Mystery Sock

So tonight the night following the Not My Shoes dream, i had a date which I don’t often have or at least not often enough in my opinion.  Anytime shoes appear in my dreams I equate them to the Soul since the souls are in your shoes and in this dream the soul or shoe was missing it’s mate.  So I thought it had to do with my desire to find a soul mate and my lack of success in the matter.  I’m pretty much at the point of giving up on a soul mate given the direction my life is headed in from this point forward.  And it seems that all the available shoes or soulmates are not of my liking.  So after the guy who is someone I’ve been on a date with before long time ago and who reminded me a lot of my ex Joe was leaving I found beside my desk on the cedar chest a sock the size appropriate to a baby.  It was just one sock.  I asked the guy if it was his sock to which he said it wasn’t.  I had been all over the room today cleaning and at no time did I see this sock.  It just strikes me as eerily coincidental that I would be abandoning my pursuit of a soulmate in favor of a baby’s sock. Just like in the dream the shoes I liked only had one shoe without a pair.  The sock also has no partner.  I’ve been scanning pictures and I had a framed picture of me when I was in elementary school.  I think the sock would have fit me and I found it right beside the picture.  So many coincidences.

Daddy’s Eyes

As I woke up this morning I saw a young man around the age of 30. He was so beautiful ageless, timeless, eternal. I didn’t know who he was at first but then he opened his eyes and stared directly into my soul as we connected and in that moment I knew exactly who he was. It was my dad. The connection was intense with a deep profound sense of knowing. His eyes were the color of the sun.

In last nights dream I became lucid and found myself in a building trying to find my way out toward freedom.  I am feeling a sense of confinement and I don’t know the people around me.  As I move about, I take note of the ethers that make up the dream.  It illuminates with my thoughts.  There are small etheric people within the ethers who pulsate light and color within their bodies in response to my thought.  They look like brine shrimp as the energy pulsates within the ethers.

As i stand still observing their behavior I see that my ability to create color has developed over time.  Now I experience complex shades of gray-blue.   I also note that the color black has taken on a new form, a delicate lattice not to be feared.  I see the letters 88 or HH appearing in the lattice.

As I walk through one door and emerge in another room very different from the previous I somehow know that I am in the same room.  I then will myself to go outside as I walk through a white door before me, I see people walking about not unlike on any city street.  They all appear to have purpose in being here going about their business.  I will myself to fly but seem to struggle getting very far up off the ground and not sufficient to clear the buildings.   I wonder if I should conform to walking like the others in this dimension.  I also wonder what I look like to them or if they even know I exist in their world.

Love is Perfect; The Bedouin Man

BedouinIn the middle of the night I woke up with the feeling that someone had taken my wallet from off my nightstand.  Before I could even open my eyes, I grabbed for my wallet which was now in the hands of a man who walked beside my bed.  To the man’s surprise, I was successful at reclaiming my wallet from him.  As I opened my eyes, there standing beside my bed was this man.  He was a Bedouin.  Although he stood in my bedroom he also stood simultaneously in his world upon a precipice in the high desert.  He was a beautiful luminescent blue angelic being whose face radiated pure unconditional love.  At times the wind being so strong blew his scarf in front of his face obscuring my view of him.  I raised my hand and arm in front of me to hail his presence.  


He then placed a vision in my mind; a dream where I am in a sexual embrace at the point of ecstasy with not a person but the entire universe.  The universe is inside my body.  The feeling was so overwhelming that I completely lost myself forgetting where I was. My being was totally and completely consumed by the experience.  For the first time I experienced real LOVE.  I understood that when we love our love is felt by everyone.  Love is perfect. 


As the dream continued and I regain awareness within the dream I realize I forgot to let the dog in from the cold.  I quickly run downstairs in the dream to let him back in.  My dog is so excited to see me.  I kneel upon the floor and my dog jumps into my arms to be cuddled by me.  We walk back upstairs and return to bed. 


