The Eagle Has A Partner

November 28, 2018

Last night I had a heart to heart talk with God.  I have been frustrated with being single and unable to find anyone who feels right.  I am frustrated seeing Facebook profiles with guys and their partners and wondered why I can’t have a partner.  Even unattractive people seem to have found partners.  I consider myself a good person with a big heart and a lot of love to give.  I felt God is wasting my time years of my life I could be loving someone.

So I got gut honest with him and told him in no short terms to CUT THE BULLSHIT something is wrong with your programming.  Fix it. I’m tired of waiting.

So I had a dream and in the dream a woman who is in a high position of authority tells me they are going to conduct a full audit of my record.  I am scared the announcement seems so serious.  The records they will be auditing are of the highest importance.  I assume it is my karmic record the sum balance of my life.

I turn to leave and glance out the window where I see two tiger stripped eagles grooming and playing with each other.  Momentarily distracted by the eagles I think to myself.  “The eagle has a partner.”


Upon waking up I recorded my dream and proceeded to have my morning coffee.  I swiped through one of my online dating apps and the first profile I came to was one of a guy who I am very much attracted to.  I messaged him and thought this never works.  Later in the day he actually messaged back.  We proceeded to correspond and something clicked.  A click I’ve not experienced in a long time.  We seemed to hit it off.  Was this an answer to my prayer.  Well I sit here journaling this a week later and in that week we have talked and FaceTimed.  I think there is something there.  I have a very good feeling about this person.  I think the Eagle might very well have a partner.