Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican’s chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, was quoted as saying the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

“How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?” Funes said. “Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’? It would still be part of creation.”

In the interview by the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion “doesn’t contradict our faith” because aliens would still be God’s creatures. Ruling out the existence of aliens would be like “putting limits” on God’s creative freedom, he said.

The interview, headlined “The extraterrestrial is my brother,” covered a variety of topics including the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and science, and the theological implications of the existence of alien life.

Funes said science, especially astronomy, does not contradict religion, touching on a theme of Pope Benedict XVI, who has made exploring the relationship between faith and reason a key aspect of his papacy.

The Bible “is not a science book,” Funes said, adding that he believes the Big Bang theory is the most “reasonable” explanation for the creation of the universe. The theory says the universe began billions of years ago in the explosion of a single, super-dense point that contained all matter.

But he said he continues to believe that “God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the result of chance.”

Funes urged the church and the scientific community to leave behind divisions caused by Galileo’s persecution 400 years ago, saying the incident has “caused wounds.”

In 1633 the astronomer was tried as a heretic and forced to recant his theory that the Earth revolved around the sun. Church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.

“The church has somehow recognized its mistakes,” he said. “Maybe it could have done it better, but now it’s time to heal those wounds and this can be done through calm dialogue and collaboration.”

Pope John Paul declared in 1992 that the ruling against Galileo was an error resulting from “tragic mutual incomprehension.”

The Vatican Observatory has been at the forefront of efforts to bridge the gap between religion and science. Its scientist-clerics have generated top-notch research and its meteorite collection is considered one of the world’s best.

The observatory, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, is based in Castel Gandolfo, a lakeside town in the hills outside Rome where the pope has a summer residence. It also conducts research at an observatory at the University of Arizona, in Tucson

Original AP Story 

Associated Press 

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Hypnagogia: The Tong of Tongs

Hypnagogia: Nightmare by John Henry FuseliLast night I turned off the lights in my bedroom and laid in bed to meditate. It was such a wonderful meditation that I completely lost myself in the experience. As I began to come back to awareness of where I was I was hearing a voice gently guiding me back through what seemed to be a hypnotic session; “…and when you open your eyes you will remember everything.” I opened my eyes to see a man kneeling on my bed looking at me. He was transparent, etheric and blue in color. As I adjusted my perception to see him better, I noticed he wasn’t exactly a man. He was an ape man like the ones in “Planet of the Apes.” In his hand he held out a tong of some sort with a gripper at the end. I knew he had to be trying to communicate something to me. By this time I couldn’t remember whatever it was he had hypnotized me to remember. I looked at him with a puzzled and confused look. He then produced a pad and writing utensil and made as if he was writing. I then understood. To acknowledge my understanding, I in turn made as if I was writing while nodding my head. I understood, I was to write about it and the memories or revelations would come to me. Maybe he was preparing to give me a dream. I quickly grabbed my voice recorder and recorded this initial experience so I would not forget. 
Early in the morning hours I woke up with the urge to go to the bathroom. I got up and paused for a moment trying to think back if I had had any dreams. I couldn’t remember anything. I proceeded to go to the bathroom. I then returned to bed, thinking, “Those tongs had to have been gibberish.” When I laid back down, I immediately began having a dream while fully awake. I was in Miami at the condo Joe and I had when we were together. There were people looking in through a veiled window in the door. I recognized the scene. After my near death experience and on those using days during my last relapse, my struggle to get clean, I was haunted by other worldly entities and earthly beings who I believed were earth bound spirits or 4th dimensional spirits in the astral worlds who were attracted to the energy vibrations I gave off while using. I basically could no longer use and be alone because I would instantly drop into altered states of consciousness triggered by the drugs. While in these states I would encounter both love based and fear based entities. I know now they were not hallucinations because I have these same experiences while clean except they now only come while meditating or in the twilight hours as I’m going in and out of the dream states ie. the hypnagogia states. I am simply much more receptive now after the near death to these experiences. This part of my life I could fill a whole book, which will come later. For now, it will suffice to say that I understood the vision. 
Those I perceived to be good people (the police) from this other dimension were coming to hold me accountable for my drug use. I willingly surrendered. They placed black tie wraps around my wrists. They then proceeded to arrest me and my parents who are in their 80’s and very fragile. “Wait,” I told them, “what do you want with my family. They should not be subject to an arrest. They are too frail, it would kill them.” This angered me. Compelled to save my mom and dad from a power hungry group of police, I suddenly had a flash of insight, “OPEN YOUR EYES”. But first, I reached over and removed the tie wraps that imprisoned my parents. As I did, I told the police officer that I would not allow him to misuse his power. I then opened my eyes. I was now safely back in my bed.
Feeling unsatisfied with the way I had left the situation, I felt the need to return to somehow change the course of events for the better. I closed my eyes and reappeared in the scene. The cops were gone now. I and my family were now free. I looked around for a way out of this mess I had created. I somehow knew I needed to leave Miami and head home. I prepared for our exit. I looked out on the Bay of Biscayne where ships were beginning to line the perimeter monitoring my every move. We took flight and flew North West in between two ships banking right when we cleared the perimeter; again I opened my eyes.
I still didn’t know what the tongs had to do with any of this so when I got to work I looked up the word in Wikipedia. To my incredible surprise, I found quite curiously the proof of God’s existence. This next part is beyond words. According to Wikipedia:

Tongs also have a special place in matters of theology. An opinion cited in Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), a Talmudic tractate, states that God created “the original tongs, for tongs must be made with tongs.” Jewish thinkers therefore have used tongs as proof to God’s existence.