The vision ends and my awareness is returned to the Bedouin man.  My arm is still outstretched.  My eyes rolled back in my head in utter amazement as my body fell back in bed.  After a few moments, I regained my composure and sat up again to look around the room.  The Bedouin man was nowhere to be found. 

Smoky Truth

FireplaceLast night I had a dream where I am retelling my dream.  I am walking down my street that my house is on.  I stop to look at the beautiful landscape and the clear blue sky.  I notice the sky is too perfect and I become aware that I am dreaming.  Since I am retelling my dream I tell those with me that everything I see here even in it’s perfect appearance is an illusion. But then something catches my eye.  The neighbor’s house has changed.  It is bigger than before. My house does boarder their house.  I walk by the two houses twice to try to figure out how it could have changed.  Somehow I know this is not an illusion.  The homes are real.  


Now inside my house I pass by a tiled fireplace and something catches my eye in the reflection of the tile.  In the tiles reflection I can see the truth.   I can see who is actually in the room.  I can see both the physical and those invisible beings from other dimensions.  I am amazed.  I confront the other worldly beings those who are otherwise invisible except when reflected.  I show them that I am not afraid.  They are beautiful to look at.  I play and dance with them. 


My ex Michael comes over but he cannot see them. He is happy to see me, so happy that he has alas found me.  I too am happy to see him.  He stands out on the front porch to have a smoke.  While out there the other dimensional beings over hear him saying how much he still loves and wants to be with me.  They share this secret with me. 

Teleportation …. A Night To Remember

TeleportationLast night I had an incredible experience.  I know I always say that but this one was truly incredible and never experienced before.  As I lay in bed mediating I fell into a very deep trance from which I could not get out.  I wasn’t afraid.  I just assumed my body was tired and needed the extra time to revitalize and reconnect to spirit so I immersed myself in the experience.  As I lay there just barely conscious of my surroundings, I suddenly felt an incredible rush of energy that lifted my body up from my chest with tremendous force and great speed.  My head and arms were drawn back by the forward motion.  


Still unable to come to and unable to see, I wondered if the entities who bless my night were taking advantage of me in my present state to probe me. I could swear my physical body was literally floating above my bed suspended in mid-air because I could distinctly feel the change in body posture yet my body was not responsive.  My body was asleep yet my consciousness was fully awake and very much attached to my body.  I was having an out of body experience where I was literally dragging my physical body behind me. In the distance I could clearly hear my roommate.  I was sure he would be coming into my room at any moment and would see me hanging there suspended in mid-air like Linda Blair.  I hung there in space with my arms dangling and my head drawn back for about 15 minutes.  My roommate never came into the room.  I felt another force of energy move my body forwared yet again to an even higher level at tremendous speed.  I then began hearing other voices which I could not understand.  In truth, I felt I knew the language but the words were somehow not registering.  I felt my memories were being intentionally blocked and erased the moment I heard them.  


After a few minutes, my body returned to my bed as quickly as it was taken up.  Upon impact I immediately opened my eyes. I remained calm.  In front of me above my navel was suspended a mechanical ethereal arm; a dimensional portal of sorts that had been used to probe and observe me.  The opening was a vibratory luminescent green rectangular connected to a green wormhole which extending into space.  Within the green rectangle was a golden pyramid.  I could see into the other dimension through the opening.   Within the pyramid was contained a cosmos of information; all sorts of information and knowledge was contained therein. Through the pyramid I could see everything at once simultaneously, so profound was the experience that I can’t not even begin to describe it, yet not in a spiritual sense it was profound in the shere exchange of information.   The probe swivelled around a bit and finally came to rest on my bed on my right side. It’s substance slowly dissipated leaving behind a collage of luminescent gossamer strands.  I rolled over on my side and hugged the stands drawing them and my covers toward me.  I then fell asleep.

