Alien Fish Fry

August 21, 2018

Cousins have arrived for an event.  Two of my cousins are already here.  I can hear Jeanette’s voice in the distance.  I am trying to figure out if her voice is coming from in front of me or behind me.  I want to know who arrived first.  I look behind me down a long corridor in the direction of her voice.  She turns the corner and is excited to see me.  She shows me all the fish she brought for us to cook for the party.  She takes me to her truck where in the bed she has it packed with fish and ice.

In the second half of the dream, Aliens are attacking the city.  I can see billowing clouds out the basement windows.  Bombs are going off.  I can see small fires developing.  We are in a good space to take cover because the shrubs outside camouflage our location.  Someone brings me an envelope with money I had left laying around.  I think to myself it probably won’t be of any use to me since the aliens have invaded.

First Little Girl In Space


July 22, 2018

I had an amazing dream last night.  I am traveling among the stars.  At the very end I thought I was laying here in bed watching an educational program on TV. The images in my head were so crystal clear and the sound on the television was so clearly audible.  The program was very interesting and fascinating.  The program I could tell was coming to an end.  They started talking about a little girl, the first little girl to travel in space.  She was taken on a shuttle mission to fix something on one of our space satellites and to the moon.  I can see the shuttle on the television flying past the satellite.  It is approaching a round object which at first looks fuzzy.  As we get closer, I immediately recognize it as the moon but it is not the moon we are accustomed to.  It is a space ship much like the Death Star in Star Wars with some major differences.  There are three lines that go across the surface of the sphere horizontally similar to the Death Star.  One at the top around the +60 degree longitude and two in the southern hemisphere around -15 and -45 degree longitude.  The lines are obviously viewing windows with blue light emanating from them.  Between the two southern lines is a circular disk similar to the Death Star except this one appears to have the ability to rotate.  The disk reminds me of the face on a quarts watch.  Along the general surface of the moon are randomly shaped crystals that serve as viewing portals.  The shuttle approaches the moon along the northern ring.  This ring forms a continuous window which tells the history of the moon from it’s inception.   The line doesn’t go all the way around.  I can not see where it ends but I can see where it begins.  The start of the window frame has a tapered aerodynamic shape.   I think to myself why don’t we board the moon because then we can look out through the windows.  I feel it has been such a long time since I’ve been on the moon.  I wonder if no one is on-board the moon right now.

I can see the shuttle that is carrying the little girl.  It looks like one of the triangular shaped stealth planes the government uses except this one is considerably thicker.  People can actually stand up in them and walk around.  The shuttle flies low in the sky allows me to clearly see detail.  It is apparent it is doing these maneuvers specifically for me to witness.  At one point it flies in a formation that allows me to see the tops of the wings which to my surprise are not dark grey like the rest of the aircraft but instead are a translucent white that conducts pastel shades of vibrant color.  It also becomes apparent that it has the capability to fly not only horizontally but vertically by raising a section of flaps on the white surface of the wings.  The flaps have an L shape when raised for this configuration.

Now earlier in the dream I am with a team of people.  We have the ability to move between dimensions.  I am in a world where everyone is asleep going about their business.  They are doing fun day to day things but they are asleep unaware of their total existence.   I am on an escorted tour of this world.  I break away from the tour because I want to know what they are choosing to hide from me and the rest of the world.  I can deduce that I am from this world and I too have been asleep for a very long time.  The minute anyone wakes up they come at you to suppress you and force you back into a sleep state.  They hold the reality in place for us to believe our subspace reality.

I come back to the tour guide and tell him that I have found an access door above this room.  He gives me a wink and a node and tells me to go ahead and explore it while he continues the tour for the remaining people in my party.  I climb to the highest place in the room and push the ceiling panels up.  The panels give way exposing other realms and other dimensions of existence.   I make my way out and I am able to see the world as it really is.  I have the ability to fly and do incredible things.  I seem to have no limits on my power to transcend space and time and move through dimensions.