I was beside myself. I still didn’t know what was meant by it but simply that Tongs could be used to prove God’s existence was a miracle for me. It was a tool I could use.  Was my visitor saying, I am on the road to proving God’s existence? This is my passion to do. So what’s the story with the Tongs? I needed to know more so here is what I found.

The Tong of Tongs

The rabbis of the Mishnah compiled various lists of items that they claimed were created “at twilight on the eve of the first Sabbath.” Most of those items are associated with spectacular biblical miracles, such as the mannah, Balaam’s talking donkey, and the fissure that opened to swallow up Korach and his rebellious congregation.

Maimonides argued plausibly that the lesson underlying this tradition is that God’s true greatness is manifested in the unchanging laws of nature, and not in the ability to arbitrarily suspend or abrogate those laws. Accordingly, even wondrous events that appear to us as contraventions of the natural order were in reality programmed into the structure of the universe at the time of its creation.

The Maharal of Prague explained that the concept of “twilight” is to be grasped as a metaphor for the subtle metaphysical dimension in which miracles originate. Just as the visible twilight is no more than an indefinable moment in the subtle transition from day to night, so are we to understand that the creation of miracles occurred in a realm that is outside of time, in the infinitesimal present moment that is forever sandwiched between the past and the future. Within this moment lies a dynamic potentiality for change and improvement in response to constantly changing circumstances.

At any rate, not all the phenomena that the rabbis portrayed as having been created on that first Friday evening relate to high-profile miracles. According to Rabbi Judah bar Ilai, the list should also include… the first pair of blacksmith’s tongs.

Among the ancients, the ability to fashion metal into tools and weapons was often enveloped in an aura of mystery, or even fear. In primitive cultures, blacksmiths were perceived as masters of occult lore, and pagan mythologies sang of divine smiths who forged weapons for the gods.

However, as the Talmud explains it, Rabbi Judah’s reasoning was based on much more prosaic and rational considerations. When a blacksmith fashions a pair of tongs in the forge, the only way he can handle the red-hot metal is with tongs. Since we are speaking of the manufacture of the first pair of tongs, this possibility did not exist. Ergo, the first pair must have been provided directly by the Creator himself.

Indeed, the argument sounds irrefutable.

In its modest and whimsical way, Rabbi Judah was employing the same method of proof that was adopted by the great philosophers in order to speculate about such weighty questions as the origins of the universe or the existence of God. For each observable phenomenon, these thinkers would persist in asking what was its cause or what set it into motion. Eventually, as it was no longer possible to keep posing such questions ad infinitum, they were forced to posit the existence of an Unmoved Mover, an Uncaused Cause, or a similar hypothesis, in order to account for the existence of the world.

Nevertheless, there were sages in the Talmud who challenged the cogency Rabbi Judah’s reasoning. It was possible, they argued, that the person who made the first tongs did so simply by first making a tong-shaped mold, and then filling it with molten iron.

For the Maharal, the significance of placing the tongs at the end of the Mishnah’s catlogue of prefabricated miracles lies precisely in the fact that they are the least supernatural item in the list The mention of the creation of the first tongs alongside the more dazzling wonders of the biblical past serves to underscore the lesson that God’s concern for human needs does not always manifest itself in the spectacular pyrotechnics of split seas or burning bushes.

A similar approach was advocated by the 17th-18th century author Rabbi Jacob Culi whose Judeo-Spanish compendium Me’am Lo’ez is one of the most beloved commentaries among Sepharadic Jews.

From the rabbinic discussion about the origins of the tongs, Rabbi Culi derives a profound moral insight into the divine plan for creation.

He argues that people should not be disheartened by the fact that they were created with imperfections and moral shortcomings. On the contrary, the example of the tongs teaches us that the Almighty will always furnish us with any articles that are truly necessary to correct the deficiencies of the human situation.

If this is true with respect to the material advantages inherent in a simple blacksmith’s tongs, how much more does it apply to the religious realm; so that we can be confident that the Almighty will always equip us with powerful spiritual resources that will allow us to overcome our temptations and limitations.

First Publication:
Jewish Free PressJune 20 2002, p. 6.
Taken From: Eliezer Segal’s articles

I was also curious why my hypnotist appeared as an ape man; maybe to imply the beginning of time? Here too I went to Wikipedia and found out something I didn’t know concerning “Planet of the Apes.”

The main events of the book are placed in a frame story, in which Jinn and Phillys, a couple out on a pleasure cruise in a spaceship, find a message in a bottle floating in space. The message inside the bottle is the log of a man, Ulysse Mérou, who has written down his story in hopes that someone else, somewhere, will find it.

 .. a message in a bottle floating in space which was the log of a man… That sounds just like my blog. I blog my dreams and experience hoping someone out there will hear me and respond. Is it possible someone out in the universe heard my song? Am I the ape man?
I told you this stuff is out of this world!!!  The rest I’m saving for my next book. 

