Park-a-Barge River

BargeI had a dream where I am in the parking structure of the building where I work.  I park my car in an open space and proceed to walk toward the stairs to enter the building when I accidentally trip over an access panel at my right foot.  The access panel door is slightly raised.  Both curious to know where the access panel leads and wishing to properly secure it to prevent others from tripping over it I remove the panel door to examine it.  The opening is barely large enough to put my hand through it but wide enough to provide a clear view of every parking level below me.  Each parking level below me has the same access panel positioned directly below the one where I am standing.  By removing the access panel door, I have opened all access panels on ever floor below me allowing me to see into all of them all simultaneously. 

Though the opening, I can see the parking structure is built above a river which is wider than the parking structure itself.  It is a vast river with a strong flowing current.  I think it very odd that a parking structure would be built above a river.  It wouldn’t seem to make for a very secure foundation.  As I scan the surface of the water I notice a severed hand floating in the river.  I’m immediately concerned.  Scanning the river for the remains of the body to which the hand would belong, I see a large barge that is carrying the bodies of the dead for processing.  The bodies are laid on their bellies piled upon each 9 high or more.  The man who works the barge is processing each body one at a time placing it below the surface of the water until each is consumed by the current.  There is green algae like film that covers bodies. 

I have the feeling that I am not supposed to be witnessing what I have just seen.  I decide to secure the access panel and go to my office where I can take the time to process and research what it is I have just seen.  Once at my desk, I realize this research will require access to top secret documents which I am not privileged to but I know someone who does have a top secret clearance who might grant me the information.  I call Joe up and ask if he could possibly gather the information for me.  He kindly agrees and within a few minutes documents are delivered. Stacks of reports now sit on my desk for review along with new research equipment, computers, scanners and communication devices to allow me further inquiry and investigation should I wish to delve deeper into this mystery.  I open the files and the first thing I notice is the information that authenticates the information and its source listing the price for obtaining the information.  All have been delivered free of charge this is clearly noted by a zero in the balance due files.  I know had this not been a favor to me anyone else receiving the information would have had to pay a significant price to obtain such information.

After I’ve gone though all the documentation provided I decide to go back down to the parking structure and have a second look.  Once down there I remove the access panel door.  Once again, I can see the barge and the worker processing the bodies.  The barge worker is wearing a full body green suit.  His hands are silver and resemble metallic claws.  By comparison, I can tell his hands different and his body is much larger than that of the dead he is processing.  I surmise with all the information I now have that this man cannot possibly be of human origin.

I’m worried that I have stumbled upon something that is so top secret that I will be searched out and prevented from disseminating the information.  I attempt to replace the panel door.  As I reach to grab the panel door a car drives by and crushes the door breaking the interlocking mechanism.  This truth can no longer be concealed.

The 8th Grade Marching Band

Marching BandI had a dream where I am living in a temporary location with my roommate Bryan.  Although the location where I’m living is temporary, it would seem that I am lying to myself and to others.  I have down scaled my living arrangement out of necessity and am somewhat embarrassed by this fact and I don’t want to admit it to people so I tell them that it is temporary.  I also desperately want a companion or partner to share my life with.  So I decide to take on two additional roommates, one who will occupy and share my living quarters during the day while I’m at work, a female, and another, a male, who will occupy the space during the night hours when I’m in bed.  I’m attracted to the male however he is engaged to be married to a woman.  He has moved here to marry his future wife but needs a place to stay until the wedding day.  It is such a convenient arrangement for the both of us.

I think to myself if he is sharing my bed and my space with me he will have time to get to know me before his wedding date and possibly fall in love with me and subsequently change his mind about marrying his fiancé.  The first night that he spends with me we sit like old friends discussing our lives, our past and our future ambitions. 

In the morning I leave for work.  My roommate Bryan has not been home so I have not had the opportunity to tell him of the new boarders I am hosting.  While waiting for the bus, I run into the female boarder.  She tells me that she is coming from watching the 8th grade marching band that plays along one of the streets in my neighborhood. 

