First Little Girl In Space


July 22, 2018

I had an amazing dream last night.  I am traveling among the stars.  At the very end I thought I was laying here in bed watching an educational program on TV. The images in my head were so crystal clear and the sound on the television was so clearly audible.  The program was very interesting and fascinating.  The program I could tell was coming to an end.  They started talking about a little girl, the first little girl to travel in space.  She was taken on a shuttle mission to fix something on one of our space satellites and to the moon.  I can see the shuttle on the television flying past the satellite.  It is approaching a round object which at first looks fuzzy.  As we get closer, I immediately recognize it as the moon but it is not the moon we are accustomed to.  It is a space ship much like the Death Star in Star Wars with some major differences.  There are three lines that go across the surface of the sphere horizontally similar to the Death Star.  One at the top around the +60 degree longitude and two in the southern hemisphere around -15 and -45 degree longitude.  The lines are obviously viewing windows with blue light emanating from them.  Between the two southern lines is a circular disk similar to the Death Star except this one appears to have the ability to rotate.  The disk reminds me of the face on a quarts watch.  Along the general surface of the moon are randomly shaped crystals that serve as viewing portals.  The shuttle approaches the moon along the northern ring.  This ring forms a continuous window which tells the history of the moon from it’s inception.   The line doesn’t go all the way around.  I can not see where it ends but I can see where it begins.  The start of the window frame has a tapered aerodynamic shape.   I think to myself why don’t we board the moon because then we can look out through the windows.  I feel it has been such a long time since I’ve been on the moon.  I wonder if no one is on-board the moon right now.

I can see the shuttle that is carrying the little girl.  It looks like one of the triangular shaped stealth planes the government uses except this one is considerably thicker.  People can actually stand up in them and walk around.  The shuttle flies low in the sky allows me to clearly see detail.  It is apparent it is doing these maneuvers specifically for me to witness.  At one point it flies in a formation that allows me to see the tops of the wings which to my surprise are not dark grey like the rest of the aircraft but instead are a translucent white that conducts pastel shades of vibrant color.  It also becomes apparent that it has the capability to fly not only horizontally but vertically by raising a section of flaps on the white surface of the wings.  The flaps have an L shape when raised for this configuration.

Now earlier in the dream I am with a team of people.  We have the ability to move between dimensions.  I am in a world where everyone is asleep going about their business.  They are doing fun day to day things but they are asleep unaware of their total existence.   I am on an escorted tour of this world.  I break away from the tour because I want to know what they are choosing to hide from me and the rest of the world.  I can deduce that I am from this world and I too have been asleep for a very long time.  The minute anyone wakes up they come at you to suppress you and force you back into a sleep state.  They hold the reality in place for us to believe our subspace reality.

I come back to the tour guide and tell him that I have found an access door above this room.  He gives me a wink and a node and tells me to go ahead and explore it while he continues the tour for the remaining people in my party.  I climb to the highest place in the room and push the ceiling panels up.  The panels give way exposing other realms and other dimensions of existence.   I make my way out and I am able to see the world as it really is.  I have the ability to fly and do incredible things.  I seem to have no limits on my power to transcend space and time and move through dimensions.

The overlords quickly discover I have breached their barriers.  I use this opportunity to understand what they are trying to protect or guard against, why the do so and how I am being manipulated into believing something that is not entirely true or is not the complete truth of who I am.  Its the egg becoming the chicken and coincidentally overcoming fear.  At some point I must mature that time is now.

I am trying to evade the authorities. They are there to keep the peace but it is in their interest.  Now that I am awake, I have an inalienable right to be a full and ascended being to travel the universe and other dimensions to discover who I am.   I have learned the process and I understand I too can hide from them and slip past them.  They have been so focused on us down below that they have become somewhat myopic and have lost the ability to see in 360 degree views. This description seems to fit an analogy for which there are no words.  Every button that is now available to me I can push and experience.  I spend a great deal of time moving back and forth between dimensions.  On occasion they would find where I was and try to come at me.  I discover what triggers them to notice me which is when I focus my sight on them their reality begins to fall apart I seem to have the ability to see through them.  They desire form and I am trying to escape form.  Yet they have the ability to take form and move out of form.   They seem to have two states of form one is similar to our physical reality and one in a higher dimension and above that a pure etheric form.

This little girl had taken the space flight to fix a satellite and to see the moon.  I am thinking how could this little girl fix a satellite.  I see the moon and the many little portal crystals scattered all over the moon that made it look like a planet.  The many crystals watch me as I fly past them like people sitting on bleachers in a stadium cheering my passage. I look back to take in it’s beautiful golden metallic color.

What an amazing dream.