Giv Dar; Shahnameh

ShahnamehThis morning when my alarm sounded I promptly hit the snooze button.  I immediately noticed beside my bed was standing an alien Being from another dimension.  He was what I would consider to be very hideous.  His skin was a khaki tan hybrid color with a leathery wet look.  He was some form of humanoid creature.  I thought, “Wow, he is ugly.” I was however not afraid.  I want to know who these visitors are and why they have been seeking me out.  I thought it important to note the time on my alarm clock.  It was 7am sharp. I then felt my body jerk abruptly as I was lifted by my mid-section.  I felt the right side of my face scrap what felt like concrete.  I passed out for a few moments.  It all happened so quickly. 


When I regained consciousness I was lying face down.  I could feel the pain in my face from the impact when I landed.  I could vaguely remember my face hitting the ground yet my surroundings was still my bedroom but I somehow knew I was no longer in my bedroom.  My nose and sinuses were full of mucus.  I rolled slightly to my side.  My alien visitor was beside me examining me.  I did not fear.  This was my chance to figure out what they want from me.  As I looked at him, I immediately had a vision. 


This vision was unique in that everything happened concurrently as if I was outside of linear time.  I will describe it linearly but I can’t honestly say what happened first.  I was also completely awake the entire time. 


I traveled at great speed over a desert landscape.  I was without a doubt on another planet possibly Venus or Mercury because the sun was at least twice the size it is on Earth. Even though it was early morning, I could see the sun in all its fullness.  I was amazed at the clarity with which I was viewing this other reality.  I was completely immersed in my new reality. I could see people. I stared into their faces noting all features. Not one detail was omitted.  This was not a dream. They were human like me possibly gods from another planet. It reminded me of Egypt but the desert sand was red like it is in New Mexico.  The landscape was also very jagged.  People here lived not in houses but in the sand.  There were many beautiful white and gold temples.  The landscape was breathtaking.  I walked among the people.  Many wore saffron robes that flowed with the breeze.  There were children present too.  As I walked among them I could hear their thoughts.  I presume they could hear mine because they were talking to me telepathically and responding to my every thought.


I had the impression I was in some sort of rehabilitation compound.  I wanted to experience my new reality so I accepted it.  I accepted this new life around me.  As they were examining me.  A young man with a kind face drew blood from my arm.  He said, “Hold still.”  I could hear the heart monitor in the distance.  I could see the blood as it began to flow through the tubing but it didn’t seem to come from me.  I felt nothing.  I heard him say, “You can let go now.”  I then heard the heart monitor go flat with a single sustained tone.  I thought to myself, “Have I died? Is this the end? Is this how I died?”  My next thought was? “OK, I’ll go with it.”  I accepted my death if that was what had just occurred.  I didn’t care.  I simply wanted to continue the experience to see where it would lead. 


As I was being examined, a Being very different from the original one at my bedside came upon those attending me and said to them, “This one is one of ours.”  I was lead away on a cart that floated above the ground like a hover craft. There were now military personnel among those present.  I was allowed to gather some of my belongings from a nearby locker.  In the locker was a leather backpack I had purchased many years ago when I went to Greece during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Egypt and Israel.  I was surprised to see a cell phone in one of its pockets.  I had never seen this cell phone before but somehow I recognized it as mine. It had many features with many buttons which looked more like a remote control than a cell phone.  I was told that I could use it at any time to call for help.  I was warned however not to use a certain set of features which were presently grayed out. 


There was a gentleman standing next to me while I was searching through my locker.  As I stood there puzzled with what I had found….our hands touched.  I felt an incredible sense of love in his touch flow through Him and to me.  I knew the touch to be a silent acknowledgment of the presence of Spirit.  I knew God was with me. 


The lockers suddenly shifted and I could not remember which of the many lockers was mine.  Having my leather bag in hand, I asked the kind gentleman if he would care for my bag in his locker.   He then gave me the combination and address of his locker.  I was surprised that he had that level of trust in me enough to give me his personal information.  He didn’t seem to think twice about it.  The lockers then shifted again and became a book case filled with books of all sorts.  I suddenly had access to a wealth of knowledge. 


I was then taken on the hover craft to survey the land.  I observed everything very carefully trying hard to remember all details to bring back with me…assuming I made it back I wanted to be able to journal it all.  I looked and found the year in which I now found myself.  The year was 3684.  We passed by the foundation of what was once the World Trade Center.  The towers no longer stood here.  There was not even a city that remained.  I knew I needed to bring something back. This was inportant information.  New York was a thing of the past.  I could see the remnants of a building that once stood here.  Atop the building read, “Giv Dar.” Even though this place had been devastated….there was a sense of incredible peace.   I sensed the presense of those who died here. 


Upon returning to the rehabilitation compound I was greeted by others.  They asked me where I had been taken.  I answered, “The Place of Death”.  They immediately read my thoughts.  They were able to see everything I have experienced in this lifetime.  I was an open book to them.  In the face of death I found peace. 


The vision faded as my consciousness returned.  My gaze was set upon my alarm clock which now read 7:40am. 


Having done my research I found:


I looked up Giv in Wikipedia which redirected me to “Shahnameh,” or the “The Book of Kings.”  Dar seems to mean a place or city and is hindu word which is Sanskrit for “supporter”.  It’s is usually associated with a geographical place such as Dar es Shalaam.  