The Death of Physical Desire

Deathast night I had a dream where I am sitting with my family huddled around a small heater that barely produced enough heat for them.  They asked if I could possibly give them a new heater.  Of course, I told them. You can have anything you need.  I materialize a bigger heater for them enough to heat the space in which we were huddled.  Without anyone saying anything to me, I am suddenly aware of the death of my father.  I immediately stand up.  He died while crossing the street.  I observe that no one is saddened by his death not even my mother.  Everyone has gracefully come to terms with his death. 


I turn away to do my own inner reflection.  Within me I can see the ground upon which his body lay.  Going back in time I re-live his last breath.  “No, you have to be kidding,” he says to himself inwardly.  He looks up and points to the sky and smiles.  He is experiencing a vision.  “They have come for me,” he says; those where his last words. 


I now understood why everyone had gracefully accepted his death.  In his death he received everything he had been searching for.  


As my own inner reflection faded within the dream I began to awaken.  Lying in bed I came to full awareness.  Above my bed was floating the image of my father.  Instinctively, I reached out to grab his ethereal form to pull him toward me.  My left hand went straight for his heart like an arrow released from the bow of my heart.  I grabbed hold of him capturing his heart in the palm of my hand.  I could see his final expression as he surrendered his life before my eyes.  His image slowly faded.  I opened my hand and there in the palm of my hand was a handful of the etheric substance of his being.  It was hunter green in color and ran down the palm of my hand and fingers.  I held up my hand to the dawn of the morning light shining through my bedroom window.  Its consistency was dense yet still transparent.  My palm was completely green.  Like tiny fiber filaments angel hair of some sort; it clung to my hand forming a web between my fingers that obscured the light. I compared both palms.  One was clearly green while the other was my normal skin tone. 


I placed my palm on my heart.  Could my father have really died?  I’d have to call home first thing in the morning.  Somehow I knew this wasn’t about my real father but more about what my father represented.  My father represents my struggle with addiction and my desire for ultimate truth.  Death is a liberation from bondage; a bondage to my physical desire.  Was I now free from bondage?  I then remembered that last night as I began my meditation I tried to visualize the moment in which I came into existence.  I wanted to know why I had decided to come into physical form.  What was my desire?  What was my purpose for coming here?  What did I want to accomplish? 


OstrichI decided to meditate and see if I could glean anything more from this dream vision.  As I meditated, I began to see tree people. These trees were moonstruck; solid black shadows against a white backdrop.  They looked like palm trees with ostrich feet.  There were about 7 of them of varying heights.  They did a two step dance of sorts to let me know they were happy with the outcome.  


My alarm sounded.  I quickly hit the snooze button and returned to my meditation.  Seeing that I had returned, the ostrich’s regrouped and returned to their tree dance.  Clarity sharpened as they came in closer into view. The showed me there feet and how they walked.  Still moonstruck all I could see was the outline of their shadow.  My alarm sounded a second time.  It was time to awaken.


What does is all mean, I’m really not sure but I know as I live it and hold onto it more will be revealed. I’m exactly where I need to be.

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight ZoneA strange thing happened to me last night as I was lying in bed meditating.  As usual I began to see the wonderfully colorful lights pan back and forth in my minds eye.  I then saw children approach floating in the void space within my mind. They asked if they could approach me.  I mentally agreed allowing them to come near to me.  The closer they came the deeper I went into trance.  I was however fully conscious and aware of everything that was happening.  They said they had brought me something that I had been longing for.  One of them preceded to hand me an etheric substance which he held in the palm of his right hand that I can only describe as some form of etheric plasma.  It was a very dense luminescent blue color. It was similar to the substance that gathers to form spirit energy but this was highly concentrated. He asked me to hold out my hand to receive the gift of spirit. He then placed it in the palm of my left hand.  In awe I examined it carefully massaging it gracefully with my fingers to feel its consistency.  This was the purest form I had ever seen; like soap suds it clung to my hand.  This gift of spirit was virgin in the sense that it had never been used to manifest any form before.  This was the substance with which creation unfolds.