In the evening when I get home from work I open the door to find my roommate angrily picking up the mess the night boarder has left.  I’m surprised myself that he has made such a mess and has also taken the liberty of rearranging the furniture.  I realized I probably should have discussed the change with him prior to agreeing to the arrangement.  As Bryan walks off with the bedding in his arms the night boarder comes through the door.  He tells me he just came from watching the 8th grade marching band.  I then realize that I am hosting both the bride and the groom.

A Gentle Hoof

HorseLast night I had a dream where I am with my friend Dinah.  She is visiting me and I am showing her around the city.  There are spectacular views that I myself see as unimaginable and quite breathtaking.  Looking out on the vista, I call her attention to a point in our forward direction the home of my mother’s land.   My mother lives at the base of these great hills which are covered in lush green vegetation.  


When we return to my house there is a young man who is looking for me.  He is an old friend one I have not seen in a very long time.  I vaguely remember him from my past.  He is very different now.  He has the lower body of a horse.  I am casually talking to him ignoring the obvious oddity of his lower nature. I am captivated and amazed by his powerful lower body, his massive legs and thighs and the huge black testicles that have obviously been scorched by the sun and which hang at his hind.  I want to ask him how he developed such a massive form but I am not sure if it would be appropriate to ask such a question. 


We continue talking.  He is very expressive in his gestures and moves with much grace and ease.  Feeling more comfortable around him, I finally gather the courage to ask him about this power he possesses.  He answers me by turning to face me and shows me his soft underbelly, his groin and his penis.  This in contrast he says is my gentle nature.  He leaves himself open as if to invite me to examine him or possibly touch him.  I want to feel the difference but to do so would mean possibly placing my hand on his penis.  I pause there reluctant to advance.  I feel an awareness rise in me and I become lucid.  In a moment of awareness suspended in time, I know this as strange as it may seem holds an answer I seek and it is now or never.  I must probe the depths of my subconsciousness reach out and feel him.  I reach my hand out placing my palm upon his navel and running my hand down along his groin and in contact with the uncircumcized skin of his penis.  My jaw drops with an overwhelming feeling of euphoria.  I am breathless.  I awaken.


Upon waking up I was immediately drawn to his response.  Why did it lie in his groin?  Why did he refer to it as his gentle nature?  I focused on the word gentle. 

Gentle:  belonging to a family of high social station, chivalrous : honorable, distinguished

Gentle: of or relating to a gentleman

Gentleman: a man of noble or gentle birth b: a man belonging to the landed gentry c (1): a man who combines gentle birth or rank with chivalrous qualities (2): a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior d (1): a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain (2): a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain

Dreams always enjoy a play on words so I looked at:

Gentile: a Christian as distinguished from a Jew

Genital: of, relating to, or being a sexual organ

Genital: of, relating to, or characterized by the stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory during which oral and anal impulses are subordinated to adaptive interpersonal mechanisms

Cat Scratch Fever

Black CatI had a dream where my house is on fire and about to burn down.  We have to evacuate immediately.  I only have a minute or two to decide what of importance I might take with me.  I immediately reach for my cat Sable and wrap him in a sheet because he is not an outdoor cat while at the same time instructing everyone in the house to “GET OUT.” 

Once outside in all the commotion my cat Sable slips through my grip and runs off into the brush.  He has seldom been loose outside the house and on the rare occasions that he has he has managed to find his way back home.  I’m worried that if my house burns down there will be no place for him to return to.  The neighbor lady is a cat lady.  She has hundreds of cats that come to her front porch.  As I walk past her home I notice all the cats are identical and more than that they all look exactly like my cat Sable.  I can see into her living room where the television is tuned to the news station.  They are showing coverage of my house burning.  My niece Esther unknowingly arrives on the scene and is captured on camera.  I’m surprised because she lives in California and has never been to the East Coast to visit me.  What is she doing at my house unannounced?  Clearly without a doubt that is her on the television screen in front of my house.  I’ve got to go back to the house but first I have to get Sable. 

Looking at the hundreds of cats on the porch I instinctively reach for one of the cats not even questioning whether I have the right cat or not.  As I walk away with Sable in my arms.  Looking into his eyes, I become aware that I have the ability to recognize my own kind.