Shāhnāmé, or Shāhnāma (Persian: شاهنامه )(alternative spellings are Shahnama, Shahnameh, Shahname, Shah-Nama, etc.), “The Book of Kings” , is an enormous poetic opus written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around 1000 CE and is the national epic of the Persian-speaking world. The Shāhnāmeh tells the mythical and historical past of Iran from the creation of the world up until the Islamic conquest of Iran in the 7th century.


My co-worker is Iranian so I asked him about Shahnameh.  I was suprised to find out that he knew the writing well.  I wanted to understand how the word Giv possibly related to this work.  He told me that Giv in one of the main characters in the Epic. 

Little Terror

ETI had a dream where I am learning to fly.  I soar to incredible heights.  The feeling is exhilarating. They are pushing my limits beyond my comfort zone.  I am good at flying.  I begin to gain a sense of independence and freedom that I’ve never had before.  Alone now, I realize that I am nailed to a cross. It is not me who has the power of flight.  The bird that carries me is the wings of Christ.  Now I am the one nailed to the cross. This is my crucifixion.  In the ecstasy of flight I wonder if this is how Christ felt.  In pondering this mystery, I realize I am no longer alone.  Above me and above the cross are two others.  One is above me to my lift and the other is above to my right.  I am no longer one but three.  As three we fly as one.  Like training wheels on a child’s bike they guide and assist me in flight. 


I then had a dream where I am a child.  I have been given a bicycle.  I grab hold of the rear wheel and the pedals begin to melt away.  How am I now supposed to provide thrust?  I then notice my hands.  My hands are like those of an alien with only three long index fingers and a thumb.   They tell me that it is my fingers that have melted the pedals.  I look at my hands again.  In doing so, I became lucid.  I realize this is yet another fear tactic. I know I am not an alien.  I quickly dispel the illusion and discover they had used spoons which were taped to my hands to give the shadow appearance of long fingers.  A struggle ensues between me and those aliens responsible for the illusion.  I know I am now confronting my fear of alienation.


Seeing my oppressors, I grab the alien’s wallet without him noticing.   I tear it in half and hide the pieces under my bed covers.  I figure it will buy me time to have hidden it in pieces.  The alien is now looking for his wallet.  He needs it in order to complete his mission.  As he ducks down to look for it, I catch him off guard and pierce his medulla oblongata with my pinky.   He in turns bites my pinky off leaving my pinky inserted deep in his brainstem. I then reached in with my other hand to retrieve my pinky.  I figured I could reattach it later.  The struggle continues with him frantically searching for his wallet. 


The struggle wakes me up.  As I open my eyes I can clearly see two alien beings one on either side of me.  Their energy signature was much different than other hypnopompic images I’ve seen.  This energy was more dense and dark green in nature. They had both my arms pinned down to the bed.  Without them noticing that I had woken up, I examined their movement carefully.  They have long heads which were clearly not human which made them very tall.  Both were busy holding my arms down while at the same time looking around the room for something…presumably their wallet. Realizing this was my opportunity to examine what alien life is really like.  I studied them carefully, remaining calm to maintain my state of altered awareness. 


After a few minutes, I felt I had had enough of their games, I pulled my right hand away from him. To my surprise he held on.  This is real, I thought to myself.  He was now looking at me face to face.  To my surprise he was wearing a human face.  Slightly taken off guard by his change in appearance and his grip, I paused for a second to relax again and consider my options. They resumed their business.  Thinking this can’t be really happening…I pulled my arm away from him again but this time with greater force.  He immediately turned and looked at me.  The quick and forceful movement of my arm slugged him in the face knocking his mask off.  He quickly readjusted his human mask like a woman adjusting her bra.  My hand was now free however.  He then grabbed my hand again and slapped it as if to tell me I shouldn’t do that.  I was already clued in to him being a fake. 


Now however I was free from their grip.  I laid there looking at both of them.  I then found myself in their mind.  I could see what their life was like.  I could see them going about their business.  Their world is dark black and green with very little light.  It is a shadow world.  They wear hoods to hide their features.  I wanted to see them so I asked my consciousness to move about within their world.  I wanted to see their faces.  Their world began to speed up as if they were running from me avoiding me.  I then saw their face and realized they had no love in their world.  The images of their world began to slowly slip away.  I then raised my palms to my two alien visitors who were still standing beside me now in a trance.  I mentally released their wallet and sent love with them into their world.  I could see waves of luminous blue light pulsating through their essence as streams of love flowed through me and into their world.  I could still see everything they were experiencing in their minds.  


I was utterly amazed at the encounter.  I got up out of bed and walked over to the bathroom.  I noticed the dog I have sitting on the banister in the hallway. He now had a new scarf around his neck.  It was a black scarf.  It had a white scull and cross bones with the words, “Little Terror” on it.  This was not a scarf I had in my house or that I placed around his neck.  I do have a roommate now, so I assumed he placed it on him when he came home last night.  Had he unknowingly carried out their dirty work?  Coincidence, I think not.  I’ll have to ask him tonight if he was the one who gave him the scarf. 