The children sat around me as we all watched with great intent.  I lost myself in the awe of the moment.  I then turned to my partner and told him to turn and look at what was in my hand, but he was fast asleep lying next to me.  Wanting him to share in this moment with me, I nudged him with my right elbow being careful not to take my eyes off this precious gift which I held in my hand.  In that same moment I felt something suddenly hit the left side of my nose.  Startled but still within the trance I realized I don’t have a partner so who is this person lying next to me?  I then opened my eyes to figure out what had hit my face. 


I opened my eyes and literally had to back away from a green probe that hung suspended within an inch of the bridge of my nose.  It looked like a robotic arm of some sort.   It too was etheric and luminescent. The length of the arm formed a tunnel a vortex through which I could see multi colored light streaming toward me.  I quickly closed my eyes again and found myself back in the trance from which I had just come out of.  My partner to my right who I know doesn’t exist in real life was still lying next to me.  I then considered this mystery carefully and noticed my arm and elbow, with which I had just bumped my partner to get his attention, was hovering just above the bridge of where his nose would be.   


Welcome to the Twilight Zone moment.

Idealism: I Think therefore I Am

Pillars of HerculesLast night I had a dream where I am visiting my nephew who is a student in college.  He has most of his days free able to enjoy the campus.  He shows me around campus.  The campus is on the edge of the sea.  The water is tropical, shallow and crystal clear such that I can clearly see the sand at my feet.  There are many boulders and rock formations in the shallow sea that protrude above the surface of the water. 
We are standing in the shallow waters where we have a clear line of sight down a water way that leads to where I come from; my point of origin 3000 miles away.  I know this to be the path I need to take in order to return home. As I stand there with him, we marvel at the majestic beauty that is this place.  As I am standing there I realize I am standing atop of an old ruin.  I am standing on a pillar; the leg of a man; a stone statue that once stood here.  All that remains is the stone from his ankle down to his shoe of both his right and left leg which now form two pillars. I stand upon the stone that is his left leg to admire his shoes.  In looking closely at his shoes I notice he wore tennis shoes.
In a moment of clarity, I become lucid.  I suddenly know where I stand.  With a new awareness, I realize they had idealized his tennis shoes.  Looking out upon the horizon, I realize the magnitude of where I stand. 
As I stand upon the pillar of his left leg, the ruin around me now begins to rematerialize as it once was before the day of its destruction.  From the sea arose an arch to my right that is covered in seaweed.  I know that by standing on the ruin of his leg I bring the life force back to this man because these were my tennis shoes.  Now awestruck with this revelation, I know I must return home with the news.  In the strait, a staircase appears.  I run up the stairs to the top but when I reach the top there is no place else to go.  I turn back, knowing I will have to return home the hard way and travel through the campus to the other side.  Running back toward the campus of the university, I arrive at a wooden gate that is secured with a pad lock.  The moment I stand in front of the gate the pad lock releases and the gate swings open. 
I pass though the gate and enter the campus courtyard.  Standing in the center of the courtyard I look back and see a demon standing on the inside of the now open gate.  This demon had allowed me in.  The demon then run toward me.  My initial reaction is to flee but a part of me knows I must confront this demon head on once and for all.  I circle the courtyard and turn myself around to take up my stand.  Like a bull in a ring, I lower my eyebrows in a determined frown.  I charge the demon head on.  Surprised by my action the demon turns to retreat to a corner.   
Head to head I corner him and open my eyes to awake from the dream. 

