You're Mona!

Mona LisaThis afternoon at 3pm I was very tired and decided to lie down for a couple hours to take a nap.  As is customary, I began my nap with a meditation.  I quickly lost myself in the meditation and suddenly found myself across from a tall young man seated comfortable in a sofa.  The man wore military fatigues and had a garrison cap resting on his knee.  He was apparently preparing to go answer a call to service.  He was telling me about the honor it is to serve his country.  In the back of my mind I remembered that I was in the middle of a meditation.  Alert now I paid very close attention to what he was sharing with me.  In parting he said the best part of being away from home would be returning home to his wife.  At that moment a woman walked through a nearby corridor and into the room.  The gentleman stood up and leaned forward to kiss his wife goodbye. 


I found it odd that he felt the need to display his affection in my presence. As she leaned in to receive the kiss, my attention was instantly drawn to the woman.  Without thinking, I immediately stood up in the vision and walked over to her.  Something about her was very familiar to me.  I knew her.  It then hit me and I blurted out to her, “You’re Mona.”  I leaped at the chance to bring something concrete back with me from the other side so I moved in closer with determination within inches of her face.  “You’re Mona,” I said.  I was shocked at my sudden reaction.  I had never seen her before but a part of me deep in my core knew exactly who she was.


Surprised she backed away puzzled saying, “What do you mean?”  From her words, I knew she also knew exactly who I was.  This was as much of a surprise to her, as seeing her for the first time was to me.  With emphasis I looked deep into her eyes and replied, “I know who you are, you’re Mona.”  The deeper I looked into her eyes the more I recognized my own eyes in hers.  Her eyes were mine.  Our foreheads pressed against each other.  As her image faded all I could see were the pupils of her eyes reflecting my third eye. 


I ended my meditation and opened my eyes in utter amazement.  I quickly reached for my voice recorder but it was not in its usual position on the end table.  “I must have left it down stairs,” I thought to myself.  I then began to replay the events in my head to commit them to long term memory.  All of the sudden details of the man’s life came flowing back like a damn that had given way.  Many details poured in.  What a time to forget my voice recorder down stairs.  I knew everything about the man’s life. 


Frustrated and simply too tired to get up I reveled in this new awareness deciding not to interrupt the flow to go look for it. I decided to simply trust that I would remember later everything that had been poured into my waking consciousness.  I looked at my alarm clock.  Thirty minutes had passed since I first laid down to meditate.  I rolled over and quickly fell asleep.


Some time later I had a false awakening where I woke up thinking it was time to get back to my household chores but for some reason I could not get up.  Looking around the room everything looked as it should.  I then reached over to look at my alarm clock but noticed I could not see my arm yet I felt its movement.  I knew I was having a false awakening.  I also knew for me false awakenings are the perfect opportunity to trigger an out of body experience.  To confirm, I moved my hands in front of my face and could not see them.  I then tried gently to roll myself out of my body, but I couldn’t.  No matter how hard I tried I could not detach myself from my body.  I remained calm, knowing I’ve been able to do this before.  Once again I tried to will my body out.  I rolled slightly to my side and swung my legs to the left.  I was able to sit up.  I then calmly stood.  I was free.  I had done it I was free from my body. I waled over to the foot of my bed to look across at a mirror I have hanging in my bedroom.  No reflection.  I could not see myself in the light of the afternoon sun that shown through my window.  I looked down at my body to see streams of energy flowing down through me creating what looked like a long flowing robe of many colors.  I moved in slow motion like a man on the moon.  My etheric body seemed to glide gracefully with ease. 


I thought to myself, “You’ve done it, you’ve done it.”  I then heard another little voice in my head say, “what if you have died.  What if you can’t find your way back.”  At that point I really didn’t care. The voices could say whatever they wanted, I simply didn’t care.  I was where I wanted to be.  If I had died in my sleep I was happy to finally be free.  It was beautiful I danced around the room experiencing what it was like to be pure essence. I was in no hurry to go back.  I danced and danced and danced.  As I twirled, I caught a glimpse of my left hand through the mirror protruding from underneath my covers.  I paused to look at my hand through the mirror.  I then saw another hand gently caressing my hand and forearm.  Was it possibly my right hand?  Was my body moving?  I then moved in closer to the mirror.  No it was a hand very distinct from mine with very long bony fingers and long nails. 


“Who is messing with my body?  I guess it’s time to go back.”  I then closed my eyes and willed myself back.  I instantly found myself back in my body underneath the covers.  I could feel the weight of someone on my body but I could not see anyone.  I still was in the false awakening because I could not see my own hand either yet I knew we were both very much present, but who was this other person?  I struggled to move but couldn’t.  I was locked in my body once again.  The struggle woke me up. Yes I was now back. 


I immediately sat up to run downstairs to retrieve my voice recorder.  I looked over at my nightstand and there on the opposite side of my nightstand was my wallet and the voice recorder.  It had been there all along just not where it normally is; within easy reach.  


I quickly recorded all the details.  To my misfortune I could no longer remember any details of the man’s life other than the year 1926 and the name Eric.  He was a corporal.


I did my normal research first keying off the name Mona.  I wondered if the name had any meaning or significance.  The only thing I could fine was the Mona Lisa.  At first I discounted it until I scrolled down the page to find where they focused on the hands of the Mona Lisa.  Just as in my dream it the Mona Lisa has rather large hands and it looks like one hand is caressing the other.  Another interesting fact that I didn’t know about the Mona Lisa is the pyramid.  I’m planning a trip to Egypt?  I couldn’t help but wonder if the dream was encouraging me to go. 


I then moved on to the military man.  He was a corporal.  Looking up the word, I was surprised to find a very spiritual meaning of the word


from the doctrine that the bread of the Eucharist becomes or represents the body of Christ


Leonardo used a pyramid design to place the woman simply and calmly in the space of the painting. Her folded hands form the front corner of the pyramid. Her breast, neck and face glow in the same light that models her hands. The light gives the variety of living surfaces an underlying geometry of spheres and circles.