Slide Rule of the Dead

Slide RuleI had a dream last night where I am given a slide rule that not only predicts the future but creates the future you wish to have.  This slide rule is a prototype for instructional purposes to demonstrate that the concept is feasible.  Oddly enough this slide rule is limited to the simple task of giving a shave. It creates a future shave on anyone you choose.  I am highly skeptical of its ability.  Frankly, I think the idea is absurd but it has my curiosity.  I examine it carefully noting the slider and options provided on it for the degree of shave you wish to manifest.  By moving the slider, I am able to affect the future. Knowing I’m not one to give myself a shave….I decide to set it to give me a shave at some future date.  After moving the slider I place the slide rule down on my night stand and lay back down to sleep. 

Moments later after I am supposedly fall back asleep in the dream I begin to feel pressure on the nape of my lower back.  This can’t be possible, I’m thinking to myself.  Did the device really work?  The time is now for a shave.  I try to move my arm behind my back to apprehend whatever force is touching my lower back but I am unable to move my arm.  I am in sleep paralysis. Struggling to regain consciousness to verify the presence of this supernatural force against my lower back, I finally awaken from the dream but still unable to move completely paralyzed much like a false awakening but I know I am really awake. 

There is a woman floating above my bed.  She is an oriental woman with beautiful features and well defined ruby red lips. Her hair is pinned up like a china doll.  “Who are you,” I ask mentally of her presence.  Her presence floats over me in a diagonal direction from my lower right and up toward my right shoulder.  Still struggling to regain control of my body my arm finally wakes up and becomes responsive.  I move my arm slowly and intentionally in her direction painting a continuous circle with my index finger in the air around her face in a slow and persistent manner to get her attention and let he know I am aware of her presence….once again telepathically asking with stern emphasis, “WHO ARE YOU?”  In response to my question she puckers and pinches her lips forward as to point in the direction of my night stand as if it somehow holds the answer to my question. Moments later she disappears. 

I then rolled over and went back to sleep.  The dream continued….this time the device I am given is a more advanced version with no limits to the possible outcomes of what the device can manipulate.  This upgraded version has a tiny video screen where the sliding cursor is located.  Impossible I’m thinking to myself as if the last one wasn’t bad enough.  Yet a part of me wants to look into its window to see the future.  I am very much aware that I am dreaming.  I am aware that no harm can come to me by confronting my dream.  I am aware of my previous dream and I am emphatically determined to find out where this all leads.  I want answers from the depths of the collective consciousness. 

Looking into the sliding cursor I can now perceive  the future.  It is an amazing experience.  The beauty and power of this gift suddenly turns gruesome.  With its power comes knowledge of darkness.  I now see the decade bodies of the dead whose spirits are trapped desperately wanting to communicate but their bodies are no more.  These are ancient civilizations forgotten and left to decay in darkness.  In shock I woke up with the vivid image of a dead man impressed upon my mind.

I don’t often have nightmares but this one I would certainly classify as such.  I don’t know how much of the dream was influenced by my day’s events.  I did see a very disturbing movie earlier tonight, Crash High Voltage.  It was rated B by Yahoo movies so I considered it a good pick.  I was sorely disappointed in the movie.  I considered walking out at several points in the movie but since I had gone with a friend I decided to stay.  The amount of violence in the movie was very disturbing.  I have to ask what kind of society have we become that movies like this receive B ratings.

So who was that woman and what on my night stand was she calling my attention to.  On my night stand sits a lamp, my alarm clock, my cell phone, my wallet, my voice recorder for capturing dreams and in the drawer several my personal items including the remote control.  At the base of my night stand are several about 5-7 spiritual books. 

This one remains a mystery.    

Gypsy Dance

RomaniLast night I had a dream where I am on the 3rd floor of my house.  The windows are open but the bamboo shades are down.  I can feel a light breeze blowing through the room. I am desperately trying to clean out my living quarters to prepare myself for something that is about to happen.  I am preparing for a major change in my life and I want my life and my house to be in perfect order to give me the best possible start.  I have things laid out from my early life that no longer serve me.  I am wrapping these things in old cloths and throwing them out the window.  At the same time I am mentally working through my financial budget in my head.  I am aware that I have 10 thousand dollars at my disposal and I am mulling over how to best apportion the money.  My rational mind is telling me the last thing I want to do is buy a new car. 


