January 30, 2019
This morning’s dream was so beautiful. I’ve never experienced anything like this. In the dream I had a false awakening where I believed I had been woken up by my cat. I couldn’t fall back asleep so I decide to go outside to see if I can see the sunrise. There is no real clear view of the sunrise from my house in waking life but in the false awakening I go outside. Across the street I see a field of grass. I believe it would offer me the best view of the sunrise. I cross the street. I can feel the cool blades of grass under my feet. Looking toward the sunrise the sky is still dark. As the sun peeks its head ever so slightly upon the horizon the sky bursts into a beautiful flaming red. I can see down to the Mall and all the monuments in DC including The Capital, The Washington Monument and the Lincoln. The sunlight reflects an the glass of the building and on the wet pavement something so bright I’ve never seen before.
I scuttle to position myself for the best view. I want to grab my camera because this is incredible. I am so captivated by the sun I am unable to act on my desire. Within no time, the sun is higher in the sky and the flaming reds give way to golden yellows and the blues of the sky. I am in utter awe of the beauty that is our earth and our National Monuments. Its a good day to be alive.
~~~~~ Dream Ends
With all the light shining in my eyes I awake to the realization that I wasn’t already awake. My alarm has yet to sound. I grab my phone to see the time and it is 7:40 am. I have 10 minutes of cuddle time with the dog and cats. I run to the bathroom and return to bed corralling the dog to snuggle with me. I immediately have a vision. I can see a person with shimmering light brown hair. I take in his or her facial features. I can’t seem to determine if it is a girl or a boy. The person is between 14 and 24 yrs old depending if he is a boy or a girl. The person is wearing bright yellow and green. The person is talking to me but I can’t hear a word. She stands at a 45 degree angle facing me as if she is getting ready to turn and walk away. I feel refreshed and renewed. I am inspired to access both my masculine and feminine. I feel connected to Gaia.