Back Hand Patriot

August 9th, 2018

Last night I had a dream where I am fighting my archnemisis my ex partner Joe.  It is a constant struggle for inner peace.  I love him yet I hate him for the things he does.  He antagonizes me.  In this episode, he has me in a gated community which he controls who goes in and out.  The only way in or out is to have a badge to pass through the security check points.  I’m hungry and would just like to get on with my life.  I see his laundry that needs to be done.  So I decide to do the laundry for him as he never seems to notice me when I’m doing chores.  In particular, my awareness is drawn to a full length yellow and white terry cloth robe with a hood on it.  The laundry basket is on wheels and rides along a roller coaster track to the wash room.  I decide to cover myself with the robe and ride the laundry basket out of the confines.  Fearful of what might happen in the laundry basket but believing it is my only way out I decide to go for it.  Joe see me with the laundry but doesn’t suspect anything.  He is distracted looking at an app on his phone.  It is a musical tuning app. I tell him to try the G String Tuning app.  With him distracted with the G String.  I jump in the basket and cover myself with the robe and hold on to the side handles of the basket.  The basket runs along the track at full speed gliding past the gates and over a round lake where the water is crystal clear.   I can see a boy swimming under water in the lake.  He swims like a fish with great speed.  He wears red, white and blue boxers that look like the US flag.  The white stars are very noticeable reflecting the light shimmering on the surface of the water.  He is swimming face down with his arms outstretched.  Still face down he gives me a back hand wave such that the wave is in my direction letting me know he is with me.  His body slowly turns as he goes around the pool to give me a side look and giving him an opportunity to glance my way.  I sense he supports me and by wearing his boxing shorts he is ready to fight for good with me.  He is in my court I’m not alone and by the way I am now free.

As I was waking up from the dream I saw the letters SS or it might have been 55 and then the word Marron +35R.