Friday's Hope

PlanetsLast night, I set my alarm half an hour earlier to allow myself a little more time in the morning to mediate before getting out of bed.  During the night I had a dream where I was actively within my addictions.  I want to act out before my partner comes home with the dry cleaning. As I stand in the kitchen contemplating how I might accomplish this and get away with it, I see his car pull up in front of the house.  Not having enough time to follow through with it, I set my intentions aside.  He is arriving with a man who is going to do our taxes.  They walk up the front steps and ring the doorbell. I open the door and welcome them into the house.  They walk over and sit at my dining room table.  I ask them if they would like some eggs for breakfast to which the tax man asks, “How many ways can you serve up eggs?”  I’m insulted because he knows what my earlier thoughts were.  I want to run, because there is nothing worse than being called to the carpet.  As I turn to walk away, I see other men in black, tax collectors, arriving at the house.  There is nowhere for me to run.  I have no other means of escaping than to fly away and end the dream.  My consciousness begins rise.  The tax collectors rush in and begin grabbing at my feet to pull me back to hold me accountable.  I reach down and try to break myself loose but now they have both my feet and arms. 


I slowly begin to awaken still struggling to free myself.  As I open my eyes I could see the two men now on all 4’s on my bed pulling at both my arms.  They were literally pulling on me.  I could still feel and see them in this wakeful state.


Now awake, I no longer felt threatened.  I clearly examined the two men before me.  One of the two men had a gold coin resting on his upper lip.  As I began to relax, I acknowledged them and they released their grip on my arms.  They began to float away headed toward my headboard.  I followed the man with the gold coin and as his face floated by me, I quickly reached up to grab at the coin.  I over shot my reach and instead my fist bumped his nose.  He and the coin changed trajectory and disappeared. My alarm clock sounded.  How coincidental was that, I thought to myself? 


I turned off my alarm and began my meditation remaining wakeful and aware.  I immediately reentered the dream where now I find myself aboard an aircraft.  I get up out of my seat and walk over to look out the many windows.  I can clearly see several planets below.  They are so beautiful.  I start screaming and shaking people’s seats saying, “Look, Look, Look there are planets outside.”   I am in total amazement that I am experiencing this space voyage fully awake.  I can’t stop looking out the window and admiring the incredible beauty that is these planets.


The aircraft begins its decent into the atmosphere of one of the planets.  I am speechless, breathless and in total awe.  The craft finally lands on the surface of the planet and the inhabitants on board the aircraft begin to disembark.  I’m afraid that if I disembark I will not be allowed to return to my earthly reality.  Knowing this is what I’ve always dreamed of experiencing; interstellar travel, I disembark.  The feeling as I walked off the craft was so incredible.  It felt as if I had actually crossed over completely into another dimension.  I was no longer simply peering into this other dimension from within my meditation; I was now fully part of it.  The people were slightly different than humans but in every sense very much human.  I remember saying to myself, “They are just like me.”  There were so many people going about their business.  I then walked down a residential street where I came across two children playing.  I observed them briefly and continued walking.  I then turned around to take another look at them from afar.  Something was not right with this picture.  I stood there at a distance trying to figure out the anomaly.  It then hit me.  The houses were new but abandoned and the children playing were on a continuous loop.  I was alone.  Saddened, I retreated into myself.  My dream body then became an orb of light.  As my consciousness started to drift away, I saw another young girl sitting on the sidewalk playing jacks.  She looked at me and said, “Please, don’t go back to your isolation.”  The little girl knew me. 


JacksNext to her appeared a penny on the ground.  I reached for the penny.  I picked it up and looked at it.   It was a penny from their world.  I wanted to give the little girl a penny from my world but I did not have one with me.  I then turned to look at her again and noticed there were now many pennies, gold coins of all kinds lying on the ground.  I picked up several of them to examine them.  They were very shiny and beautiful.  I knew I was in a world where poverty was non-existent.  I was filled with a renewed sense of hope. 


Wanting to know more about this world, I looked around to see if I could see a street sign that could clue me into where I was.  There was one street sign with the number 12 on it.  At the bottom it read, “Friday”.  The sign also had Arabic writing on it.  I am worried that I might be somewhere in the Middle East but in this desert there is water; waters flowing with life.  The little girl then reached out her hand and I reached back to accept hers.  I then slowly opened my eyes to end my meditation.  In front of me was a woman whose hand I held.  She was completely illuminated with vibrant pale blue and gold colors.  She was Hope.  I held her hand not wanting the experience to end. 


Amazing!  God is simply amazing.  There would truly be peace in the world if people pursued knowing their true self through prayer, meditation and dreams.  The combination has the potential to crack open and awaken the hardest of souls. 


As is customary for me to do, I looked up the word Friday in Webster’s dictionary.  To my surprise:



The sixth day of the week.

prehistoric translation of Latin dies Veneris Venus’ day

before 12th century

Christened by Sir Elton John

Sir Elton JohnAs I lay in bed meditating, I began to drift off as a dream began while I was still semi- conscious. 


I am in a church.  All the ornate walls are made of a natural wood.  They are about ready to deliver the Eucharist.  As I look around the room, I notice I am the only one standing in the congregation other than a clergy member who is assisting the priest.  I cannot see the priest because of a blinding white light that is coming from the pulpit.  In an unusual move the clergy member walks off to my left presumable to retrieve Eucharist for the priest to deliver.  He walks over to a sliding closet door imbedded in the wall of the church.  He slides the door with ease to the left   As if the church were on casters; the entire outer walls of the church begin to shift with the moving door.  The sound of the great massive walls sliding across the floor wakes me up from my semi-conscious state.  As if to remind me where I am in the dream, I hear my consciousness say to me, “He is about ready to deliver the Eucharist.”  Attentive now, I see him reach for a robe that is hanging in the closet.  It is the robe worn by Christ at the last supper which has remained hidden within the walls of the church.  The light is now ever more blinding such that I can barely see anyone through the light.  I then feel the robe being placed over my head and upon my body.  I am in beside myself. 


