Teleportation …. A Night To Remember

TeleportationLast night I had an incredible experience.  I know I always say that but this one was truly incredible and never experienced before.  As I lay in bed mediating I fell into a very deep trance from which I could not get out.  I wasn’t afraid.  I just assumed my body was tired and needed the extra time to revitalize and reconnect to spirit so I immersed myself in the experience.  As I lay there just barely conscious of my surroundings, I suddenly felt an incredible rush of energy that lifted my body up from my chest with tremendous force and great speed.  My head and arms were drawn back by the forward motion.  


Still unable to come to and unable to see, I wondered if the entities who bless my night were taking advantage of me in my present state to probe me. I could swear my physical body was literally floating above my bed suspended in mid-air because I could distinctly feel the change in body posture yet my body was not responsive.  My body was asleep yet my consciousness was fully awake and very much attached to my body.  I was having an out of body experience where I was literally dragging my physical body behind me. In the distance I could clearly hear my roommate.  I was sure he would be coming into my room at any moment and would see me hanging there suspended in mid-air like Linda Blair.  I hung there in space with my arms dangling and my head drawn back for about 15 minutes.  My roommate never came into the room.  I felt another force of energy move my body forwared yet again to an even higher level at tremendous speed.  I then began hearing other voices which I could not understand.  In truth, I felt I knew the language but the words were somehow not registering.  I felt my memories were being intentionally blocked and erased the moment I heard them.  


After a few minutes, my body returned to my bed as quickly as it was taken up.  Upon impact I immediately opened my eyes. I remained calm.  In front of me above my navel was suspended a mechanical ethereal arm; a dimensional portal of sorts that had been used to probe and observe me.  The opening was a vibratory luminescent green rectangular connected to a green wormhole which extending into space.  Within the green rectangle was a golden pyramid.  I could see into the other dimension through the opening.   Within the pyramid was contained a cosmos of information; all sorts of information and knowledge was contained therein. Through the pyramid I could see everything at once simultaneously, so profound was the experience that I can’t not even begin to describe it, yet not in a spiritual sense it was profound in the shere exchange of information.   The probe swivelled around a bit and finally came to rest on my bed on my right side. It’s substance slowly dissipated leaving behind a collage of luminescent gossamer strands.  I rolled over on my side and hugged the stands drawing them and my covers toward me.  I then fell asleep.