As I am hurriedly emptying my living quarters I notice I no longer have any cloths left with which to wrap my possessions.  The only thing remaining are the bamboo shades which cover the windows and now look very old and extremely worn out.  Considering their present condition they too need to be thrown out so I decide to pull them off the windows and use them to wrap the final remaining items. 


Without the shades on the windows I now have a clear view of the wasteland just outside my house.  I start to feel a sense of panic. Have I done something wrong?  Have I thrown away something of value to me?  My next thought is, “Where have I placed my mother?  Have I thrown her out the window?”  I lean over the window sill to visually scan the landscape below for signs of my mother.  I can’t tell for sure.  Everything I’ve wrapped looks like bodies to me.  It is possible I’ve accidentally thrown my mother out.  I then start looking around the house for my mother.  The wave of panic now manifests as a large zebra skinned serpent.  It is coiling itself around me.  I can sense its incredible power.  Angry, I am fighting it off me while frantically looking for my mother.   I have half my focus on the serpent and half on finding my mother.  Distracted by my mother I can’t tell which end of the serpent is closest to me…the head or the tail.  Knowing the only way to effectively deal with the serpent is to confront it head on I turn to grab the serpent by the neck. 


In the scuffle, I sat up in bed and woke up to find a man standing at the foot of my bed.  His form was so dense I thought he might actually be a real man in my bedroom.  He held his right arm out with his palm facing down and his body slightly bent forward.  He wore a turban on his head and a flimsy shirt and baggy pants that were tight around his lower legs and a cloth tied around his waist.  He looked just like a Gypsy. He was trying to communicate something to me but I could not hear his voice.  I pointed at him fiercely saying you, you, you are the one who is preying on me.  He stood there for a long time and would not disappear.  I finally laid back down and ignored him but since I had to go to the restroom I angrily through the covers to the side and jumped out of bed.  When I returned the man was finally gone. 

The Apocalypse

The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951 Film)Last night I had a dream.  I am busy entertaining guests in my house so busy that I forget what day it is.  As I look around I notice people are tense busily preparing for something.  I stop to ask one of my neighbors, “What’s up?”  He answers, “It’s the end of the world.”  “Is that today”, I ask him? I am not surprised by his response.  There are people in the know who have been aware of the events of 2012  for a long time.  I am one of those people.  I simply forgot it was today.  Yes…I do remember today is the day of the Apocalypse, the day the Earth is to stand still in awe of a great change.  Today is the day when the Earth as we know it will change.


Wanting to be fully present for the day’s events, a day that will go down in history, I step out on the deck where I have a clear view of the sky.  It is early afternoon but the sky is dark with dense cloud cover.  As I look out over the heavens watching for any anomalies, I notice a dark disk shaped ring approaching.  It’s them, they are here.  You can clearly make out the shape of the space ship through the dense clouds.  We are about to be invaded by aliens. 


Their ship stops just above my house.  As the ship hovers over my house, crewmembers begin to disembark on ropes landing on my deck by the dozens.  Those who are not afraid of the aliens are gathered to witness the event.  To my surprise the aliens look just like humans with the exception that they have agility that far surpasses that of any human being. At first they are focused on finding someone.  I know they are looking for me but for some reason they are not picking up on where or for that matter, who I am.  I know that if I surrender to them they will leave Earth quickly and not prolong their stay.  This would be good for those who might be in a state of fear.  I decide to surrender to them but first I disguise my friend Dinah as my dog to take her with me. 


They quickly confirm who I am and accept me and my dog Dinah to board the ship.  The invasion is over and we are now headed back to their home planet.  These people live high up in the trees and they get around like Tarzan by swinging on ropes.  For most of the trip I’m asleep.  When I awaken, I’m perched high up in the trees but my dog Dinah is not with me.   I’m immediately filled with the energy of this planet.  I feel like one of them.  I’m suddenly aware of all their abilities.  I grab for a rope and begin swinging in the trees completely unafraid.  I now have their agility. 


