intensity of his eyes was striking.  I wondered if this could be OB but being skeptical I looked for reasons why it wouldn’t be him.  I looked carefully at his hair.  He has a full head of hair which was straight with minor waves.  On his forehead his hair went straight up then nicely curved down.  I thought this is not a pattern my hair had when I was young at least I don’t remember it.  My eyes are not blue with this intensity even though I know his donor mom has a family history of blue and green eye and there are green eyes in my family history.  He had a soft shadow beard which I thought could definitely be a trait he received from me.   He looked at me for a long time…..a long time as if in a trance.  His visage moved or changed only slightly.  His image seemed to fade and faze in and out.  As it fazed it felt as if I was seeing two ages at once.  As if I could see through him into a timeline of his life.  I focused on an image of his face around the age of 14.  I compared the two simultaneously and recognized where his maturity came from.  I seemed to understand everything about him.

~~~~ Vision August 11th Ends

Last night I had a dream where my roommate is moving and packing his things.  He has compacted all his belongings into the center of the living room.  It all seems to have melted into a flat round disc about 5 to 6 feet across and about 2 feet deep.  It looks like a round coffee table in the center of the room.  All his belonging are compacted into this disk.  He then takes a donut hole cutter and impresses it into the center of the disk and cuts the hole out.  This center hole now is compressed and glazed down even further.  The glaze is so think I can see it has a glaze depth of about 1 inch all around.   I ask him what happened to all your belongings?  How can you claim this donut hole as a complete collection of all your belonging.  Instead of responding verbally he demonstrates by placing the compressed and glazed donut hole in water.  The donut hole grows and expands with to the size of the original disk before he took the donut hole cutter to it.   I now believe.

~~~~ Dream Ends

This morning I thought I should really take the time to journal my dream and vision from the night before.  I was unsure about journalling the vision of the young man with glasses because it seemed so simple a man with glasses…. what was there to tell?  Not only that, I just knew it would be incredibly difficult to find a picture of a man with characteristics similar to the man in the dream.  Funny enough yesterday I went to the gym and there were about 3 guys who looked SO similar to the guy in my dream.  I almost thought I should try to approach one of them and say hello.  At one point two of the guys were relatively close to one another and I thought should I ask them if they are related? My shyness got the best of me discounting the effort as my conscious mind wanting desperately to see what it wants to see.  Maybe they didn’t look anything alike.  It further enforced my willingness to discount the vision as too simple to journal.  So today, I thought OK I’ll do some searches for “blond haired man with glasses” and see if I get a hit.  I thought if I was to go to a beauty salon and wanted a hair cut like someone in a magazine how would I find the images of the hair cut I wanted.  None of the images seemed to convey the exact hair style.  I changed the search a bit to “long haired man with glasses”  With this search I got a hit that matched perfectly.  The glasses we not quite what I saw as the glasses in my dream where more thin rimmed glasses but the intensity of the eyes were definitely the same.  The hair is a 100% match especially the way it goes up then curls back down on the forehead down to the side of his face.  The way the light hits his face kinda resembled the illumination that was present in the cilia and in the fibers of his shirt.  The lenses reminded me of being able to see into him and his timeline.

Now could it be OB?  Well it wasn’t until I started journaling it that the probability shot through the roof.  It was in the cilia.  As I tried to describe the cilia I remembered the blue and grey.  Those colors have been present in most of my OB dreams so much so that I’ve associated the colors with him.  Also the fact that he had glasses on made it different from any previous vision or dream.  People just do not have a need for glasses in my dreams.