I slowly opened my eyes.  Standing upon my bed was a translucent tall statuesque woman.  She wore a rather large pair of glasses which reminded me of Elton John.  She held an open hymnal in one hand.  Her face was completely illuminated as if an orchestra light was reflecting off the pages of the hymnal.  We acknowledged each other telepathically.


Relates to: Knights

Alien Nation

Alien NationIn last night’s dream, my mother was pregnant.  At the time of labor I see her assisting the baby through the birth canal.  In the end, the baby comes out unborn in a bubble along with the placenta.  I tell my mother that the birth sack must be broken to allow the child life.  I’m asking those around to please call a doctor so that we can be told what to do. The doctor then confirms that the sack must be broken.  I quickly break open the sack.  Within the sack is only the head and neck (a very long one) of the infant child.  It is an alien child.  Not knowing what aliens look like when they are born I decide to pat it a couple times on the back of the neck to encourage it to move.  It does not move nor does it open its eyes.  I am fearing it might be dead.  I want it to live.  I want the curiosity of alien child. A part of me wants to know if this is a real child.  “Is this a real child?”  I run my fingers along the back of its head and down its neck.  I feel.  I can feel the sensation of its leather like skin against mine.  This triggers my awakening.  I slowly gain consciousness with the child gaining consciousness along with me. 


In awe…I laid there in my bed trying not to loose this state of consciousness.  I want to know what happens to the child.  I began meditating.  I then saw upon a black canvas, blue maroon light.  It was a scene from a city at night.  I could see people and cars running in chaos.  The sky was falling.  Large pieces of debris were coming down upon the people. Large birds as big as a house were flying around.  I then saw a white disc run across the night sky.  The vision ended there. 


When I got to work the word that stuck in my mind was alienation.  I looked up the exact definition of the work in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.


Main Entry:


1 : a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment : estrangement <alienation…from the values of one’s society and family — S. L. Halleck> 2 : a conveyance of property to another


I then went to Wikipedia and looked up Alien Nation.  I was not too surprised to find a movie by that name for which I followed the link.  What did surprise me was the promotional poster for the movie.  It looked exactly like my vision.  Needless to say, I went online to my blockbuster account to order the movie.  I had never heard of this movie before today but I assume there is something here for me to discover.  Another piece of a very large puzzle. 

The Drone of the Black Panther

Black BantherI had a dark dream where I see my grandmother who is seated in a chair.  This is the spirit of her physical body.  It is the non physical essence of the shell of the woman I once called Abuelita.  My grandmother’s spirit the one I loved is not present here but her shell remains trapped in this bardo world aging indefinitely.  I can see the soft hairs on her skin and the many green age spots on her arms.  This body is motionless and speechless.   Her image triggers all my childhood memories of her.  I remember her fondly.  I then see my father coming down the street.  He is much taller than I remember him.  He stumbles and falls and pees his pants.  I am angered by him.  I can’t leave the memories of my family in this bardo world.  I feel compelled to help them; to bring them back with me.  I try to get my father to stand and walk on his own but he simply cannot.  I want to slap him, but I hold back my anger which is rising within me as I tighten my body in frustration.  My heart doesn’t allow me to leave either one here.  My alcoholic father has always been a burden in my life.  Why must I carry his weight?  In order to bring my grandmother with me, I must also help my father.  I turn to him again.  With my anger rising I can see his face getting uglier and uglier.  My anger seems to garner him the strength to stand.  With an insipid look he now stands ready to come at me with all his remaining strength.  Using his entire body he lunges forward and falls on me. 


In that moment I woke up.  Dreams like these don’t come without visitors.  Angry now, I looked around my bedroom to find those responsible for the dream.  Along side my bed were standing 5 large framed beings.  They were each about 7 feet tall with wide shoulders.  They were not human in form.  I locked onto each of them with my eyes to let them know I was well aware of their presence.  I didn’t know what their intentions were but I didn’t feel they were well intended.  I knew they were using my grandmother and my father to hold me emotionally hostage.  I got up out of bed and boldly walked right through them.  I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet to gather my thoughts.  As I sat there a black panther walked in with the insidiousness of a snake. I got up, flushed and walked right past it on my way back to the bedroom. 


I laid back in bed and closed my eyes.  I began hearing a rhythmic repetitive and almost hypnotic sound, “du-dil-il-ling.”  I then had a vision where I could see a construction site that had wooden elevators that were lifted with hand pulleys.  I could see the people who operated the pulleys carrying people and supplies to the upper levels of the construction site.  They were like worker bees hypnotically following the drone.  


Historically, black panthers in the American Southeast feature prominently in Choctaw folklore where, along with the owl, they are often thought to symbolize Death.

Triceratops; Flight of the Condor: Part II

TriceratopsLast night as I was nodding off to sleep I caught something out of the corner of my eye.  I opened my eyes and sitting upon my bed was a reptilian looking creature.  He had a face similar to a horse with a long snout.  He also had a frill on the back of his neck that rose like feathers above his head.  Like all spirits I see he too was transparent.  I could only see his head as if he were peering into my world from a vantage point within his.  He was talking to me.  I could see his lips moving and his facial gestures but I could not hear any sound.  His distinct features made me wonder if I was simply imagining things.  His details were too perfect to be a creation of my imagination.  He reminded me of a triceratops except he had no visible horns. I carefully looked around the room to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.  Tired as I was I lay there in bed watching him until sleep overtook me.  I then rolled over and fell asleep.