At the foot of my bed was standing a sea faring man who wore a sailor’s hat.  In his left hand he held a shoe; heel facing me.  He was shaking like a wet dog.  He was offering me the shoe as he repeatedly ran his index finger along the ankle of the shoe. 
I immediately grabbed my voice recorder to record the details of the dream.  I knew the dream had great importance to me.  When I got to the part about the tennis shoes I became stuck unable to place a word to the feeling I had felt surrounding the shoes.  As if to help me, the sailor placed the words so clearly in my mind.  They came like a refreshing sea breeze that I could literally feel.  “They idealized his shoes.”
I thought that’s an odd way to describe it.  It wouldn’t have been my choice of words but I knew those words were true to the dream.  He then held out the shoe.  I reached over to receive the shoe and held it in my hand.  Sitting in my bed, my alarm clock sounded as the sailor disappeared leaving behind the etheric blue shoe in my hand.   I reached over to snooze the alarm.  I put the shoe under my covers and laid there in amazement. 
On the way to work someone traveling on the Metro with a suitcase bumped my ankle removing my shoe.  I stopped to fix my shoe thinking, “that’s a strange coincidence.”  At work I searched Wikipedia for a suitable image to convey the imagery of the dream.  The water way reminded me of the Straits of Gibraltar.  I knew nothing of Gibraltar other than the fact that there was a water way so I looked it up.  This led me to the Rock of Gibralter.  Come to find out the Rock of Gibraltar is also known as the Pillars of Hercules.  I was beside myself.  Here this dream turned out to be a continuation of yesterdays dream. .
I knew there was definitely something very profound here.  The synchronicity gave me the assurance that what I experienced is in fact real.  I then decided to look up the meaning of idealize which was an oddly placed word conveyed by the dream.  I felt it had some significance that I need to investigate.  As I followed this clue, I was lead to the term idealism.  I was surprised to find the word has a lot to do with metaphysics and God.

Idealism is the doctrine that ideas, or thought, make up either the whole or an indispensable aspect of any full reality, so that a world of material objects containing no thought either could not exist as it is experienced, or would not be fully “real.” Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies.

In Eastern thought, as reflected in Hindu idealism, the concept of idealism takes on the meaning of higher consciousness, essentially the living consciousness of an all-pervading God, as the basis of all phenomena. A type of Asian idealism is Buddhist idealism.

Main article: Platonic idealism
In common discussion, Plato is often referred to as an “idealist”, because of his doctrine of the “Forms,” which are certainly “ideals,” in a broad sense. But Plato doesn’t describe the Forms as being in any mind. Instead, he regularly describes them as having their own, independent existence.[1] So it seems clear that Plato is not, at any rate, a “subjective” idealist, like Berkeley.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is sometimes interpreted as drawing attention to the problem of knowing “external objects”–the problem that concerned Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, and other modern philosophers. But the Forms that the Cave-dwellers are ignorant of aren’t “external” to them in the way that material objects are for these modern thinkers. The Forms are the true realities, but they aren’t spatially outside us, as material objects are. So the issue that Plato’s allegory addresses–which is, roughly, how can we know what is truly real (and truly good)?–is quite different from the modern issue of our knowledge of the “external world.”

However, even if Plato doesn’t share the specific concerns of modern philosophy, and of George Berkeley, in particular, Plato could still be a non-subjective idealist. He could believe that matter has no independent existence, or that full “reality” (as distinct from mere existence) is achieved only through thought. Bernard Williams and Myles Burnyeat have maintained that Greek philosophers never conceived of idealism as an option, because they lacked Descartes’s conception of an independently existing mind.[2] But Williams and Burnyeat didn’t consider the possibility that Plato could have held an idealism like Kant’s, which argues from the nature of knowledge to the nature of the objects of knowledge, or like Hegel’s, which denies that matter is fully “real”–without (in either case) reducing material objects to ideas in a mind or minds. Moreover, Plato’s theory of the separation of soul and body could be seen as an earlier, rougher form of Cartesian dualism.