Castle Lights

Bamburgh Castle at night

August 10, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I find myself in a huge castle.  I’ve been here before.  I seem to be very familiar with the layout and where things are and how they work.  I am well known for the inner workings of the castle.  The castle is so big it has small streets within it.  There are a set of inner lights that are not often used.  I think it is a good occasion to turn them on but I need to replace one of the light bulbs for it to work.  The electrical system has two sources one comes from the castle itself and the other comes from the city in which the castle sits.  This set of lights because they serve the roads within the castle are served by the city.  I find the junction boxes.  My sister Grace is with me.  I tell her to be cautious because we would need to turn off the city power first to tamper with the junction box.  I also tell her that she can’t use just any light bulb to replace the one that is burned out it must be a special light bulb which is similar to the ones used in the tail lights of cars with the small prongs on them.  She is impatient and feels she knows it all.  I decide to use an old light bulb and not a new one just in case if it blows out.  I vaguely remember what happened last time I tried to change the light bulb.  As if to go back in time to the point where the light bulb blew out I insert the light bulb.  For about 3 minutes the lights in the inner city turn on.  The streets within the castle look simply beautiful.  I had forgotten how beautiful and magical the city looks when the lights are on.   One of the wall torches begins to flicker signalling a possible short in the wiring.  We need to access the problem area by going down in a manhole under the castle grounds. I take my dog which is an unusual looking white dog.  He is very nice but a bit too adventurous.  This work requires caution.  I’m afraid the dog will fall in the manhole and I’ll have trouble getting him out.  The dog looks in the manhole and I guess doesn’t find it interesting or it doesn’t grab his attentions and Instead he goes off running toward the corner sniffing the buildings.  I cautiously do what I need to do to fix the problem in the manhole.

Later in the dream I run into Joe my ex.  He tells me he has the money he owes me.  I hardly believe it true since Joe is all about lies and procrastination.  Why would he of his own volition want to repay a debt to me?  He then shows me the calculations he has made.  They are not numbers in the sense that we would know them but instead an arrangement of artifacts.  The placement of things seems to tell a story.  I ponder the items and the story they tell.  Just as I am about to wake from the dream the thought enters my head…Aha! the baby.  It add up to a baby.

Back Hand Patriot

August 9th, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I am fighting my archnemisis my ex partner Joe.  It is a constant struggle for inner peace.  I love him yet I hate him for the things he does.  He antagonizes me.  In this episode, he has me in a gated community which he controls who goes in and out.  The only way in or out is to have a badge to pass through the security check points.  I’m hungry and would just like to get on with my life.  I see his laundry that needs to be done.  So I decide to do the laundry for him as he never seems to notice me when I’m doing chores.  In particular, my awareness is drawn to a full length yellow and white terry cloth robe with a hood on it.  The laundry basket is on wheels and rides along a roller coaster track to the wash room.  I decide to cover myself with the robe and ride the laundry basket out of the confines.  Fearful of what might happen in the laundry basket but believing it is my only way out I decide to go for it.  Joe see me with the laundry but doesn’t suspect anything.  He is distracted looking at an app on his phone.  It is a musical tuning app. I tell him to try the G String Tuning app.  With him distracted with the G String.  I jump in the basket and cover myself with the robe and hold on to the side handles of the basket.  The basket runs along the track at full speed gliding past the gates and over a round lake where the water is crystal clear.   I can see a boy swimming under water in the lake.  He swims like a fish with great speed.  He wears red, white and blue boxers that look like the US flag.  The white stars are very noticeable reflecting the light shimmering on the surface of the water.  He is swimming face down with his arms outstretched.  Still face down he gives me a back hand wave such that the wave is in my direction letting me know he is with me.  His body slowly turns as he goes around the pool to give me a side look and giving him an opportunity to glance my way.  I sense he supports me and by wearing his boxing shorts he is ready to fight for good with me.  He is in my court I’m not alone and by the way I am now free.

As I was waking up from the dream I saw the letters SS or it might have been 55 and then the word Marron +35R.


Mole Hill Symmetry Not Required

August 8th, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I am among my MKP brothers.  We are divided into three teams for a competition.  Each team is given the same task.   We start our work discovering our mission and what we are called to do.  We have one week in which to complete our work.  We lay the framework in the ground when the rains come.  There is not much we can do while the rain is pouring down on us.  Days pass with rain.  It is now Thursday and the rain has finally  subsided.  Believing we will never complete the task by the end of the week I walk over to the other team to see how they are doing implementing their work.   They are building molehills.  In looking at their molehills it becomes apparent the framework my team laid in the ground before the rains came have taken root and are now sprouting in their fields.  Our work is making theirs seem effortless.   As the framework sprouts from the ground they add a little bit of mud to it and the sprout as it grows lifts the mud to the next level to create a decorative lattice.  As is continues to emerge the patterns differentiate creating a beautiful doily.   I look at the doilies and I recognize them. They are the patterns I wear on my jeans with the frayed ends.  It now becomes apparent that although we were divided into teams our work contributes for the betterment of the whole.