Moments later I hear a loud but familiar hum of engines.  These are not normal engines.  It is the familiar hum of space ships. The aliens are back. I then feel someone tugging at my arms.  I opened my eyes in real life and now on the other side of my bed was Triceratops pulling at my arms.  I was amazed that he actually had the ability to physically pull on my arms such that I could actually feel it.  I knew there was something he wanted me to pay attention to. 


I then closed my eyes and immediately I entered into a wakefully induced lucid dream state.  The rest of the night I remained in this wakeful dream state with Triceratops pulling at my arms when I’d drift too deeply into sleep. 


Grand CanyonIn the dream I am confronted face to face with the Black Condor from my previous dream. He stands the height of a giant man ominous and huge with a great wingspan. His feathers are unlike any birds feathers.  Fully lucid, I recognize that I am in another dimension.  I too am a Condor (blue) except my wings only shown when I with a relaxed but focused intent channel the hum of the universe.   Then and only then do my wings shown as big and wide as the Black Condor.  I am to confront him on his own turf.  I am given time to adjust to my new environment so that we might be on a level playing field.  I’ve never flown with wings as great and powerful as these.  I somehow instinctively know how to command the forces within this world.  It feels as if the energy from the earth is rising up and flowing through my body, expanding my wings.  I immediately take flight as if I was going up in an elevator at a tremendous speed.  I can feel my stomach drop into my groin as the exhilaration rushes through me.  I am in a steep canyon with very high cliffs with many ledges that are carved into the rock face as if people lived here in and among the rocks.  I can hear the sound and feel the rush of wind against my wings.  The feeling is so incredible I can’t believe I’m experiencing this. 


The exhilaration is too much so I decide to land upon a perch to catch my breath.  “Am I really awake?”  I then feel a tug and I open my eyes to see Triceratops beside me holding my arms.  All I can think is, “I want more.”  I immediately close my eyes and instantly return to the place where I had perched.  Again I relax with focused intent to resonate with the hum of the universe bringing its energy into my body through the earth below me.  The feeling lifts me again to new heights but this time I notice that I am not being held from behind as before.  I am without my safety.  I feel one hand upon my side.  This hand is the only thing holding me securely in this position. I fear I have climbed too high so I begin to descend.   My body begins to tilt forward.  All I can think is to cry out for my mother.  I then remember that I can simply open my eyes and return to the safety and comfort of my bed.  I immediately open my eyes to find myself still lying on my side.  Wanting more, I immediately close my eyes and return to the exact place where I had left off, but now it is time to confront the Condor. He is now in pursuit and I have only one hand gently securing my safety.  Feeling I need additional protection I reach behind me to where the hands would be to hopefully bring them forward to place them tightly around my waist.  They are no longer there.  I am now flying solo.  I frenziedly pat myself down looking for the arms that once held me secure, but I don’t find them.  I then take notice of my own arms and hands before me.  From both my hands is streaming forth an intense blue light.  I now feel the presence of God within me.  I can see the valley floor below me. I know I can’t retaliate with force against the Condor.  Instead I decide to use the light within me to bestow a blessing upon the earth; the earth who gave me this gift of flight.  I open my palms in front of me as I soar above the land.  The light from my hands is now going forth with tremendous force upon the land.  White spirits begin to emerge from the land. These captive souls have somehow been set free.  They are flying up to the heavens at tremendous speed like arrows they are flying toward me. 


Instinctively I pull the covers up over my head and open my eyes to avoid the impact of the arrows.  The Condor is under my sheets!  His face is pressed up against my forehead.  He is angry that I have freed the souls of those who dwell captive below the earth.  In shock I freeze motionless under my covers not knowing what to do.  He has me pinned down.  Remembering back, I knew the only thing I could effectively do was to simply love the Condor.  I then relaxed and smiled and looked gently into the eyes of the Condor.  His image began to become grossly disfigured.  He was nothing more than an illusion.    I slowly pulled the covers away from my face in total disbelieve of all that I had just experienced.  With dawn approaching, Triceratops was now gone. 


I lay back down and closed my eyes.  Within moments I find myself sitting in a comfortable armchair playing a board game. This is a flight simulator designed to help one master the gift of flight.  It requires mental control to command the elements on the game board.  The game board is a very large flat panel monitor which hangs on a wall in front of me.  All the moves are done with the power of the mind.  I’m practicing the art of mind control to create wormholes on the fly through with to move elements positioned on the board.   My skill level is high.  I love the game as it is very challenging.  Joe comes by and asks me what I’m doing.  He asks if I would like to do something with him.  I’m more interested in mastering the game.  I seem to be addicted to the game.  I know that mastering this skill will be priceless.  I show him the ease with which I command the forces on the board hoping to entice him in the game.  This is the leading edge of all things worth having. 


