The Rod of Asclepius

Rod of AsclepiusLast night I had an interesting experience when I laid in bed to meditate.  I quickly lost myself and later allowed myself to slip into a deep trance like state. I was just at the point of dropping into a deep sleep when I began to feel sick.  Quivering, I pulled my arms in tightly around my body as I held my comforter to my chin.  My teeth were chattering.  I felt as if I was about to pass out.  Telepathically, I sent out a distress signal as a cry for help.  I felt I was dropping into a state of delirium.


Lying to the right of me was roommate.  Noting my non verbal cry for help, he reached over and placed his hand on my forehead.  I could clearly see his arm across my face as I felt the pressure of his hand as it rested on my forehead gauging my temperature.  A part of me wondered how he had responded so quickly. 

To my left immediately appeared an EMS attendant from some emergency medical team.  She wore a black cap with a silver symbol on the front of it that glistened with the dim light that filtered into the room from the street light below my bedroom windows.  She reached out and grabbed my right arm.  I slowly became more aware realizing that whoever was next to me couldn’t possibly be my roommate namely because we don’t sleep together and secondly because he had not been home tonight. 


My mouth was definitely quivering.  Where were these ill feelings coming from?  Why was I feeling sick?  The person’s arm was still resting on my forehead.  I decided to reach for my voice recorder.  As I reached for it, a jackal appeared in front of me and sniffed me.  I ignored it and quickly proceeded to grab my recorder from my nightstand.  I quickly recorded the details. 


I could still feel the EMS attendant touching my arm feeling my pulse.  I thought the physical sensations might be my cat sleeping next to me.  I moved slightly to see if I could feel the cat.  Nothing Sable was not beside me, yet the touch against my skin was very real such that even my comforter was moving.  They were examining me with their medical equipment.  I then looked for my dog but could not see or feel him anywhere next to me.  Was I really in my bedroom?  I held my voice recorder while they continued their examination.  It was out of this world.  Once they were done and I was feeling better they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.  Before leaving the attendant to my left held out she had to me.  I saw her face.  She had a human face.  Her vibration seemed higher than those previously around me.  I knew she had been there all along protecting me.  I quickly reached out my hand to touch hers.  She was the last and only one to say goodbye.  I was now alone in my bedroom.  My dog was sleeping quietly at the foot of the bed.  My cat was nowhere in sight.  Who were my visitors?  It was comforting to know help is merely a heart beat away.


In the morning my roommate came home at 7am before my alarm had sounded.  I heard him disarm the security alarm system.  My dog started barking and ran downstairs to greet him.  After settling down I called the dog back up onto my bed.  Mystified by my experience this night I decided to take advantage of my early wake up and meditate to see if I could go back to the scene where I was when all this happened.  I quickly had a remote viewing session where everything I was seeing had a deep forest green tint to it.  The beings around me were definitely alien humanoid creatures.  I could see them moving about.  The video within my mind was shaking which caused the image to distort slightly making it difficult to focus.  The shaking made it difficult to clearly see their faces or read any of the writing that was present on the tables and monitors.  I still wondered if I was in my bedroom or not when it happened.  I definitely had access to my voice recorder but does this mean I was in my bedroom?  There were approximately 12 attendants around me in a very dimly lit green operating room.  Their skin appeared to be shiny with leather like quality.  They had large almond shaped eyes.   I have seen these aliens before many times.  It suddenly made sense as information from my subconscious came streaming in.  I had made the connection.  There are many dimensions occurring at the same time.  Not all dimensions are aware of each other and some are only able to look down in frequency or tone or vibration hence the color of the setting. Depending on my vibration I too am only aware of certain frequencies.  Frequency is a term I am using for lack of a better word with which to describe what is happening.  There are two sides to the same coin.


I looked up EMS on Wikipedia and was led to the rod of Asclepius which is what I received from the attendant who said goodbye.

The rod of Asclepius (also known as the rod of Asklepios, rod of Aesculapius or asklepian[1]) is an ancient Greek symbol associated with astrology and with healing the sick through medicine. It consists of a serpent entwined around a staff. Asclepius, the son of Apollo, was a practitioner of medicine in ancient Greek mythology.
The rod of Asclepius symbolizes the healing arts by combining the serpent, which in shedding its skin is a symbol of rebirth and fertility, with the staff, a symbol of authority befitting the god of Medicine. The snake wrapped around the staff is widely claimed to be a species of rat snake, Elaphe longissima, also known as the Aesculapian or Asclepian snake. It is native to southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, and some central European spa regions, apparently brought there by Romans for their healing properties.
Asclepius (Greek) is the god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek mythology. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts, while his daughters Hygieia, Meditrina, Iaso, Aceso, Aglæa/Ægle and Panacea (literally, “all-healing”) symbolize the forces of cleanliness, medicine and healing, respectively.