The German Neo-Kantian scholar, Paul Natorp, argued in his Plato’s Theory of Ideas. An Introduction to Idealism (first published in 1903)[3] that Plato was a non-subjective, “transcendental” idealist, somewhat like Kant, and Natorp’s thesis has received support from some recent scholars.[4]

Writing about Descartes, Schopenhauer claimed, “… he was the first to bring to our consciousness the problem whereon all philosophy has since mainly turned, namely that of the ideal and the real. This is the question concerning what in our knowledge is objective and what subjective, and hence what eventually is to be ascribed by us to things different from us and what is to be attributed to ourselves.” (Parerga and Paralipomena, Vol. I, “Sketch of a History of the Doctrine of the Ideal and the Real”) According to Descartes, we really know only what is in our own consciousnesses. We are immediately and directly aware of only our own states of mind. The whole external world is merely an idea or picture in our minds. Therefore, it is possible to doubt the reality of the external world as consisting of real objects. “I think, therefore I am” is the only assertion that can’t be doubted. This is because self-consciousness and thinking are the only things that are unconditionally experienced for certain as being real. In this way, Descartes posed the issue of epistemological idealism, which is awareness of the difference between the world as an ideational mental picture and the world as a system of external objects.

Does this mean I’m Hercules…or possibly a divine hero?  I think…therefore I Am.  In keeping humble, I interpret it as my potential is herculean and if I exercize it, I can be a hero in my own right.  There is something so compelling in all this that makes me feel I’m onto something.  I get the feeling that if I stay on course I will do or discover something in the course of my life that can have the potential to change human history. 

Dawning the Face of God

GeckoLast night while I was deep in mediation lying in bed, I saw in my mind’s eye what looked like a woman. She was on top of me, somehow within me, occupying the same physical space that my body occupies. As she raised her body out of mine, she delivered a deep tongue kiss. It caught me completely off guard. “Too late to refuse that one,” I thought to myself. To play with the vision, I kissed her back. I then observed her unusual features as she blushed and backed away. She was humanoid, with friendly lizard like qualities.  Her tongue was thick and long and her jaw bird like. Her colors were saphire blue and emerald green. She reminded me of the Geico Gecko. Slowly her image faded and I drifted off to sleep.

My dreams were one struggle after another. So much happened that I can’t even begin to recount all the events. The last thing I remember happened toward the early morning hours. I was watching these reptilian humanoids perform a procedure on me. I could see my anesthetized body below on a table. They had my jaw unlocked and my mouth wide open as if I had swallowed something. Something began to come out of my mouth. I felt very uncomfortable as if I was in labor. Something from deep within me was coming out. I then realized it was the lizard’s tongue that I had swallowed. I began to squirm as the anesthetic began to wear off. I struggled to bring it up from deep within my esophagus. With one large and forceful cough I regurgitated  and expelled the lizard tongue.

HeraclesI immediately opened my eyes and awoke from the dream. Above my bed was floating the image of a gigantic Herculean man. He had a huge frame and was very muscular. His hair was a radiant white. He had rosy checks and a thick white beard and mustache. I could tell he was a man of great wisdom. He clearly saw me too. He tried to tell me that he is what they had extricated from within me. He kept patting himself on the chest, saying, “I am, I am.” I laid there confused somewhat angry that I’ve been choked up for so long with this huge man inside me.

I studied his features carefully. Still angry, I grabbed my voice recorder and recorded the details of what I had experienced. Choked with anger, I felt it difficult to describe what had just happened to me. I did the best I could and set the voice recorder back down. The man was still hovering over my bed, trying desperately to get my attention back. I simply refused to give it to him. I rolled on my side and returned to my sleep. Finding it difficult to sleep, I decided to meditate so I rolled on my back.

I quickly fell into a vision, where I saw two great birds the white condor and the black condor struggling with each other; their etheric bodies melding into one and emerging as two. Over and over this process continued. After a few minutes my alarm clock sounded. I opened my eyes and reached over to snooze it. When I looked back, I noticed the white bearded man was still above my bed. Now he had my attention. I connected with him telepathically and realized the struggle would continue until I devoted all my attention to him. But who was this man? He answered, “Do you not recognize me?” He did look familiar. He reminded me a little bit of Santa Clause. Then I remembered. This man had visited me before. “Spirituality is a treasure to live for all humanity, to overcome a notion, in a time when spirits rejoice. Where ever you go you pull the universe with you.” Oh my….I knew who this man was……but why was he dawning my face?  His face was my face at the end of my life.

