![Kari Strand http://jpgmag.com/photos/3110860](http://8020.photos.jpgmag.com/3110860_193229_e714718606_p.jpg)
June 22, 2018
While on my first MKP Staffing at Claymont Court in Charles Town, WVa it was my first night there we had arrived on the 21st and as customary I was eager to have a dream to share in open circle this morning. When I was about to wake up I remembered, don’t forget you’re bags. My mind wanted to recover the dream but the dream interpreted it as my bags. So I returned to the dream.
I re-enter the dream space to recover my bags. Sitting in the the right side of an otherwise empty room is one of those grocery shopping bags you take with you to the market to avoid using plastic bags. I rush over and quickly grab the straps of the bag. As I turn I become aware of the walls in the dream which are constructed of flowing energy the energy is alive like colonies of ants withing bubbles that float to and fro across the canvas waiting their next assignment. I recall my purpose completing my turn and glimpse the contents of the bag. I am expecting to see my cloths and sheets and other articles from the weekend adventure but instead deep in the bad is a baby swaddled in a blanket sleeping. The surprise jars me awake.
In morning circle I shared my dream and as I was sharing it the meaning hit me, The Baby is in the Bag. It is quite coincidental I found this picture on the net with a baby boy in a King grocery bag. If you are familiar with the work men do within Mankind Project you would know we look at our shadows and the archetypes of King, Magician, Warrior and Lover in mythological story of Iron John so the picture seemed PERFECTLY suited for my dream.