The overlords quickly discover I have breached their barriers.  I use this opportunity to understand what they are trying to protect or guard against, why the do so and how I am being manipulated into believing something that is not entirely true or is not the complete truth of who I am.  Its the egg becoming the chicken and coincidentally overcoming fear.  At some point I must mature that time is now.

I am trying to evade the authorities. They are there to keep the peace but it is in their interest.  Now that I am awake, I have an inalienable right to be a full and ascended being to travel the universe and other dimensions to discover who I am.   I have learned the process and I understand I too can hide from them and slip past them.  They have been so focused on us down below that they have become somewhat myopic and have lost the ability to see in 360 degree views. This description seems to fit an analogy for which there are no words.  Every button that is now available to me I can push and experience.  I spend a great deal of time moving back and forth between dimensions.  On occasion they would find where I was and try to come at me.  I discover what triggers them to notice me which is when I focus my sight on them their reality begins to fall apart I seem to have the ability to see through them.  They desire form and I am trying to escape form.  Yet they have the ability to take form and move out of form.   They seem to have two states of form one is similar to our physical reality and one in a higher dimension and above that a pure etheric form.

This little girl had taken the space flight to fix a satellite and to see the moon.  I am thinking how could this little girl fix a satellite.  I see the moon and the many little portal crystals scattered all over the moon that made it look like a planet.  The many crystals watch me as I fly past them like people sitting on bleachers in a stadium cheering my passage. I look back to take in it’s beautiful golden metallic color.

What an amazing dream.

à Daris: Itsay Ouryay Assyay Ownpay

May 26, 2018

After waking up in the morning and doing my usual bathroom break, I returned to bed for the precious snooze.  I immediately find myself in a restaurant.  We are seated at a long picnic style table which reminds me of the last supper because everyone is sitting on one side.  There is a male family member seated at the other end of the table who stands up.  His act of not conforming to what we are doing namely sitting to eat outrages me.  In a stern tone I tell him, “Sit your ass down!”  I am looking through the menu deciding what to order.  I decide to order empanadas but the waiter tells me the empanadas have to be picked up from a location in Columbia which would take me a day to travel there.  Curiously, I recall Columbia referenced in a previous dream but this doesn’t quite yet trigger a lucid state.  I decide to order pizza instead but cannot decide on the size of the pie.  The waiter shows me the square pizza boxes.  They are twice as deep as you would expect them to be.  He opens a 16 inch box which has a double decker wedding cake inside.  It reminds me of my new Shamanic drum which I just purchased.  He cuts the cake in gesture saying, “Your pizza fits inside.”

A waitress tells me the game played at the restaurant is Pig Latin.  Whatever you say you must substitute the p’s for d’s.  They seem to be very good at substituting the sound.  They do this effortless.  This frustrates me because there is always a new requirement.

I am given an envelope with seeds to occupy my time while I wait.  I walk outside so as to not be required to participate in the Pig Latin game. The envelope is getting wet as the day is cloudy, drizzly and grey.  The fibers in the envelope are breaking down exposing the seed to the moisture.  I worry the seeds will germinate before I am able to plant them in an appropriate place.  I begin walking looking for a place to plant them and discover I am in Paris.  Knowing I don’t have to be anywhere until tomorrow, I decide to take advantage of the situation and walk up the Champs-Élysées toward Rue de Rivoli and the Le Marais district.  I’ve been here before so I know my way around.  I will find an appropriate park to plant the seeds on my walk.

The sites are so beautiful I want to take a picture.  As in a dream from yesterday I don’t have a camera with me.  This awareness triggers a lucid state.  The walk is longer than I remember it to be so I sit down.  My seat then begins to move continuing in the direction of Le Marais.  Beneath my seat, I hear a pipe or muffler dragging on the ground behind me.  I smile with an inner knowing, this is just a sound effect let it drag I am not worried about it.   The chair is now moving at a good clip.  I turn and look back taking in the sites, “That muffler doesn’t seem to be impeding my progress.”