We are now working on the electrical system.  The wires need to be spliced together but the only thing available for us to use is an antique coupler.  Although it is quite an antique it seems to be perfectly fitted for the job.  No modern day coupler would have worked as well as this one.  I can see the metal coils where the wires connect.

I then began to wake up.  The first moment of awareness as I woke up I knew I wanted to hang on to something from my dream.  I am preprogrammed for vigilance.  I immediately heard the words.  “NO NEED FOR SYMMETRY. ”  I grabbed my recorder and recorded what I could remember.




Munchkin’s Don’t Fly

August 6, 2018

In last nights dream i am angered by just about everything.  I am so angry.  At one point I am in a cafeteria where I purchase my meal for myself and people who are with me.  There is no where to sit.  The only place to sit is where the secretaries eat their lunch.   The pool of secretaries are short women.  The door to enter into their area is half height.  I feel boxed in.  The chairs are very small and the tables are also very small.  How am I supposed to entertain my party of lunch guests with such poor accommodations?

I confront one of the secretaries and ask her to explain what is going on.  She gives me a snicker (a look not the candy) which angers me further.  I snicker back at her.  I pause for a moment and recognize her to be my cat Cleo.  I think to myself this must be dream Cleo because Cleo is a cat.  Cleo is now going to scale the outside of the building and fly.  This angers me further.  Why are they not resolving the space issue I have guests to feed. I am very critical of everything they are doing.  I can see the wings she is trying to use and recognize them as my socks.  How in the world does she expect to fly using my socks.  IMPOSSIBLE.  Next thing I see is Cleo as a woman flying with my socks.

My alarm rang and I snoozed it.  I then saw a man.  Skeptical and still very angry I looked over at the man and recognized him too.  He is Butters my dog personified.  I am angry because they are taunting me.  My alarm rang a second time.  When I reached over to snooze my alarm Butters had his back to me.  I gently placed him under my arm and kissed his head.  How could I possibly be angry at my little man.

Mum’s Nun But A Moose

Dame’s Portrait Gallery Alanna Wood, Sechelt, BC, CANADA. Bar Nun and Moose

Last night I had a dream where it felt like I was in a silent movie.  No words are spoken.  Everything is communicated in silence.  My friend Dinah is sharing my house with me and has rented one of the rooms.  She has a guest, a man she is interested in who comes to visit.  I examine the locks on the door to ensure she is safe.  It feels like the world is shifting and changing.  I now find myself seating in church pews.  There is a canopy above my head which I secure in front and behind me.  I am now aware of Nuns who are seated in front of me.  They in turn take the canopy and extend it to the pews in front of them.  There are now Nuns seated in front of them.  They too take the canopy and extend it to the seats in front of them.  This goes on several times maybe 5 – 7 times such that it now feels like I’m riding in a bus.  The world is shifting around us except under this canopy.  It feels like we too are moving but we are moving as a collective.

A faerie is seated beside me to my right and below my under arm.  He hands me Moose antlers with the understanding that I am to use them for flight.  I’m a bit confused as I am unsure how I am to use them for this purpose. Do I put them on my head or to I extend my arms?  I extend my had to accept the antlers from the faerie.  As soon as I do their power pulses through my body.


As I sat here trying to remember my dream to journal it.  I thought about what the name would be and what image could possibly go with it.  I wanted to use both the Nun and the Moose in the title but how in the world was I going to find an image.  Well it appears  an artist Alanna Wood has created a work of art that depicts just that?  As I clicked through to the larger image I was drawn to the way the grass is depicted in the image the texture reminded me of the canopy in my dream.  The antlers were very similar.   I also found another picture with  nun holding deer antlers but the antlers didn’t match my dream.  Very interesting similarities.


They are symbolic of bravery and dominance. Antlers are a moose’s greatest system of defense. They also come in handy to get the ladies. To explain…during mating season (in the Fall), male moose vie for the attention of the cows (female moose).

A Hat is a Hat of Course

August 4th, 2018

I had a dream where I return to a resort where I’ve stayed before.  A part of me believes I should have a my room reserved at this location.  I find my room close to the pool and walk in.  The room has changed.  They have made it more agreeable and amenable for more people to stay with me.  There are two rooms with beds in them and one room even has bunk beds.  It looks more generic than personalized but I do like the layout.  Considering this is a vacation space I think the layout works nicely.  I look for the bathroom and notice the door is closed.  I can hear someone inside using it.