There are two races here on this planet, those who live in the trees and those who dwell on the land.  I want to experience both races.  I also want to find my dog Dinah.  To remain up in the trees, with every swing of the rope I must pull the rope toward me.  Instead I begin to descend finally reaching ground level where I allow those who dwell on the land to take me.  They place me in a trash bin to hide me from the tree dwellers who are now looking for me.  Dinah is in the trash bin with me.  I guess they knew I’d come looking for her.


The trash bin is on a rail car that begins to move.  They are transporting me somewhere.  They instruct me to keep my head down to remain out of sight from the tree people.  Since I’m with Dinah I’m happy and I remain quiet. 

I then heard my alarm sound.  I reached over, snoozed the alarm and rolled over for a few more precious minutes of sleep.  Before I had even fallen back to sleep I could still clearly see the dream in my minds eye.  I am still on board the moving rail car.  I can see Dinah sleeping next to me disguised as my dog.  Looking at her disguise I’m surprised they didn’t figure it out.  She doesn’t look anything like a real dog.  I chuckle for a moment inwardly. 


Wanting to explore my surroundings in this wakeful dream state, I get up out of the trash bin which is empty of any trash.  It was only used to transport us.  I peak over the top and look at the other cars.  I am in what looks to be a mine shaft, some internal caverns probably deep in some mountains.  There are others riding in the other bins.  There is a blond guy in the car in front of me who noticing me turns around to look at me.  I am amazed that this dream figure before me has every facial feature and quality of real life.  He is perfect in ever sense.  Yet it is not someone I have ever seen in this lifetime.  How has my mind constructed such an image?  There is something about him I recognize.  He smiles at me showing me his teeth and playfully makes a face at me. I’m expecting him to say Boo!  He doesn’t.  The more I look at him the more I’m amazed by the experience when suddenly it occurs to me.  This is my face yet not the face I wear in this life.  It’s as if I’m looking in the mirror.  Without a doubt he is me.  My alarm rings a second time. 

The Truth Above A Lie

Video PhoneLast night I had a dream as soon as I laid my head down on my pillow.  In the dream I pick up the phone to call my first partner, now my ex, Jerry who lives in Los Angeles.  I’m waiting for him to answer the phone.  The minute he answers I not only hear his voice but I can see him sitting in his house alone.  He appears to be seated in front of a hidden video camera.  He sits directly in front of me but is unaware that I can see him.  In the background, I can see the furnishings inside his house.  I am confused not knowing how it is possible I can see into his house.  Is this a true representation of his house?  I assume it is not.  What I am seeing must be my own surroundings.  He is completely unaware that I can see him as he is focused solely on our voice conversation. 

I ask him how he is doing and if he is seeing anyone in his life.  He responds by telling me a long story about how he has been alone all this time.  As he is telling me this someone walks down a flight of stairs into the room where he is.  It is a very good looking young man who has apparently overheard our conversation.  He is making a great deal of noise as he walks into the room.  The sound I hear over the phone corresponds with his movement and noise the man is making in the house.  The man evidently is aware of me and wants me to make the connection with the truth.  I hear a distinct voice tell me, “He is lying to you.”  An inner knowing tells me the man in his house is the man he is seeing and what I am seeing is the truth.   

Clergy With Someone

ClergyLast night I had a restless night that resulted in a series of disturbing dreams. In the first dream I am at a party and we are blowing up balloons. They are the type of balloons that are twisted into animal shapes. The balloon I am given is black. The objective is to blow up the balloon to the break point without breaking it. As I begin to blow up my balloon I notice it looks like a penis or dildo. I am disturbed by the image and I want to stop but I feel committed to the challenge. I don’t want to fail. I’m aware that the more I blow the more pleasure is felt by those around me who are observing me. They are urging me on. I’m approaching the break point. Just one more puff. The balloon bursts with a loud pop. I immediately wake up startled by the loud sound and burst of air at my face.