Refuge for a Clover Dragonfly


I am laying in bed watching the ethers gather in what look like hands massaging clay where I am the clay.  I want to know who is placing hands on me.  I carefully time my attack targeting one of the hands like a cat getting ready to stalk it’s prey.  Snap!, I grab at the hand with precision.  When my hand grabs the etheric hand I can feel it as if it had substance and form.  The density of the hand startles me as it is not what I expected.  The shock immediately wakes me up with eyes wide open.

I close my eyes in an attempt to return to the dream.  I am with my friend Dinah when a package arrives at her door.  She accepts the package from the post master and proceeds to open it. I immediately recognize the package as one I sent.  I know the box of chocolates is within the packing box.  The packing box is one I used to pack a speaker which was left behind by an Airbnb guest.  Before she opens the package, I know it is not a speaker inside, she will find the box of chocolates which mysteriously went missing in my house.  A box to this day I have not been able to locate.  “I must have sent it to Dinah,” I hear my mind say.  She snips the last piece of tape and opens the box.  Sure enough the chocolates are inside along with some larvae.  I recognize the larvae as faerie larvae.  The larvae are undergoing their metamorphoses.  They are long and white with narrow wings.  Each has a purple and green luminescence within their body much like a dragon fly.  A man walks over and asks, ” Can I buy them from you.  We have great need for those here.  They serve a good purpose.”  To which I reply, “You can have them.”  He then replies, “Oh no they have great value. ”  “In that case give me one dollar for each,” I say.  Another man steps in and says, “Oh no, they are worth far more than one dollar.”  To which I say, “Well then how about $45 dollars.”

One of the insects stings me in in left arm burrowing its head below my skin much like a tick.  Having read how one should respond to ticks, I pull the body back stretching the neck like an umbilical cord cinching it to cut the blood supply.  I wrap the cord around the head which is still below my skin.  The eyes look back at me as if in an effort to ask for it’s protection.  I believe it will now simply come out when its ready.

My attention is now drawn to a set of windows in the distance where the government of Columbia is torturing Space Aliens.  I can see the Aliens have hands raised as if to surrender.  I only see their forearms to the tips of their fingers.  One of the aliens has three long fingers typical of aliens.  The other has five possibly an alien closer in resemblance of humans.  Both are showing sings with their fingers in an attempt to communicate a message to me.  The three fingered one has it’s fingers with the symbol of a triangle.  The other has fingers and knuckles in the symbol of clovers.  I feel compassion for the suffering of the aliens as I believe all life is sacred.  I then see a tiny alien laying rigid on a table.  He looks to be dead.  I ask if we should dispose of the body.  To which I’m told we can leave him there.  As we turn to walk away, I look back to give the dead alien a second look.  I somehow know he is simply playing dead.  He moves to signal he is OK.  I wink and feel good know he is alive.


Dragonfly Meaning

The dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal totem:

  • Change and transformation
  • Adaptability
  • Joy, lightness of being
  • Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feeling
  • Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal
  • Connection with nature’s spirits, fairies realms


Columbia also came up in my dream:  à Daris: Itsay Ouryay Assyay Ownpay

Needling Tip Toe

May 17, 2018

My roommate who is a doctor is getting ready to move.  His wife is here with him.  He places an acupuncture needle in my right big toe.   He tells me it will help with my pain.  My memory is drawn to a time previously where I recall the benefits of acupuncture.  Believing it may help I accept the needle.  The needle slip out slightly but he assures me it won’t fall out completely until the medication is fully administered.  I return to my living room to find it is now empty of all furniture with the exception of a few dust balls remaining on the floor.  The wood floors are nicely polished.  I look around and wonder if they have stolen all my belongings.  It is refreshing to know I have a clean start.  Health alert devices are now available in the house in various formats with vibrant blue indicator lights.  I can see the kitchen sink and cabinets appear suddenly.  I wonder how they connect the plumbing or if it is just an illusion.  I am becoming aware this is a dream.  The guy in the kitchen responds to my thoughts by turning on the water to demonstrate functionality and possibly to dissuade me of the fact I am dreaming.  I suspect it may be a sound effect of water and not actual water that I hear.  I offer assistance and reach over to turn the garbage disposal on.  To my surprise, it runs. His wife walks in to hand me an  ironing board she is returning.  She indicates it was in their bedroom.  I look at the ironing board not recognizing it and say, “It is not my ironing board.”  I point to a memory of my ironing board, the one my mother had when I was a child.  She proceeds to folds the board in a way that is inconsistent with ironing boards I am familiar with, hers swivels to close.

