Last night, I was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from another dimension. Their lead identified himself as Interpol. He said his name means “communication.” At the time of their visit I was stricken with sleep paralysis and therefore stuck in limbo in between worlds. I could clearly see them standing by my bed partially materialized. They then took me on a journey to their world. There I met a friend whom I refer to as Ben. We walked along their streets and sat in a tiny cabaret. I noticed how everything was so crisp and clean. It was dark out and a moon was hovering closely in the night sky. I felt a bit uncomfortable in their world. We spoke at length about the things we like to do. We both mentioned how we both enjoy a good smoke.
He noticed I was uncomfortable so he asked if there was something I needed. I asked him if we could go outside; out in the open air to walk again. He agreed. Before stepping out in the open there was a display window in the cabaret with various after dinner items. One of the items was a box which had three cigars. I instinctively reached for one of the three cigars. He reached for the second one. I then offered him mine as a gesture of my appreciation. We both smoked off the same cigar.
We then found ourselves in an open pasture that belonged to a nursery for plants. The caretaker gave me a box with a hundred dollar bill in it and a certificate of ownership and deed to the property. He said it was for me. This was my inheritance he said. I was overwhelmed at the gestures. I knew this was everything I ever wanted. I knelt on the ground to see and smell how fertile the soil was. When I kelt I noticed there was a path, a road that lead from my new property to the moon. It was an incredible sight. In disbelief, I stood up and noticed in the sky a red light coming toward us. I knew this was the beacon for the mother ship. I looked squarely into the light waving my arms over my head to flag the ship down.
The entire ship came in closer as it materialized fully in the night sky. I assisted it in landing on my new property. I could clearly see all the details of the ship. I was asked if I could smell their ship as if it smelled bad but I could not smell anything unpleasant. They then came out of the craft to greet me standing beside my bed.
My awareness came full circle again back to the now. My name is Interpol he said it means communication. He then took me on another journey to see the school where I had received my education. There I ran into an old friend named Mary. We reminisced about her wedding where we were in the presence of our mutual friends. I was carrying a backpack at the time with school supplies. I was responsible for assisting with registrations at the school.
My awareness came full circle again back to the now. My name is Interpol he said.
The whole night I could not move. I couldn’t even move to grab my voice recorder so what I did is I kept repeating the details of the dream in my mind so that I would not forget. It also helped that I needed to pee but I couldn’t get up for that either.
The first unusual thing that caught my attention was his name, Interpol. I had never even heard of it until I looked it up in Wikipedia.
INTERPOL is the world’s largest police organization. INTERPOL’s mission is to assist law enforcement agencies in each of its 186 member countries to combat all forms of transnational crime. Its six areas of priority are: drugs and criminal organizations, public safety and terrorism, financial and high tech crimes, trafficking of human beings, corruption, and fugitives.
The second thing was the cigars and the issue of smoking. I don’t smoke cigars or cigarettes. Somehow I equate the smoke with peace, harmony and tranquility.
Cigars are often smoked to celebrate special occasion: the birth of a child, a graduation, a big sale.