When I got to work I searched Wikipedia for a picture to use for my post that would come close to describing the man from this morning but nothing seemed to fit. I tried Hercules, Giants, Gigantes, Jack and the Beanstalk, but nothing seemed to fit. I finally came across Heracles. The minute I saw his statue I said…”That’s him.” I didn’t even know who Heracles was. Come to find out he is also know as Hercules. I had thought they were different people but come to find out he is one and the same. I did find the meaning of his name interesting.

In Greek mythology, Heracles or Herakles (“glory of Hera“, or “Glorious through Hera,” Alcides (original name) was a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, nephew of Amphitryon[1] and great-grandson (and half-brother) of Perseus. He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females were among his characteristic attributes.

I also looked up Hera in Heracles and to my astonishment it resembled my dream of swallowing and regurgitating.

In the Olympian pantheon of classical Greek Mythology, Hera, (Greek Ήρα, or Here (Ήρη in Ionic and Homer) was the wife and older sister of Zeus. Her chief function was as goddess of women and marriage. Her equivalent in Roman mythology was Juno. The cow and later the peacock were sacred to her. Hera was born of Cronus and Rhea and was swallowed by her father after birth due to a prophecy that one of Cronus’s children would take over his throne. Zeus was not swallowed because of a plan hatched by Rhea and Gaia. Rhea wrapped a stone into baby clothes and gave that to Cronus. Zeus was then moved to a cave on Crete. Rhea later gave Cronus an herb which she told him could make him completely invincible. The herb actually made him regurgitate the five other Olympians: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, as well as the previously ingested stone. When Zeus grew older, he banished Cronus to Tartarus, the deepest chasm in the underworld, because the Titans were immortal and could not be killed.

Now do I look like Hercules? Maybe there is a little resemblance.

Giv Dar; Shahnameh

ShahnamehThis morning when my alarm sounded I promptly hit the snooze button.  I immediately noticed beside my bed was standing an alien Being from another dimension.  He was what I would consider to be very hideous.  His skin was a khaki tan hybrid color with a leathery wet look.  He was some form of humanoid creature.  I thought, “Wow, he is ugly.” I was however not afraid.  I want to know who these visitors are and why they have been seeking me out.  I thought it important to note the time on my alarm clock.  It was 7am sharp. I then felt my body jerk abruptly as I was lifted by my mid-section.  I felt the right side of my face scrap what felt like concrete.  I passed out for a few moments.  It all happened so quickly. 


When I regained consciousness I was lying face down.  I could feel the pain in my face from the impact when I landed.  I could vaguely remember my face hitting the ground yet my surroundings was still my bedroom but I somehow knew I was no longer in my bedroom.  My nose and sinuses were full of mucus.  I rolled slightly to my side.  My alien visitor was beside me examining me.  I did not fear.  This was my chance to figure out what they want from me.  As I looked at him, I immediately had a vision. 


This vision was unique in that everything happened concurrently as if I was outside of linear time.  I will describe it linearly but I can’t honestly say what happened first.  I was also completely awake the entire time. 


I traveled at great speed over a desert landscape.  I was without a doubt on another planet possibly Venus or Mercury because the sun was at least twice the size it is on Earth. Even though it was early morning, I could see the sun in all its fullness.  I was amazed at the clarity with which I was viewing this other reality.  I was completely immersed in my new reality. I could see people. I stared into their faces noting all features. Not one detail was omitted.  This was not a dream. They were human like me possibly gods from another planet. It reminded me of Egypt but the desert sand was red like it is in New Mexico.  The landscape was also very jagged.  People here lived not in houses but in the sand.  There were many beautiful white and gold temples.  The landscape was breathtaking.  I walked among the people.  Many wore saffron robes that flowed with the breeze.  There were children present too.  As I walked among them I could hear their thoughts.  I presume they could hear mine because they were talking to me telepathically and responding to my every thought.


