Button Recruiter

June 9th, 2018

Vignette:  I remember seeing large trucks that have encircled the city.  The trucks are so close to the pedestrians I feel trapped by them.  I am standing on the sidewalk and one of the trucks nearly runs over my toes.  It literally clips the tips of the souls of my shoes.

Main Dream: Someone calls me looking for a job so I become his recruiter.  He presents his qualifications including his medical records and I offer him assistance in preparing his resume for the questions he might be asked in the interview process.  He meets with my bosses yet my bosses aren’t aware that he was coached by me.  They are very impressed by his resume and he gets the job based on his preparedness.  Slowly over time it is revealed that I coached him in the process.  I hear someone say,  “No wonder he is so well prepared.”  I apparently don’t work close to their group I just happen to know a great deal about what they do and what they are looking to create. We are all sitting around a conference table.

I excuse myself and get up to go the the bathroom for number 2. As I enter the bathroom I am given a button to turn on the lights.   It functions as a remote control.  The button controls the lights in the house. including the bathroom.  They suggest I take the button with me into my waking life.  I sit on the pot to focus on relieving myself all the while examining the button in my hand.  Feeling relieved I return to the conference room holding my button.  I am told the button is a new piece of technology the group has been working on.  They  are offering me the button in recognition of my contribution to the technology by having prepped the guy.  They encourage me to take the button with me.  As they are explaining the technology I am sensing something is not quite right.  I still have the urge to pee.  Knowing I’m in a dream I tell them I have to really go to the bathroom.  They motion to me to press the button.  I press the button and immediately wake up in real life.

~~~~~ Dream Ends Here.

After waking up I thought how unusual that in the dream I had to use the bathroom.  I don’t remember ever using a restroom in a dream.  I have been in a dream bathroom before but never actually believed I was actually using the restroom to relieve myself.  I definitely didn’t go number 2 in my bed.  I remember being in the conference room and needing it.  I even excused myself to go.  I apparently knew where this dream bathroom was located.  It was in the bathroom where I was given the button.  So if that part of the dream only happened because I really needed to go then did the dream create a bathroom on the fly for me to use.  I remember it being a normal bathroom.  The buttons were on the counter.  I was told to take one and specifically to take one back with me implying that I was in a dream and I was expected to return.  At that moment I didn’t fully understand.  I assumed it meant to take it back to the conference room.  After using what I thought was number 2 and feeling relieved I took the button with me back to the conference room.  That’s when they explained what the button was for.  It was what they were creating.  It was the work for which they hired the guy I prepped for the job.  The button is a remote control to turn the light on.  I was to take it back with me into my waking life.  When I realize I still had to use the bathroom and attempted to excuse myself again they instructed me to push the button.  I immediately woke up.

When I woke up I recognized the button as something I already have in waking life.  Its a night light.

Last Word: I initially recorded the dream with my voice recorder but when I sat down to journal it I journaled it from memory.  Interestingly the vignette i didn’t remember until after I heard the recording and so I added it in.  The weird part is tonight I almost ran over a pedestrian.  I was coming up a main road and along the side walk were a line of people waiting to go into a bar / restaurant.  I wasn’t traveling that fast when a guy decided to cross the street.  There was a cross walk there but no light.  I thought he was waiting in line with the rest of the people standing on the sidewalk.  For some reason he just began crossing.  I slammed on the break and nearly ran over his toes.  I was just telling my Airbnb guest about what happened before I sat down at my computer to listen to the recording.  The first thing i hear is the vignette.  How coincidental that I nearly ran someone over just like in the dream.