I then realize that my eyes emit a light that others can perceive; specifically those currently positioned on the game board.  I’m now challenged to find a way of maneuvering my way through the board without being noticed much like an undercover agent.  This is a challenge considering my multidimensional sight depends on the light which my eyes emit.  I must acquire another sense of vision.  Suddenly my whole environment changes and now I’m hiding deep within the sands of the earth. Everywhere I look my piercing laser vision creates a wormhole.  I can’t conceal myself in sand.  I then try to conceal myself in the waters of the ocean. This appears to be a more formidable environment.  One in which I might be able to retain an edge on the game board.  

The Stadium

The Stadium

This morning when I woke up I immediately reflected on what my dream might have been but I could not remember having had any dreams.  Absolutely nothing came to mind.  Blank was my recollection when suddenly like a fireball came the words, “The Stadium”   I then remembered fully the dream I had actually just woken up from with the surprising words and shocking revelation; “The Stadium”.  Somehow like with the twist of a Rubik’s Cube or more precisely Ruben’s Cube the next puzzle piece in the mystery that is my life was revealed.  I knew at that moment that several dimensions of my existence my Rubik’s Cube had just come into alignment.    It will take time to explain beyond this dream but here is how it unfolded. 


In the dream I am at Disneyland with three other friends getting ready to ride the Madahorn.  Our turn comes to board the ride.  The conductor separates my group into two cars.  “Why does this always happen to me?”  My three friends are placed in a car together while I am placed separately in another car with someone I don’t know.  Early in the line we were given seat pads on which to sit.  Hesitant to get in the car with this strange person, I pause and in pausing the unknown person takes my seat pad leaving me without a pad for use on the ride. Seeing this, one of my friends throws a purple towel at me indicating that I should use it as a substitute for the seat pad. 

The Madahorn has two tracks.  The main track goes off to the right and a second track which is still under construction goes off to the left.  My friends are placed on the main track while I am placed on the second track.  Resentful at having been separated and placed on an inferior track I challenge the ride.  I am critical of all loops and turns as I examine the ride’s structure as my car travels downs its path.  The track is incomplete without a predetermined ending.  Having to come up with a suitable ending the conductor decides to let us off over a large pool of water.  As my ending becomes apparent to me I quickly voice my complaint.  I’m not a good swimmer and my worst irritation is being subject to the chill of being dunked in a pool of water.  Such is my fate and I go plunging into this pool of water.  It doesn’t turn out to be quite as bad a shock as I had imagined as the pool is nicely heated.  I am able to quickly gather myself and swim to the pools edge to climb out.  As I get out I am complaining that such an ending is not a safe one.  It involves too much risk. One should not assume the occupant knows how to swim.  As Murphy’s Law would have it the unknown person I am riding with is unable to swim.  He is now drowning in the pool of water.  The park workers quickly dive in to save him.  A park police officer comes to accuse the unknown person of wrong doing.  He is stripped of his pants only to find that the person had done no wrong.  Further angered by their actions I come up upon the officer and heckle him calling him a faggot as I grab and squeeze his genitals to induce pain. 


What has come over me?  When I was in Jr., High School I had a physical education teacher who always yelled at his students.  He probably did this to motivate them but he used very inappropriate language.  He always yelled at us and called us FAGGOTS.  That probably rolled off the backs of most but for me it was always extremely painful to hear because I knew I was gay.  I knew I was a faggot, I was different.  I did not have the same abilities or inclinations other boys had toward sports.  I always dreaded going to PE class. 


The dream continues as I am now trying to find my way back to the Disney Park.  I then see a group of green people wearing blue hats.  I recognize them as the film crew. They are highly advanced spiritual beings from another dimension.  They have taken their green reptilian base self and merged it with a highly evolved blue awareness of spirit.  They have been observing me all along.  They have learned from me a love of spirit.  I somehow unknowingly had something to do with their acquiring their blue hats.  Beyond them I can see the green disc shaped starships in which they travel the cosmos.  I am admiring the beauty that is their starships when suddenly I see the bleachers within their observation decks.  “THE STADIUM,” I yell out, “it is … THE STADIUM.” Instantly I become lucid and become aware that there is a woman standing next to me.  She probably thinks I’m crazy yelling out what might appear to be nonsense but I clearly remember the Stadium.


The Stadium has appeared in many of my dreams. Recently I had a profound dream which I didn’t have a chance to journal but since the Stadium showed up here I will give a summary of that dream. 


In that dream I become aware of the illusions we are subject to in our 3rd dimension of reality.  I can clearly see through the looking glass at the many spirits who sit in the bleachers of the stadium observing my existence.  Feeling like Truman in the Truman show I want to expose them and free myself of their watchful eyes.  I find a way to open the glass partition between the two worlds exposing their existence.  Not knowing what would happen if I open the door.  I take a chance and open the door only to find that I can see the bleachers but not the people in the stadium seating.  They are still invisible to me.  I can only see them through the glass.  Disappointed I go on with my life but things are not quite the same anymore.  I go to use the phone and notice that I can no longer dial the numbers because the 3rd row of numbers, ie 7, 8 and 9 are completely missing.  I look at my partner Joe to confront him about the missing numbers.  I know you are behind this trickery, I tell him.  I then break the phone open and throw it at him.  The phone lands at an angle that suddenly makes it possible for me to see the missing row of numbers.  They have been there all along.  I simply couldn’t see them.  I then have an idea to use a permanent marker to mark where the numbers appear in space.  The numbers are not located on the surface of the phone but suspended in space.  I am aware of the Stadium.