I had the impression I was in some sort of rehabilitation compound.  I wanted to experience my new reality so I accepted it.  I accepted this new life around me.  As they were examining me.  A young man with a kind face drew blood from my arm.  He said, “Hold still.”  I could hear the heart monitor in the distance.  I could see the blood as it began to flow through the tubing but it didn’t seem to come from me.  I felt nothing.  I heard him say, “You can let go now.”  I then heard the heart monitor go flat with a single sustained tone.  I thought to myself, “Have I died? Is this the end? Is this how I died?”  My next thought was? “OK, I’ll go with it.”  I accepted my death if that was what had just occurred.  I didn’t care.  I simply wanted to continue the experience to see where it would lead. 


As I was being examined, a Being very different from the original one at my bedside came upon those attending me and said to them, “This one is one of ours.”  I was lead away on a cart that floated above the ground like a hover craft. There were now military personnel among those present.  I was allowed to gather some of my belongings from a nearby locker.  In the locker was a leather backpack I had purchased many years ago when I went to Greece during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Egypt and Israel.  I was surprised to see a cell phone in one of its pockets.  I had never seen this cell phone before but somehow I recognized it as mine. It had many features with many buttons which looked more like a remote control than a cell phone.  I was told that I could use it at any time to call for help.  I was warned however not to use a certain set of features which were presently grayed out. 


There was a gentleman standing next to me while I was searching through my locker.  As I stood there puzzled with what I had found….our hands touched.  I felt an incredible sense of love in his touch flow through Him and to me.  I knew the touch to be a silent acknowledgment of the presence of Spirit.  I knew God was with me. 


The lockers suddenly shifted and I could not remember which of the many lockers was mine.  Having my leather bag in hand, I asked the kind gentleman if he would care for my bag in his locker.   He then gave me the combination and address of his locker.  I was surprised that he had that level of trust in me enough to give me his personal information.  He didn’t seem to think twice about it.  The lockers then shifted again and became a book case filled with books of all sorts.  I suddenly had access to a wealth of knowledge. 


I was then taken on the hover craft to survey the land.  I observed everything very carefully trying hard to remember all details to bring back with me…assuming I made it back I wanted to be able to journal it all.  I looked and found the year in which I now found myself.  The year was 3684.  We passed by the foundation of what was once the World Trade Center.  The towers no longer stood here.  There was not even a city that remained.  I knew I needed to bring something back. This was inportant information.  New York was a thing of the past.  I could see the remnants of a building that once stood here.  Atop the building read, “Giv Dar.” Even though this place had been devastated….there was a sense of incredible peace.   I sensed the presense of those who died here. 


Upon returning to the rehabilitation compound I was greeted by others.  They asked me where I had been taken.  I answered, “The Place of Death”.  They immediately read my thoughts.  They were able to see everything I have experienced in this lifetime.  I was an open book to them.  In the face of death I found peace. 


The vision faded as my consciousness returned.  My gaze was set upon my alarm clock which now read 7:40am. 


Having done my research I found:


I looked up Giv in Wikipedia which redirected me to “Shahnameh,” or the “The Book of Kings.”  Dar seems to mean a place or city and is hindu word which is Sanskrit for “supporter”.  It’s is usually associated with a geographical place such as Dar es Shalaam.  


Shāhnāmé, or Shāhnāma (Persian: شاهنامه )(alternative spellings are Shahnama, Shahnameh, Shahname, Shah-Nama, etc.), “The Book of Kings” , is an enormous poetic opus written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around 1000 CE and is the national epic of the Persian-speaking world. The Shāhnāmeh tells the mythical and historical past of Iran from the creation of the world up until the Islamic conquest of Iran in the 7th century.


My co-worker is Iranian so I asked him about Shahnameh.  I was suprised to find out that he knew the writing well.  I wanted to understand how the word Giv possibly related to this work.  He told me that Giv in one of the main characters in the Epic.