Knowing I have to go to the bathroom I remember there being a restroom on the other end of the resort.  I recall something new about the resort.  I recall the entire resort being available for my needs.  I recall not only additional restrooms available but additional sleeping areas.  The choice is mine to make.  I walk out the door toward the pool on route to the other restroom.  There are people in the pool.  One woman is completely naked.  She walks on water.   She is walking toward another woman who is in the pool leaning against the pools inner wall.  Although she is a woman she has both male and female attributes.  The woman who walks on water, walks on the surface of the water toward the other woman. Before arriving in front of her she goes under the water and fondles the other woman’s private masculine parts.  I’m surprised at their open display of affection.  I wish I had time to be as free to enjoy that type of intimacy but I have to find a restroom.

I finally couldn’t wait any longer and woke up to go to the real world bathroom.  I did my business and returned to bed.  I quickly returned to the dream.

I am now entering the other bathroom where a man stands.  He is an Amish  man with a full beard with a soft breathable cotton shirt, leather suspenders and a relaxed look.  He wears a suede leather Amish style hat.  He sees me enter the restroom and salutes me by taking off his hat.  Except under the hat he has another hat.  He then proceeds to take the second hat off only to discover under that hat he has yet another hat.  This continues for about 5 hats.  The last hat on his head is small with a 5 inch brim and is tied under his neck.  Atop the crown of the hat are two small Moose with full antlers.  It feels like a magic trick as the outcome is completely unexpected.  Like a child amused with laughter we both laugh with full bellied joy.  It becomes apparent he is doing this to amuse me.  His interest in pleasing me touches my heart and soul.


My second partner Michael who held 10 yrs of my life.

August 3, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I am in a line of people not quite sure what we are waiting for.  I am with my mother who is old and in a wheel chair.  I am protecting her.  Along the path where we walk are cutouts small rooms with 3 walls.  Occasionally people pause while they wait in line to reflect on what each room holds.  While standing in line your vision is restricted to the cutout room directly in front of you.  I am standing in front of my mom.  It is has been my belief we are at the end of the line whoever I become aware of a man who has been standing behind my mom.  I have missed noticing him because he has been engaged in each of the rooms as the line has moved.  I on the other hand have been waiting in line with my mom not entering the cutouts.  To satisfy my curiosity who might be standing behind my mom I walk behind her now in a position to see into the cutout where the man stands.  I discover the man in the room is Michael.  My second partner.  He looks amazingly beautiful.  All the reasons I fell in love with him come rushing back.  His hair glistens in the light of the sun and his beard seems to reflect the rays of the sun.  Yet even with all this love for him I feel I need to scold him for his actions.  I somehow feel he might have done some wrong against my mother.  I want him to know I stand to protect my mom.  I also feel he has hurt me.  A part of me if mad over the pain he has created in my life.

As I stand there in discussion with him, I begin to become aware of the dream.  Knowing I’m in a dream now I look at “Michael” and wonder what else might he be here to represent.  With my mind focused on OB and feeling the love deep within me.  I can feel it radiating out warmly by the sun reflecting off his golden hair.

My alarm rings and I wake up to snooze it.  I quickly close my eyes trying desperately to return to the dream.  My inner eye now sees cartoon characters.  These are very similar to yesterday’s except these appear to be presented for a mature audience.  The characters are dressed in cartoon suits, some I notice look like formal wear.  They seem to be gathering for a celebration.  I see their cartoon hair is black and well presented with clear delineation and  distinction.  They appear to be happy and proud.  My alarm rings a second time.


As I was journalling my dream and describing the cutout rooms I had a very strong feeling that each room represented a day in my life.  I seem to be stuck not engaging fully in each day because I am attached to the idea that I must care for my mother.  My mother in her wheel chair seemed unable to enjoy each day either.  I was unaware of Michael’s nearby presence because he was in engaged in life.  There is also the idea that I’m stuck in the past possibly morning the past.  I can’t see love in today.

