Circus Disco: Drum on the Catwalk

AliExpress: Gray feather angel wings

February 15, 2019

In last night’s dream, I have gone back to Circus Disco in Los Angeles where I used to dance when I was in my early 20’s. I am one of the first to arrive here and have the pick of parking spaces. I pick a space closest to the gate where you enter the disco. This space is such a perfect space I wonder why it has not been claimed by the staff for it’s proximity to the entrance.

I get out of the car wearing my black trench coat. I walk around the lot trying to remember where the original disco stood. It looks like they are using some of the other spaces around the disco for classes and places to lounge. There is also an automobile service station located on the premises. I walk into the entry area where I see some vendors setting up booths to sell things. There is one guy I stop to talk to in a booth. He has a table with what might be cosmetics or possibly drugs. He has a bag full of them. I obviously want to ask what he is setting up but I feel it might be personal in nature and premature for me to ask considering I arrived early he may not have had enough time to properly set up and present to the public. My attention is drawn to a drum he has on the display at his table. I tell him I completely forgot to bring my drum for tonight.

I leave his station and wonder into one of the lounge areas which also serves as a classroom or possibly a yoga studio. There are a few tree stumps they have crafted into stools for people to sit on. They are crafted in a natural way. I see many of the stools have already been spoken for with people having left their writing instruments, coats and bags beside each stool. I spot one stool which does not appear to be spoken for so I place my trench coat on it to claim it for later. As I leave the room to look around, I see an announcement for the class that is scheduled there. The teacher comes out to call her students. Believing she may need the stool I just claimed for her class I pick up my trench coat again. As the students enter her class I pause to read the announcement. Even though I can see the writing clearly I simply does not register with me. Its not something I can put words to or interpret. I simply know what it is about. It is familiar to me. It reminds of of the part of the dream you can not remember yet you know you were there.

I leave and head toward an open area in the hangar which is the main area of what used to be Circus Disco. Standing in the middle of the hanger, I place my self back in time to when I used to dance here. I envision where things used to be the sound of the music, the people dancing and the disco lights. What a wonderful time I had here. There are open doors on all sides of the hanger. Not knowing which door is the best door for me to return to the entrance I simply start walking straight ahead. To the left is the automobile service area which looks a bit greasy so I continue straight instead. The path I walk is a long one to arrive at the door. I calculate the distance traveled in each step and how long it will take me to reach the door. I take a few more steps and notice with each step I’ve cover the door still feels further away. It is as if the path is elongating as I walk. I sense it will be a long time before I finally reach the door.

Considering the door is a long way off, I decide to explore some of the areas which lay closer to me. Near the automobile service area is a mechanics office with a catwalk which is raised above the dance floor. The moment I turn to walk in that direction I immediately find myself on the catwalk. I wonder if this is restricted space for the mechanics only. I feel good here because the view from this vantage point is good and things are closer to me. There are men inside the office who I believe may come out to to converse with. I yearn to see the space filled with people dancing. I also feel I may learn something from the mechanics here.


So I was looking for an image to go with the dream and this picture popped up. The guy who looks like he might belong in a gay bar is wearing wings. What a great Halloween costume something I’d expect to see at Circus Disco. I remember the shows they had there were spectacular. The way the wings hang down his side reminded me of the feeling the trench coat had on me as it trailed behind me as I walked. Could the trench coat have been spirit wings? Quite possibly. A very cool costume prop to have. I wonder if they would fit in my closet.

It just occurred to me that Circus Disco was in Los Angeles the City of Angels. So very fitting to have wings.

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