As I open my eyes there is a fat black man looking at me with puffed cheeks, pinched lips and bulging eyes. He reminds me of Louis Armstrong. I am extremely annoyed at his presence. He is the reason why my balloon burst. The look in his eyes tells the whole story. He is making a joke of me. I backhand him and roll on my side to go to sleep.

I then had a dream where I am dating a guy over the internet whose screen name is “ClergyWithSomeone.” Our conversations occur mostly over the internet. At first our chats are pretty typical and very delightful. Then something changes the mood shifts for some reason and I suspect something is wrong. I’m trying to figure out what has changed. Why is it that the internet acting differently? As I examine the computer I realize my hands are stuck to the computer. I am trying to figure out how to detach myself from the device. I’m pulling the computer away from me over my head like a pull over sweater. At this point when I am almost free a white note is passed to me seemingly a chat request. I feel it is from someone trying to help me. I immediately grab for the note in the hope of freeing myself. I’m beginning to wake up.

When I open my eyes I’m completely disoriented. I cannot make heads or tails of my room yet I am awake. I feel like I am recovering from just having passed out as if the blood is just now returning to my brain. As my brain begins to make sense of my bedroom, I see three men floating above my bed. They are standing together in a group facing each other. They are humanoid with the face of an animal specifically a bear or a beaver. Again I am extremely annoyed with them for the dream they have given me. I don’t feel they are making fun of me they are simply telling me the truth, a truth which doesn’t feel so good. I back hand them and turn once again in the other direction and fall back to sleep.

I have another dream. In this dream there is a police officer that has been stocking my house and watching me through my closed windows. He has been watching my movie played on my television screen, a movie of my life. I feel violated. He knows my most personal and intimate details. Upon becoming aware of him I step outside my house onto the front porch to confront him. Given that he is a police officer, I feel I must comply with his demands. He wants to enter my home to inspect it. I turn and walk back toward my front door. Something inside me says, “DON’T DO IT….DON’T BELIEVE HIM…DON’T LET HIM IN. I must react quickly. I make a run for it at a moment in time where he was not expecting it. I slam the iron door closed and quickly turn the dead bolt lock. I tell him he must wait outside while I call the station and confirm that he is in fact who he says he is and has the authority with which to search my home. My actions angers him greatly.

I am in a panic inside the house not knowing what to do next. Who do I call? What should I do? The panic places me in a lucid state a super conscious state where answers are coming to me. I remember that I know how to fly. I am the master of my dreams. I alone am the script writer. I alone must confront him but I will do it prepared with a super conscious awareness. I practice for a moment flying back and forth within my dream house to verify that I can indeed fly and I have my super human powers at my readiness. I then open the door to confront my oppressor. It is dark outside and he is now no where to be found but I know he still lurks in the darkness.

I now go about my business. I walk through the house taking note of all the details. There are mementos of my life and memories of my mother. As I start to remember where I came from, I become lost in the experience. As the wave of information starts to end, I come across a group of photos. They are photos of me with my friends taken in the past. In the first photograph I see the man my oppressor the same man who stood outside my house dressed as a police man. I clearly recognize him now. I hear myself say, “I hate him.” I can’t believe we were once friends but here is the truth on paper. We were friends. I flip through the photos. We are together in a majority of the photos. He smiles like a horse. I remember his presence even in those days was overbearing but he was my friend.

I then hear a sound at the door. He is back and the front door is wide open. He enters the house. We both take flight and confront each other in mid air in a great show of force. He is an extremely powerful opponent with powers that equal mine. His advantage is that he has lived in this underworld for a long time. It is his home turf. I am on his playing field. I on the other hand have been away from my powers having used them only sparingly during the course of my life on earth. The knowledge of how to use them is steadily coming back to me. We collide many times in mid air but I am not backing down. It is not only me for whom I am fighting for. I am fighting for the freedom to be as we really are in our full potential. I am fighting for my family’s right to sovereignty, peace and security. We finally lock each other in a choke hold. I’ve got him by the neck gripped under my arm.

The struggle wakes me up. As I open my eyes there is a face of a man beside me. His face is bright red and he has an expression that is undoubtedly evil. If there is a devil this man is him. Interestingly he has two piercing one on his lip and the other on his nose. He is completely red except for both piercing which are a vibrant luminescent blue. I am amazed that I am seeing this before me in a fully conscious state. I give no expression other that of sheer determinations and steadfast resolve to stand my ground. After a few minutes….his image fades. I then got up and went to the bathroom to pee.