Welcome the Family

South Park: This file is copyrighted. It will be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

August 2, 2018

I don’t remember much from last night’s dream except that in the dream I just  had a baby.  One thing I remember is being very surprised at the  amount of support I am getting from friends and family to help me raise the baby.  Even people I don’t feel particularly close to offer to come and support me by helping me care for the child.  I sense their desire to support me as honest yet under normal circumstances an offer like this I would deem dubious and possibly with strings.  I welcome their support.

I then woke up as the alarm sounded.  I quickly snoozed it to try to go back to the dream.  Laying comfortably in my bed I see cartoon people gathered along the right side of my field of vision curving up at the farthest point.   All are short and stubby much like the families in South Park.  My attention is drawn to a blond haired little boy around the 2 o’clock position.  He reminds me of the Butters character in South Park and by the way is where I got the name for my dog Butters.   As my consciousness approaches as if time is passing by the family begins to mature and age.  They mature out of their cartoon characters into human forms.  There are more or less about 7 individuals present.  I know them to be family.   My awareness arrives at the boy who is now around the age of 14 or 15 years of age.  He is slender and blond haired.  I somehow know him to be my son.    As I look around I wonder why the family isn’t larger.  I’m curious to know why my dreaming mind stopped constructing people at a count of 7.  Knowing this moment will pass quickly, I turn to get a good look at my son.  He has slender features and his blond hair is now very long.  I think we should probably cut his hair and give him something to eat and welcome the family.


It is always fun to find a picture online that can graphically depict your dream and I’m always amazed at some of the finds that are so perfectly inline with my dream.  Today is a perfect example of that.  In the dream, the family of characters were mostly lined up on the right side curling back around at the furthest point so as to remain in my fields of vision.  I thought if I can find a picture with Butters out front in the 2 o’clock position and maybe the people along a road gathered on the right side that would be the image I would go with.  Voila I found the inverse of what I dreamt.  And to top it off, they have food being served in the background as an after thought just like in my dream.  And the bald man on the stage with a grey beard well who might that be I wonder?  Although I love South Park after all I named my dog after the character Butters, I’ve never seen this episode of South Park so I know my dreaming mind didn’t reconstruct something I’ve seen before.  Did my subconscious foretell I would find this image?  If time is an illusion, which I firmly believe it is, then what came first my dream or this episode of South Park?  In my dream the cartoon characters at the end morph into people. The work of spirit is fascinating to me.  Encountering coincidence like this makes me keep coming back for more.  I love being connected to the collective unconscious mind.

I normally try to find images for my dreams that are not subject to copyright.  But there is no real way of depicting South Park without an actual image of South Park.  One nice thing is where I found the image on FANDOM they had this Fair Use of Copyright disclaimer which I was unaware of.  I guess me having a dream comment on South Park falls under Fair Use in my opinion.

Ready to Ride

August 1, 2019

This dream i had two days ago but I didn’t get around to adding it.  Last night’s dream seemed to dove tail into it.  The dream is complex but simple.  I am on a roller coaster ride that continuously comes back to the same place for me to do something and then get back on.  The something I have to do is journal the dream from the night before.  I remember feeling very very tired of continuously looping around and around on the track.   At one point, I simply can’t ride it anymore and I get off.  This is when I recall being in the dream from the previous night where I notice a computer screen this is the same computer screen from the night before which I remember has journal entries.  Again as I did in the previous night I read the journal entries presented on the screen.  I am keenly aware the screen controls the track the roller coaster uses and I must write the script to differentiate the track to effect a new path.

In the previous night when I look at this same screen I am unaware of the roller coaster.  All I know is I am somehow a contributor to this effort.  We have work to do.  As I start reading the screen it contains information on the work being conducted.  I recognize the work and it becomes apparent it is a journal of the work which has been performed to date.  I ask someone nearby if they can confirm my assumption.  The person confirms it is in fact a record of the work conducted.  It somehow feels like a story of my life and my life’s mission.  The record is missing the latest developments and the course for the future.  I begin typing into a tiny keyboard that is very very small.  Someone notices I am struggling with data entry and hands me a cell phone which has voice to text dictation.  I begin using it to input the data stream.

My awareness now returns to the present moment in the dream.   The roller coaster now contains new instructions.  I no longer feel fearful or reluctant to embark on the coaster once again.  I am ready for the ride of my life.