Eye on the Ground

Cat's Eye NebulaLast night I had a dream where I am with a group of emissaries.  We are discussing events of the future.  They are telling me all that is to occur.  I am told there will be blocks of time that will go missing.  Finding this hard to believe, I question them asking them for further clarification.  It is as they say; blocks of time will go missing.  They then suggest that it has already happened to me.  I pause to reflect on my past looking for a time in my recent past for which this could be true; an instance where I could not account for time.  As if to answer the question for me, an eye appears embedded in the ground to my left.  I suddenly understand exactly what is meant by the loss of time.  It is all that I am.  Knowing all there is to know about the eye on the ground, I am told that I am to go forth and preach and begin my ministry because now I am a believer and I know the truth.


I begin to feel an energy rushing up from the ground like that of a serpent coiling around my body along my sides and up under my arms.  It has a tingly feeling that tickles.  I want them to stop because the feeling is to intense against my body. The sensation wakes me up with a ringing in my ears.  As I opened my eyes there beside me was a giant warrior with a long sword.  The ringing was from the sound of the blade as he pulled it out of its sheeth.  I asked the warrior, how do you safely carry a weapon of that size?  You don’t carry one, he answered.  Instead, you trust in the eye for no harm can come to you.  With that said, he and his sword vanished.

Photo Credit: Cat’s Eye Nebula NASA, ESA, HEIC, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) 

The Cat’s Eye Nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Draco. Among the earliest of human records written, the ancient Egyptians identified this constellation as Tawaret, the goddess of the northern sky in their pantheon of deities. Considered as ever-vigilant because the constellation never set, she was depicted a fierce protective goddess whose body was a composite of crocodile, human, lioness, and hippopotamus parts.

I found it interesting that Ministry also refers to government and in fiction a reference is given to the New Republic from Star Wars.  The following quote suck out for me.

The New Republic is a mutual self-protection pact among over four hundred sentient species, and an economic partnership between eleven thousand inhabited worlds.”

—Chief of State Leia Organa Solo

Looking up the word preach I was redirected by Wikipedia to the word Sermon.  There I found the most famous sermon to be the “Sermon on the Mount.”  Little did I know there is another version of the same sermon called “Sermon on the Plain” from the Gospel of Luke.  I was unaware of this version which sounds very similar to the title I chose for this dream.  The title of course for the dream came directly from imagery in the dream which was pretty straight forward.  “On the Plain” sounds very similar to “On the Ground.”  Not to mention Sermon and Eye have spiritual connotations.

Notable messages in the Sermon on the Plain include:

I love dreams like this because there are so many layers or dimensions of meaning here.  It speaks volumes to the one with an open mind who is willing to hear.