Fresh Drinking Water

Tap WaterI had a dream where I am at my house.  I have guests staying with me.  A cleaning lady is busy in one of the other rooms of the house cleaning. There is bird feed all over the floor.  I’m wondering where the bird feed came from.  In the corner of the room I find a small wicker basket with a cotton cloth lining that is filled with colorful bird feed.  Knowing the source of the feed, I turn and ask the cleaning lady to please tidy up the room and to be sure to pick up all the bird feed that has fallen on the floor.  After asking her I ask myself if I might have been a bit presumptuous in asking her to clean up for me after all I don’t have a maid in real life and I can very easily do it myself.  At this point, I’m obviously aware that I am dreaming.  I allow her to carry on her business not offering her any help…after all she is the cleaning lady be it only in the dream. 

I then walk over to the kitchen to get a glass of water.  Instead of turning on the water from the filtered tap I decide to use the regular tap to fill my glass.  I’m curious what the consistency of water is like in a dream.  After filling the glass with water I hold it up to a light that shines above my head.  In the water I can see tiny colorful micro organisms swimming about the glass that remind me of Sea Monkeys.  Puzzled I set the glass down on the counter and ask myself, where did the light above my head come from? 

With my hand firmly holding the glass on the counter I look up into the light and see billowing clouds gathering. Within the clouds I can see a face begin to emerge.  It is the face of God.  Knowing this is my opportunity to ask God for a favor, a favor he cannot refuse, a favor that might change the course of human history, I quickly think ….if you had only one question or favor to ask of God what would it be?  I want to ask for something universal that would benefit all mankind and not just myself.  Immediately I know what to ask for.  I look him straight in the eyes and ask, “God can you please give us clean drinking water from the tap.”   God looks up and away, slightly rolling his eyes at me while at the same time smiling in a way that lets me know I have in fact cornered him with the perfect request.  It is something that everyone needs and cannot live without.  After a short pause he turns to me and with seeming reluctance he agrees to grant my wish. 

The scene instantly changes and I now find myself standing outdoors in an open courtyard.  All peoples are gathering and gazing up at lights in the heavens.  There is a great display of beautiful lights in the sky in shapes that are unfamiliar to me.  I am disoriented not sure of where I am or what exactly we are looking at.  I immediately realize the awesomeness of that which we are beholding.  Celestial beings are arriving in space ships by the dozens. Very soon we will know our true origins. 

As we are gazing up at the approaching ships one of the landing gears falls off and lands next to me.  At first I think it is accidental but as I examine the landing gear which looks like a shoe to me it becomes apparent that they dropped it for me to retrieve.  The shoe is metallic with very sharp edges.  I turn the shoe over and inside it deep within the sole of the shoe is concealed a very bright light.  I am absolutely sure the shoe was not an accident. The shoe was delivered to me deliberately to conceal the light. Unfortunately, I don’t know what to do with it or how to use it.  I assume I should place the shoe in such a way that the light reflects back to the approaching ships as a beacon or light house a way for them to find me and take us home.  I try placing it over my head but its enormous size makes it difficult to work with.   It is about two thirds the size of my body. 

I finally give up and leave the shoe behind.  I decide to head for the country and away from the city and all the on lookers that are beginning to gather.  I feel as though I wasn’t able to fulfill my purpose. 

I get into my car and start driving.  The car I am driving is a convertible.  As I reflect in the rear view mirror I suddenly realize I am now three people; the observer, the driver and the passenger who is seated in the back seat of the car.  As the observer I see myself as God sees me.  As the observer I am looking at the passenger who is completely unaware that I am looking at him.  I see myself in him.  I can see the light coming from within him perched on his shoulder.  He is unaware, unaware that I am with him, unaware that I am in him, unaware that I and he are one, unaware that the three are one..unaware that although he sits as a passenger in the back seat of the car…he drives the car.  He is unaware that he carries the light upon his shoulder.