The Wild Man

Last nights was about a wild man who is a cave dweller.  I could see him eating meat off the bones.  I can see how his sons lead the same life of hunter gathers but they seem at one with that way of life.  It is awkward for me to see their poverty even though they don’t view it as poverty.  They wear their animal skins with pride.  I am the one perceiving through a filter of societal norms and notions of the way I should act and carry myself.

Lead Role

In last nights dream I am given a manuscript for a play in which I am the leading role.  There is a part of me that knows I’m dreaming and also has an awareness that this is good for me.  I act contrary to my normal response which would be to shy away from any lead role.  I am excited and accept the role without hesitation.  I can clearly see the title page which has red and grey lettering in a calligraphic font.  There are also some larger symbols on the page that although I don’t recognize them I do understand them.  It looks like a romantic warm drama.  I’m asked to read the part with others there but I don’t have my glasses on and the words are not legible.  It occurs to me that I can read it from my gut as it is not so different from my own life.

Mystery Sock

So tonight the night following the Not My Shoes dream, i had a date which I don’t often have or at least not often enough in my opinion.  Anytime shoes appear in my dreams I equate them to the Soul since the souls are in your shoes and in this dream the soul or shoe was missing it’s mate.  So I thought it had to do with my desire to find a soul mate and my lack of success in the matter.  I’m pretty much at the point of giving up on a soul mate given the direction my life is headed in from this point forward.  And it seems that all the available shoes or soulmates are not of my liking.  So after the guy who is someone I’ve been on a date with before long time ago and who reminded me a lot of my ex Joe was leaving I found beside my desk on the cedar chest a sock the size appropriate to a baby.  It was just one sock.  I asked the guy if it was his sock to which he said it wasn’t.  I had been all over the room today cleaning and at no time did I see this sock.  It just strikes me as eerily coincidental that I would be abandoning my pursuit of a soulmate in favor of a baby’s sock. Just like in the dream the shoes I liked only had one shoe without a pair.  The sock also has no partner.  I’ve been scanning pictures and I had a framed picture of me when I was in elementary school.  I think the sock would have fit me and I found it right beside the picture.  So many coincidences.

Not My Shoes

Last night I had a dream where I’m being asked to do something or go somewhere so I prepare by putting on my shoes.  When doing so I notice these shoe are not mine.  I assume they are shoes available to me to wear because they are in my closet.  There’s a fair number of shoes available to me but I don’t really like any of them even though they are in good condition.  The pair I choose to wear are missing it’s partner pair.

Feeling unprepared I decide to lay down and take a nap giving up on the shoes.  There’s a meeting going on a stage in front of me.  I had taken a medication for a possible infection (self medicated) and now I’m worried they won’t give me anything to cure my ailment.  I can over hear the nurse speaking highly of me.  She is considering what to prescribe to cure my ailment. I a feel a loss of control because I don’t know what she is thinking on what she might prescribe the only thing i know is what I’ve over heard which was good but she might not understand why I chose to cheat on self medicating.


The Brick Wall

Last night as I as falling asleep I found myself standing in front of a brick wall.  I’m thinking how I can get beyond this point feeling I need an entirely new approach or course of action.  I look down and notice that both the wall and I are moving.  The moment I notice it the speed at which change occurs is phenomenal as if we had gone through a time warp to travel great distance.

When I woke up I couldn’t remember any of my dreams.  I then proceeded to get up and go about my day.  Later in the day I decided to do a bit of ritual and offer some sage, aroma and a candle.  As I walked around my bedroom with the sage I came to my brick wall beside my headboard when the memory of the dream came rushing back to me.

I also remember seeing babies in bassinets being rolled on their sides and back as if to clean them.  They were playing the tumbling game with the children.

Daddy’s Eyes

As I woke up this morning I saw a young man around the age of 30. He was so beautiful ageless, timeless, eternal. I didn’t know who he was at first but then he opened his eyes and stared directly into my soul as we connected and in that moment I knew exactly who he was. It was my dad. The connection was intense with a deep profound sense of knowing. His eyes were the color of the sun.

In last nights dream I became lucid and found myself in a building trying to find my way out toward freedom.  I am feeling a sense of confinement and I don’t know the people around me.  As I move about, I take note of the ethers that make up the dream.  It illuminates with my thoughts.  There are small etheric people within the ethers who pulsate light and color within their bodies in response to my thought.  They look like brine shrimp as the energy pulsates within the ethers.

As i stand still observing their behavior I see that my ability to create color has developed over time.  Now I experience complex shades of gray-blue.   I also note that the color black has taken on a new form, a delicate lattice not to be feared.  I see the letters 88 or HH appearing in the lattice.

As I walk through one door and emerge in another room very different from the previous I somehow know that I am in the same room.  I then will myself to go outside as I walk through a white door before me, I see people walking about not unlike on any city street.  They all appear to have purpose in being here going about their business.  I will myself to fly but seem to struggle getting very far up off the ground and not sufficient to clear the buildings.   I wonder if I should conform to walking like the others in this dimension.  I also wonder what I look like to them or if they even know I exist in their world.

Pool Access: Code Blacky

In today’s dream I am the proud owner of a new house which may be part of an estate because it is quite luxurious with marble entries and the pool is brand new with low lighting to be very enticeing. I’ve initiated a password to enter and leave the pool area. The code is BLACKY. There are some friends with me who are ready to leave and are waiting for my authorization. They show me their belonging so that I can waive them through. I notice there are a few lamps I brought with me that I’m not sure what to do with or how to use them. There is a small closet next to the pool where I decided to store them. Storing them here takes up all the usable closet space.

As I woke up I saw a red and forest green-grey colors that reminded me of nutcrackers.

As I was falling asleep last night I remember thinking oh look these are the space shipsI could see them flying in the air. I then saw a woman. She looks at me and said something. I immediately new I was approved.