I had a dream yesterday where i saw what looked like coral and possibly a palm tree which was fading into a coffee cream color. I then saw a man who was talking to me in a gentle and loving way. Lucid at this point and while I had the chance I asked him, Who are you?

Today the answer came back. As I was waking up a saw what looked like scales.

Having my morning coffee at my dining table I thought to myself, would be in their wisdom to answer with a picture. Feeling no further enlightened than when I had asked the questions I searched the internet for the term “scales” and was drawn to this image of the fish. I’ve started blogging my dreams again since returning from the MKP weekend. https://rubenbailey.com/ I was thinking what picture can I use for this dream. Not knowing what to put I though my alter flowers would go nicely. So I took this this picture. I wanted both picture but have a rule of only using one picture per dream. So I thought why not super impose them. This is what I got.


Read yesterday’s dream where I asked the question Who are you? and look at the picture. My sheet music is in the background. The middle flower looks like a palm tree. The table looks like scales. My sheet music has scales, the fish has scales, this is where I sit and have my coffee and meditate and start my day with a sense of connection to God.

It is nothing less than magical the way spirit works. I consider yesterday’s dream precognitive because it foresaw today’s dream and arrangement of life events all summarized in one image. Truth to the saying a picture says 1000 words.

I’m struck by the placement of things and the word play in this dream.