New World Colonies

I had a dream where I was lucid.  A part of me knows this is not a dream but instead I am actually in an alternate reality.  I realize I am on a space ship that is about to land on its home planet.  Knowing I am experiencing something that I have always dreamed of experiencing I take advantage of my lucid state and closely examine, validate and test everything I see.  I look closely out the windows to the dry desert landscape below.  I closely examine the make up of the space ship.  It is not made of metal but instead of a very light cardboard type substance that is extremely durable.  The ship is a metallic green color.  The windows are very large such that observation is the purpose of the windows.  I can see that this planet has streets and fairways very similar to those you’d expect to find on earth.  In otherwords, people here have similar needs as those on earth.  This is a newly populated planet.  I can see clearly that the technology here far exceeds that of earth.  The cars are made to resist accidental damage.  I have been invited here to help establish the first colonies on this planet.  I ask someone, “What planet is this?”   To this question, I receive no verbal response, yet a part of me knows everything about this place in the universe.  It is completely and totally known to me.  We debark from the craft and enter a building complex adjacent to the landing pad.  Everything here is new.  I’m shown where I will live.  My family is with me.    

λλale Carrier

λs I was drifting off to sleep.  I begλn to see beautiful spiraling strands of light pulsating through the ethers.  It reminds me of the heavens where Angels dance.  Their density increases as the strands begin to take form.  Cartoon like images appear and take form as they cluster together.  I can see cells form forming tubules that gather in stands of tubules which began forming a mesh that then enveloped me to carry me off as if in a worm hole.

I then find myself at work.  I feel I have a bone to pick with my co-workers.  I somewhat know I am in a dream cocky in my attitude and with mandate in hand.  I am determined to find what I am looking for.  I WANT THE TRUTH.  I want to know what has been hidden from me and why I have been made to struggle to find it.  I can see the people working in their respective office spaces.  Each has a role to play.  There is a science about it with precision and certainty.  I know my job here to be one in communications.  I study the setup I have in place.  I know it intimately for I am the one who set it up.  The overlords  have been using my equipment to their benefit and withholding information.  I want clarity.  I want transparency.  I see a woman in her cubicle who shares a wall with me.  She is not aware or possibly she is aware but hiding the fact that she knows I am overlooking.  She works to decipher the communication on the wire.  She inconspicuously looks through a post card that serves a dual purpose.  One of concealment and the other of insight.  Used in combination with her computer she is able to decipher the transmission on the wire.   λs I eavesdrop through the transparency of the post card she holds I clearly perceive the hidden strands.  They are not unlike the stands which brought me here when I entered the dream portal.

I know I must press forward.  I leave my cube and enter the main area of this section of the pod where I work.  There is a mobile mail station at a junction point.  Assuming if I work here I must have mail being addressed to me at this location.  I look at the many mail slots on the mobile station not knowing what name I work under.  I can’t seem to find my mail.  The λλale Carrier approaches from the right junction and looks at me.  With authority,  I ask him to hand me my male.   He then asks, “Who are you?”.  Taking a chance, I answer, Ruben Bailey.  I add a clarifying statement and disclose I often don’t pick up mail here so it may have been backlogged.  He then answers, “I’m not aware of any male.” but hands me several flyers which he is delivering to all employees.  I pause somewhat disappointed yet knowing any information received is the next clue and its more than what I had when I arrived.  I am empowered to change. Turning inward, I glance at the flyers and look around to see what is within my control to change.  The flyers indicate there is a ωelcome πeception today.  I move forward to excuse myself with the young λλale Carrier end enter the restricted space where the ωelcome Party is being held.  There are λliens here and I am aboard a space ship which has just landed.  I can clearly see out the windows of the çraft.  I move to a position where I see clearly.  The windows are full length floor to ceiling in 360 degrees all the way around around çraft.  There are so many λliens here who look very different from humans.  I am unafraid yet a bit overwhelmed by their numbers.  I reach beyond any fear and wave in their direction letting then know I have arrived.

Knowing my time is limited, I return to my duties to see what changes I can make to give me an edge with the overlords.  I know they need me for their business.  I also know they can’t do it without me.  They rely on me to harvest the fruit of my labor.  I sit and ponder how I might effect a paradigm shift to better harmonize with my desire and intent.  I play the scenarios to determine their possible outcomes and come to the decision to leave things as they are and take no action.

When i woke up I looked at my phone and noticed my niece had sent me a message.  It became the image of the dream.  It seemed fitting for this dream.

CEDELIA craft = 3- Self-expression, Joy of Living, Creativity, Perfection. Art, Inspiration, Enthusiasm, Perfection, Spiritual-Physical Connection, Communication and Triad Paradigm.
Positive Traits
On the positive side, the energy attributes of the number three resonates with love demonstration, creative imagination, fulfillment, encouragement, and talent. It’s also related to culture, innovative skills, wit, pleasure, freedom-seeking, adventure, free-form, brilliance, non-confrontational, natural rhythm, self-expression, enthusiasm, psychic ability, holy triad knowledge (heaven-human-earth, father-son-holy spirit, past-present-future, thought-word-action). The number three resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters and their guidance. Three also resonates with expression both artistic (writing, painting, singing, sculpture, etc.) as well as feelings (love, affection, friendship, etc.)
Negative Traits
On the negative side, the number three resonates with indifference through superiority, lack of concentration or focus.

Impressions of a Trapeze Artist – A False Start

Five male trapeze artists performing at a circus, 1890

I had a dream that it’s the day after my last day at work and I find myself back at my old job.  I’m trying to find my way out once I realize that I shouldn’t be here.  I can see the work configurations have changed.  There is someone working at my old desk.  They are telling me that I am welcome to share the space with them and start my own business.  I can see the possibilities for me.  I know I should leave because I’m not supposed to be there.  I work my way down to the 2nd level which I thought was where I can exit the building.  I find myself on the level where the cafeteria is.  I can see my old boss Deb Reilly.  I’m afraid she will notice me and wonder how I gained access to the building.  I’m trying to find a ramp that will take me from the second floor out the building.  There are foreign workers there who have abilities similar to trapeze artists.  This one woman is scaling the french balconies with ease.  I’m afraid she is being a bit reckless but she manages to amaze me with her abilities.  She is unafraid in the least. She knows I’m watching.  I wake up thinking my exit on the the second floor was a false start.

This morning as I awoke after I having snoozed my alarm and had a vision.  I can see a scene before me with some blue and white clouds with the silhouette  of a mermaid’s lower body.  The scene provided just enough imagery for me to figure it out for myself.  I then saw what looked like little grey frogs  crossing the road in front of the mermaid.  I looked carefully at the little frogs to see if they were mini people or insects.  They appeared to look more like little people but the way they jumped was more like frogs.  They seem quite happy in this child like environment; innocent and peaceful and tension free not a care in the world.  Right before the scene came to an end I see someone approaching from the left in the foreground.  A human of normal proportion as though I was watching a TV screen and someone came in front of the screen to peak and see if I am still watching or asleep.  The person peaked in partially looked at me stood there and gave me a look that said, “Did you get that?”